Salt water damage


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Shannon (my wife) and I took a trip to the beach a couple of weekends back. It's a small place down the south of the country that I've been using as a "getaway" for a number of years now.

The sea in this location is actually a channel, so during high tide, it can entirely immerse the beach, and during low tide it can be up to a mile or two away, providing a false sense of security in leaving the car on the beach. Despite large signs everywhere warning holiday makers to check tide times, at least once a month someone either forgets about them or ignores them, and results in this, much to the horror of the person/family that owned the car when they finally return:

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The owner of this car returned at the last minute, and managed to drive about 200 metres down the beach (dragging a whole bunch of fishing lines belonging to the local fishermen with him in his panic) , before the sea became too deep and his engine cut out, leaving him literally seconds to get out and rescue anything he could from the car.

The car is of course a write off, and is usually dragged out by the beach warden once the tide subsides. Occasionally though, the car becomes so intrenched in the sand that it's impossible to remove it without bringing in very expensive equipment, so it ends up getting left there, as per this picture I took back in 2005:

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It was visible for about two years after that before finally disappearing beneath the sand.

A couple of years back, a horse got stuck in the mud left behind after the tide had subsided. The authorities only just managed to get it out before it drowned, as the tide had already come back in at that point.

When will people learn to pay attention to warning signs *sigh*.

Edited by Mahone
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