I Just Got Interviewed!


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Someone gave Bill Reel my "name" (most likely blog) and I was invited, and I just finished an interview with Bill Reel of mormondiscussion.podbean.com. I hope I did ok because I was really nervous. But it will probably be posted in a couple of weeks or so.

Go figure :P

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Well, I just finished listening to the advanced copy of my interview and I noticed two things:

1) This was done at 7:00am so my vocal chords were not worked yet, so I have a deep, sexy voice.

2) I was nervous throughout the whole thing and I can hear the nerves coming through.

But all-in-all, I'm pleased with the outcome. My name was changed so it's weird being called "Tony" but hey, such it is. So in the next two to three weeks, it will be on this website:

Mormon Discussion : Latter-Day dialogue

I'm curious to see what you folks think of it.

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