Truth: Wherever it may Come


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One of the basic principles for our church is to accept truth from whereever it may come, not from any specific person or place. Everyone who has truth let them speak it and let us learn it through the spirit that we may be glorified together and come closer to the light, truth of Christ.

The Teachings of the Presidents of the Church - John Taylor, Chapter 23 "Eternal Truth". According to John Taylor, we should accept truth regardless of who reveals it to us, in or our of the church.

In regard to our religion, I will say that it embraces every principle of truth and intelligence pertaining to us as moral, intellectual, mortal and immortal beings, pertaining to this world and the world that is to come. We are open to truth of every kind, no matter whence it comes, where it originates, or who believes in it. Truth, when preceded by the little word "all", comprises everything that has ever existed or that ever will exist and be known by and among men in time and through the endless ages of eternity. And it is the duty of all intelligent beings who are responsible and amenable to God for their acts, to search after truth, and to permit it to influence them and their acts and general course in life, independent of all bias or preconceived notions, however specious and plausible they may be.

If any person in the religious world, or the political world, or the scientific world, will present to me a principle that is true, I am prepared to receive it, no matter where it comes from.

We are after the truth. We commenced searching for it, and we are constantly in search of it, and so fast as we find any true principle revealed by any man, by God, or by holy angels, we embrace it and make it part of our religious creed.

A man in search of truth has no peculiar system to sustain, no peculiar dogma to defend or theory to uphold. He embraces all truth, and that truth, like the sun in the firmament, shines forth and spreads its effulgent rays over all creation. If men will divest themselves of bias and prejudice, and prayerfully and conscientiously search after truth, they will find it wherever they turn their attention.

If there are any good principles, any moral philosophy that we have not yet attained to, we are desirous to learn them. If there is anything in the scientific world that we do not yet comprehend, we desire to become acquainted with it. If there is any branch of philosophy calculated to promote the well-being of humanity, that we have not yet grasped, we wish to possess ourselves of it. If there is anything pertaining to the rule and government of nations, or politics, if you please, that we are not acquainted with, we desire to possess it. If there are any religious ideas, any theological truths, any principles pertaining to God, that we have not learned, we ask mankind, and we pray God, our Heavenly Father, to enlighten our minds that we may comprehend, realize, embrace, and live up to them as part of our religious faith. Thus our ideas and thoughts would extend as far as the wide world spreads, embracing everything pertaining to light, life, or existence pertaining to this world or the world that is to come.

There is no man nor set of men who have pointed out the pathway for our feet to travel in, in relation to these matters. There are no dogmas nor theories extant in the world that we profess to listen to, unless they can be verified by the principles of eternal truth. We carefully scan, investigate, criticize, and examine everything that presents itself to our view, and so far as we are enabled to comprehend any truths in existence, we gladly hail them as part and portion of the system with which we are associated.

If there is any truth in heaven, earth, or hell, I want to embrace it; I care not what shape it comes in to me, who brings it, or who believes in it; whether it is popular or unpopular, truth, eternal truth, I wish to float in and enjoy."

May we seek out truth no matter where it may come.

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Yep, yep. Prisonchaplain, may not be a member, however he loves God and I enjoy many of his heartfelt posts.

We are to learn from everyone. One of my favorite books is from Krishnamurti titled "To Be Human." Great book. There are many principles and teachings I wouldn't accept in my life; however, I have thoroughly enjoyed his teachings which are true.

One of the great truths I loved about this book is that it helped me realize, for myself, why I experienced so much anxiety, and the source of my anxiety. Since I have applied his teachings, I don't feel anxious near as much as I used to.

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Truth is relative.

I do agree with what has been posted, however, I dislike the statements spoken by members about holding the patent for truth as such statements verge on prideful arrogance and dilutes questions that should be asked more frequently. Then again, its become ingrained in our culture to say such things.

I quoted the Quaran in church during a talk I give in Sacrament Meeting and I could see people squirm as I read from it. It wasn't wasted effort, as one person approached me afterwards and thanked me for quoting it.

I would doubt that we would know as much about truth, without Martin Luther and billions of other people.

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Truth is relative.

I do agree with what has been posted, however, I dislike the statements spoken by members about holding the patent for truth as such statements verge on prideful arrogance and dilutes questions that should be asked more frequently. Then again, its become ingrained in our culture to say such things.

I quoted the Quaran in church during a talk I give in Sacrament Meeting and I could see people squirm as I read from it. It wasn't wasted effort, as one person approached me afterwards and thanked me for quoting it.

I would doubt that we would know as much about truth, without Martin Luther and billions of other people.

I agree wtih this whole heartedly. I feel we need to as a culture get out of hte mind set... We have the book of mormon we know everything and instead realize we know very little even having the palainess of the gospel. I learned so much as I tried to read the quran a few years ago. I was amazed.

I even read a talk about the early apostles who stated, Martin Lurther king was inspired byi God, Muhammed was, Ghandi, etc... All these major figures while they were not to setup the church of Christ, they were sent to help the people prepare eventually for the gospel. To prepare them to be "good in heart".

It opened my eyes and I try to look at others realizing just because they are not LDS they may get to the Celestial kingdom and may be more righteous than I. I had an acquaintance who talked to an individual from the middle east (pakistan?) and the person shared his experience about seeing the savior. I am amazed how common this occurrence is and that the person wasn't even LDS and was able to do so. I am not sure if its due to the millennium ushering in and the visit is necessary so we are prepared to live a Zion law so its more frequent or people are just being allowed by Christ/Spirit (however it works) to share their stories. Either way as Joseph smith said, "The rich receive their temple ordinances in the temples, the poor receive it in the mountains"... (I assume this means The symbolic blessings not actual physical ordinance else why do vicarious works)

This person from the middle east was not even true Christian (budhist) but Christ told her she was a good person and would be saved. That Christ was about to clean the wicked from the land. I have met many individuals lately who have had similar experiences. (most in the church) I pray we all don't judge others because they are not of our faith or because "they may not be a good example"... Too many people are offended. Too many people are put off from Mormons because they "think they are better than everyone else"... I run into these people almost every week. They think because I am so "my self" around them that I am not at first LDS because I will be friends with them and talk to them. Than they go off and tell me all the stories of mormons offending them. Saying they will go to hell, that such and such means your cursed, etc... (There will be people like this in all religions though)

Now do also remember, the truth offends, so we should expect to offend the guilty, the wicked, or those who don't desire to do good. When we start to preach with true power again, we will be persecutred like the prophets of old who were killed to due their power and plainness.

I pray we all learn to realize, its not about religion, its about being a true friend. About loving all those around us and let Christ take care of the rest.


EDIT: I'll admit people on the blogs probably care a little bit more about living the gospel ;) Help others be more Christ like.

Edited by ElectofGod
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A couple decades ago there was a heated discussion/concern in the Christian community about psychology. Some of our more fundamentalist brethren were convinced it was a hopelessly depraved source--capable of no good. After all, the argument went, most of the early proponents were largely atheist or agnostic.

Today we have Christian counseling advertised on our religious stations, and many pastors have a short list of Christian psychologists and psychiatrists that they will refer parishioners to, when the needs are greater than what they can offer.

Those two decades ago, when this was still controversial, I recall one of my professors saying we need to "rob from the Egyptians." He used the example of the Exodus, and how the Israelites were showered with materials goods by their Egyptian neighbors. Likewise, he argued, all that is good is ultimately from God, and it matters not if the sources is atheist or Buddhist.

To offer a personal example, I'm thankful to Deseret Industries for my $10 golf cart, complete with slots for tees, and fittings for golf balls. :-)

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