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She already knows that, Pam. Hence her feeling guilty about it and considering leaving the Church because the SP and her friend just might be right about the consequences of her badly thought out email.

I was only giving my thoughts on the thread. I am allowed to do that.

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I was only giving my thoughts on the thread. I am allowed to do that.

And I responded to give you information. I'm also allowed to do that. You're welcome.

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I don't remember thanking you. But okay.

Oh, I thought you did. Because, you know, that's just what we're taught to do when one gives us information. Especially after admitting a lack of understanding. But, hey. Maybe you weren't taught that.

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Wow go to bed all all heck breaks loose.

This is not a law of chastity issue. It was a career timing versus children, considering adoption and potentially abortion (medical reasons) and I really needed the help and guidance as per the CHI. But because he had already accused me of attempting to seduce him - because late night small hours texts berating the responsibility of your calling are apparently nothing in his mind. I've been round the block in my past and NEVER handled this level of almost childishness based on facts, when this is just pure misunderstanding!

I went anonymous because I do not see how it was my place to tell anyone "oh by the way I think our bishops having a breakdown" it wasn't my information to give.

I made the anonymous appear to be about work not church at all. I "hid" it on the basis of the fact that he was obviously in pain and there was obviously some reason he felt the need to tell me (out of everyone) his feelings about his previous calling.

No his wife is not the friend I am referring to. She is someone entirely different. But someone who has tried in her own way to support me with this situation but is too scared to raise anything given his previous and current callings as bishop and stake president.


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My Bishop reached out to me via text messages regarding the frustrations and heavy burden of his church calling. He's married and in the resulting texting I had with him trying to be supportive he now thinks I was trying to seduce him. I don't know why out of everyone in the ward he chose me to vent to but I was only trying to be supportive. Since he was my Bishop and since I'm a convert I didn't realize that such communications could be viewed as inappropriate.

He later apologized and not knowing who else could read his email I sent him an email via a anonymous email account regarding the situation. He didn't take the anonymous email account very and I'm pretty sure that this in large part is what lead to him thinking I was trying to seduce him.

At the same time I sent the email I also found out that I was pregnant and my grandmother also passed away. When I tried to reach out to my bishop for counsel what to do with the pregnancy (medical and other related issues) he refused to believe me and thought I was lying. It wasn't until I actually delivered that he finally believed me.

I really could have used his support and counsel then and I tried to clear up the miscommunication but he still believes that I was trying to seduce him and now he's the Stake President. He has made it clear on various occasions that I should not be at church and while I have a testimony regarding the restoration and the church and I'm trying to come back to full activity and my concern is that I don't know whether or not this is inspired counsel or not and I could use other people's assistance in trying to figure that out.

My only close friend also indicates that maybe I should look to the terrestrial world instead of the celestial world and I'm very sad because I don't know if she's right or not.

Is this a correct summation of the basic pertinent details and your request or intent in presenting it to us? Did I get it right? I sincerely hope so.

Dear sister, though we have all sinned, outside of you committing murder or sinning against the Holy Ghost, you are not at this time condemned to a lesser kingdom.

There are those who upon death have not had a fair and just opportunity to accept and live the Gospel. For such there will be an opportunity to repent and live the gospel in the spirit world and still obtain a Celestial Glory. However, for a great many and perhaps even the majority of the members of this church, we will die having had a fair and just opportunity and if we do not prove worthy of the celestial kingdom in this life, we forfeit such and repentance in the spirit world will allow us to obtain a Terrestrial Glory.

As to the concerns regarding the counsel from your former Bishop and current Stake President, I pray you will take my previous counsel because I know it is good. Talk to him and ask him whether what he is telling you is the man, or whether he indicates he is telling you that as your Stake President via the power of the Priesthood and in the name of Christ.

Can any of us claim to have never misunderstood someone or judged someone falsely in error? Do we not have ample example of such even here in this thread? Do we not want the Lord to forgive us for our misjudgements? If so should we not forgive others their misjudgements? If it's the man, forgive him. If he says it's the other then, in light of what the scriptures teach, such would seriously concern me and I would then refer you to counsel with your Bishop regarding the matter.

You know the truth of this work and the Lord does loves you and yes he does want you to go to your church meetings. Such a commandment is for your good and he does expect you to keep all of his commandments this one included.

Stick to the ship of Zion. If boats come to the side, showing beautiful colors and making wonderful promises, do not get off the ship to go to the shore on any other boat; but keep on the ship. If you are badly used by any of those that are on the ship, who have not got the proper spirit, remember the ship itself is allright. We should not allow our minds to become soured because of anything that the people on the ship may do to us; the ship is allright, and the officers are allright, and we will be right if we stick to the ship. I can assure you it will take you right into the land of glory. (Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Lorenzo Snow, p. 67)


Brother M.

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Hi all again,

I need some fast quick thoughts.

I have been mulling over the suggestion of voting no at the next sustaining vote. I have just literally discovered that in a little over two hours time is the Saturday session of our stake conference.

Do I go? My heart is racing.


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Hi all again,

I need some fast quick thoughts.

I have been mulling over the suggestion of voting no at the next sustaining vote. I have just literally discovered that in a little over two hours time is the Saturday session of our stake conference.

Do I go? My heart is racing.


Realize if you raise your hand in opposition you'll be asked why you did so (in private). Meaning you'll need to be ready and willing to explain to others what the issue is.

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I would love to contact the AP but the Church seem to have removed all contact details for area presidencies world wide. If anyone knows the Europe Area contact address I will be most grateful.

My now SP is causing me problems. My bishop is not being helpful (I believe due to the SP) and although I have had VTs, HTs or even missionaries are conspicuous by their absence. I feel like he has deliberately and purposefully done certain things and said certain things to prevent me returning. I know this will be judgement on him in the end.

I am at the end of my rope right now; to top this week off I have just found out my father will require a transplant in the not too near future, is omitted from receiving a transplant from the general donation pool so will only be able to obtain a living altruistic donation. This leaves me, if I am even a suitable match.

My closest friend thinks I should settle for the terrestrial kingdom; my best friend outside the Church despises organised religion for being against her and her parents lifestyle choices and the only other person I am close to (though not geographically) has descended into the tin foil hat brigade.

Life is not good in so many aspects. I wonder sometimes if I should just walk away. Concentrate on my family and business. But I can't, I love my Heavenly Father and I know this gospel is the only true church, knowledge and life (!) on this earth. I wish I could walk away but I can't. I wish I could go back but I can't.


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I agree with anddenex. Those are your feelings towards God. Then focus on them. Build your relationship with God and your family and business will prosper. Just give it time.

As far as voting? Thats up to you. When you raise your hand to sustain him. That is to covenant to support him, and help him as he serves his calling.

I can't determine from what I've read what I'd do. Pray and ask God for your decision. See if it is right. If it is then follow that course of action. Follow the direction that you receive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some of you might remember my post a couple weeks ago. Last week I sent an "open" email (their preferred method in general) to two bishops, the stake president and the area president.

Very soon I received an acknowledgement from my former bishop. He said he would reply at length later on. I am still waiting. I haven't heard a thing from anybody else.

My testimony is taking a but of a hit right now. I don't understand how Heavenly Father can let this happen, but maybe this is what He wants. I just don't know anymore.

I told my mother-in-law that I had raised a complaint (best word I can use). Her response was ambiguous. I still don't know if she was saying he wouldn't act that way or shouldn't act that way - do you see what I mean?

I know it will be judgement on him/them eventually but where does that leave me now and the rest of this life? It hurts so much. One friend is telling me to go higher or even publicly; it already feels too late.


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Hahaha well that made me laugh at least. I'm open to answer any questions.

I found last time (probably my fault in trying to condense a lot of information) that people didn't understand the time frame. This is an ongoing live issue for the last almost three years now. X

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Bishops are very busy and juggling a lot of things. I don't think it would hurt to send a quick email to the bishop who said he would respond and remind him that you are looking forward to his reply.

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I suggest you submit yourself to the Lord and his servants. Humility is a very hard thing to do, especially when we see we are in the right. Yet, the Lord places us in the hands of his imperfect, yet called, servants.

Elder Vaughn J Featherstone went through an incident early in his life with his bishop. The bishop clearly did not like him and was placing undue burdens upon him and his family. Yet, he submitted. Later, the bishop was released and Featherstone was called to the 70 at about the same time. In his setting apart, he was told that because he submitted himself to God's chosen authority, the Lord knew he could be trusted in all things. Had he not humbled himself, he would not have been called as a General Authority.

Whether the stake president or you were in the right, or neither was in the right, doesn't matter. Seek after the Lord's will and submit yourself to it. You will find peace of mind, and the blessings of the Lord will come to you.

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Well, I just read your other thread and think I've got the gist of things.

So, what do you do?

First - make an appointment to speak with your bishop. It's really easy - you talk to his secretary and make a time. Why are you bothering with email when so much can be misconstrued with the printed word? (as evidenced in your previous thread on this topic!). This is something that needs to be talked about face to face - even though you've sent your 'open' email.

Second - you tell the bishop your version of events and that your SP/former friend has told you you are not welcome at church - then let the bishop sort it out from there.

If you need to talk to the bishop again, make another appointment. He has stewardship over and for you as a member of his ward - he will listen.

If you want to be heard - be prepared to be utterly honest with your bishop.

Forgive my bluntness, but being ambiguous and vague about this issue has only gotten you deeper in the mire. Even if your intentions were good, you used deception when you concealed your identity in the original email (at the center of all this drama), and when you posted here you were deliberately vague about details. Again your intentions were understandable but all it did was cause a lot of confusion among those who were trying to help.

So, when you talk to the bishop don't hold back ANY truth out of some misguided idea that you are protecting your former friend/current Stake Pres, his wife, your husband, or whoever. And if you think there was inappropriate feelings on your part or your former friend, you need to be honest about that too. There's a lot to be said for plain speaking.

Third - you attend church and participate as you normally would. You are a child of god and have as much right to be there as any other church member.

Everyone else here has offered you good advice on going to church, living the gospel and aiming for exaltation.

This will all work out fine - you just have to give it time and go through the right channels.

First stop - your bishop...

All the best. This too will pass... like a gallstone (painful as heck, but when it's over - what a relief!) :D

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