Seminary / Institute for Mature Adults

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By mature adults I mean me, a soon to be 50 year old.

I am an investigator and one of the things that scares me about the Church is my lack of knowledge of so much about it, it's practices, Doctrine, Scripture and, well everything. Even though I am doing a lot of research, I know I need a classroom style situation where I can learn much better.

That all being said, is there a Seminary or Institute program for older converts? I know there is a part of the Sunday services but I am looking for something more defined for my education, so I can gain the basic background a 10 year old knows and I am clueless on.

Thanks in advance for your help

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I smiled as soon as I read your subject caption as I thought of institute and how while it is for adults... not always are we all mature =).

When I was converted and returned from inactivity I began reading. Reading is wonderful! I found some very choice books written by Latter-day Prophets that expanded my understanding of the gospel like a flood from a burst dam. Would you like a list of some of such books?

If there is such a class specifically for older individuals, wouldn't that be MORE likely to be comprised of individuals who know the gospel thoroughly rather than less? Is there a particular reason attending institute with others of a much younger age is less than desirable?

Why not find the local institute contact number and ask an instructor specifically regarding your request and the reason you're asking? I expect they've probably run into a request like yours before and could answer it best =).

I admire you in your desire to investigate the Church and have another option that could help you. Why not invite the missionaries over to help teach you the doctrines? Also why not join us each week for worship and learn with us?

Also, if you haven't done so, I invite you to read the scriptures (Book of Mormon / Doctrine & Covenants / Pearl of Great Price ) themselves. Nothing beats going to the source of all truth and seeking knowledge directly from the Lord right?

Edited by Martain
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My grandmother went to the institute associated with her local junior college, well into her nineties.

If you want to take the class, take the class. IMHO.

Depends on where you live. In Utah they are extremely strict about the age restrictions for institute.

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Depends on where you live. In Utah they are extremely strict about the age restrictions for institute.

Not in the part of Utah where i live. I've seen many older people attending classes here right along side the college-aged ones.

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Thanks for the great comments.

I have been doing a lot of reading online during my investigation, a LOT of reading. lol There are some things I know I can learn on my own, but other things I know I need a guide for and scripture is one of the things I do need a guide for.

I am happy to hear I may be able to attend institute, through my reading I was understanding it to be only for younger people, like primary and seminary have their own age groups.

I am meeting with the Missionaries today, and was meeting with them until my son broke his ankle in January, then time did not allow between taking him to doctor appointments and physical therapy etc. Plus this time my interest, my investigation is getting deeper. I am praying more, as of this week I am writing my journal and I am becoming more aware of following my Faith, while I figure out exactly what that is for me and if The LDS Church is right for me. I even remembered to try to fast this past Sunday. I will ask the Elders if Institute is an option.

I am also attending services on Sunday but at best can only attend every other week since my job requires I work every other Sunday. and my next Sunday off I have plans to take my father away for the weekend, so it will be a month before I get back to Church, which is disappointing but will allow more time for investigation.

Please share whatever other thoughts, comments or feedback you have. I am a sponge willing to soak it in.

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Not in the part of Utah where i live. I've seen many older people attending classes here right along side the college-aged ones.

I know they are in the SLC area. May be because of the high use of the institutes here. I also know when I lived in San Diego they stuck to the age limitation rule in the area I lived.

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