Praying in front of missionaries?


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Sorry if this is totally in the wrong tread. I'm new to lds. Obviously.. Haha! This sounds SO SILLY but tomorrow I'm having two elders and another women come over (I've only met the missionaries once) last time they were here they asked me to pray, I know the steps in which to pray. But I don't know what to pray about. To me praying feels so personal and I feel uncomfortable saying my thoughts with God out loud. Just uber uncomfortable. They said next time I have to pray before and after we talk because its my house. I've been like losing sleep thinking about what to say! I know it shouldn't be forced and come from my heart but I feel pressured now! Totally over thinking I know haha just feel so anxious meeting knew people and jumping into this new chapter of my life. Whilst having an understanding of the church, the practices, the history and am reading the Book of Mormon. Just still not knowing what to expect entirely!

Also can the missionaries enter my home if they have a women with them? I'm not sure who she is. I know they can not enter my house without a male present. I don't want to have to ask at the door. AWKWARD!

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You are female, right? And the missionaries are male?

They should not be meeting with you in your home with a total of 2 women and 2 men. There should be at least 3 men. They are probably bringing a woman who they think will be a friend to you--someone you can relate to. But, technically, they cannot enter your home without another male present.

As the head of the household (or owner of the home), it is your privilege to choose who says the prayer. You do not have to say the prayer if you wish not to. So, when it comes time to pray, simply say, "Elder X, will you offer the prayer?"

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Yes I'm female and they are make, thank you ill do that if I feel awkward and like it will be forced. Can I offer them a drink? I just am scared of what's appropriate. So glad I did read up on missionaries the first time. That they can't watch tv or listen to music hahahaha I made sure my sons shows weren't loud.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Yes, if you don't feel comfortable saying the prayer yet, you don't have to. They will understand. I'm sure they would feel bad if they knew that they said something that caused you to feel stressed...that is not their intention. :)

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OP, just know that some LDS won't drink soft drinks with caffeine, so if you are going to have sodas, get them without caffeine.

As to prayer, you can just say thank you for the lesson and ask HF to watch over the missionaries as they go about their duties. This is simple stuff until you can figure out what you'd really like to say.

I went through this, too. If you go back a bit, you'll see my posts about having the missionaries over and what an ordeal it was (cookies? what to drink? clean the house? etc. etc.)

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I drove my missionaries nuts.

I don't pray out loud (freeverse, Ive prayed in Herbrew, Latin, & Arabic formulae) unless Im begging for someone's life. Maybe that's colored my mental/spiritual state, because my anxiety level jumps to immediately on par. I have no words, because there are no words to say, because I don't want anything as badly as I want their life. Although I HAVE asked MHF to protect me from my own stupidity on a number of occasions, I have a bad habit of "jumping in where angels fear to tread". Also of making bad decisions. These are only half begging for life & half apologizing for 'your servant being a blockhead'.

Now... I can bust out a sura, or in nominae patri... Because the words hold meaning & no meaning, as Im reciting, the true prayer forms in my heart behind the words.

Its entirely possible, with PRACTICE, that I could pray out loud.

Which is why most missionaries that I know pressure investigators & converts to pray out loud. To work out the rust & kinks in a safe environment where you can ask questions or "mess up" (you can't, really) without feeling on the spot. Like in a class (fortunately, Zim quite adept at cheerful 'Thanks! No :)' but a lot of people would be mortified), or relief society, or home teachers. By praying out loud with them, you get to stretch muscles that might not be in active use.

lol OR because it honestly doesn't occur to them that people don't!!!

Long before I converted, it frankly shocked me how often some people pray. It was so touching & sweet for someone to ask God for my safe travels (full on prayer, not just a Godspeed type thing), or prayers before meals, or prayers for this/that/whatever. I prayed silently all the time, but hearing people pray out loud, about as often as I did silently, was always somehow eye widening.

EITHER way (they're trying to be helpful, or just plain forgot), you'll be fine.

Just be honest.

Tell them you're freaked out.

It will work out from there.

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Thank you so much for the advice and that was a good one to thanks for the lesson etc. anything I could say at the beginning?

Why do Mormons not drink caffiene? I've never heard of this - I don't drink soft drinks or alcohol anyway haha but I do drink teas and coffee

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Why do Mormons not drink caffiene? I've never heard of this - I don't drink soft drinks or alcohol anyway haha but I do drink teas and coffee

I'm sure some of the born Mormons will be more than happy to school you on this issue. I think it has something to do with caffeine's drug/addictive like properties.

I'll just say this, when I was investigating I straight out asked the missionaries if I could still drink Diet Pepsi, they said yes, so I'm still drinking it. Also, I've bought sodas for some of the missionary activities and was asked to get Mountain Dew, which has the most caffeine of regular sodas (as opposed to energy drinks), if I recall correctly. So, some people will, some people won't. If you don't know which way they lean, it's best to get non-caffeinated drinks.

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I'm sure some of the born Mormons will be more than happy to school you on this issue. I think it has something to do with caffeine's drug/addictive like properties.

I'll just say this, when I was investigating I straight out asked the missionaries if I could still drink Diet Pepsi, they said yes, so I'm still drinking it. Also, I've bought sodas for some of the missionary activities and was asked to get Mountain Dew, which has the most caffeine of regular sodas (as opposed to energy drinks), if I recall correctly. So, some people will, some people won't. If you don't know which way they lean, it's best to get non-caffeinated drinks.

My understanding is some Mormons interpret the WoW ban on coffee/tea to include all caffeine.

My husband's family growing up was mixed, lol. His mother has kept away from all caffeine and his father was more liberal about it (he was a convert, though, I don't know if that affected his thinking).

I've personally been trying to live the WoW pretty conservatively while I investigate just so I can be of totally clear conscience if I decide to convert. So far I have felt the blessings already :)

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Why do Mormons not drink caffiene? I've never heard of this - I don't drink soft drinks or alcohol anyway haha but I do drink teas and coffee

In practice we have two levels of the Word of Wisdom. We have the very explicit 'thou shall nots' which are required to be baptized and go to the temple.

Then we have the level that tells us to use wisdom and skill in choosing what we take into our bodies. It at this level that we get into some very interesting disagreements, because we each have a different understanding of what is good. Some say "I've done what is required now get your hands off my soda." Others come along and say "Wow look at what it does to you. Clearly the Word of Wisdom meant to include this." (this being whatever health kick they are on, caffeine being an excellent example)

Many Mormons as a personal choice include caffeine as something they avoid (I do). Many other choose not to (My wife is in this group). So consider it common but not universal and not a requirement

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Why do Mormons not drink caffeine? I've never heard of this - I don't drink soft drinks or alcohol anyway haha but I do drink teas and coffee

Its not caffeine that's prohibited - although many Mormons do abstain because caffeine is addicting (don't think so, try to quit it cold turkey if you're a heavy user).

It is specifically coffee and tea, many people have tried to explain why medically(I've heard caffeine, tannin, heat, etc) however its really an obedience thing.

Consider it Lent carried to the extreme.

I personally avoid caffeine, but am not militant about it.

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