Birth Control


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After the last post by Shanstress, I have to add this. Several years ago I was taking a new job and had to do a pre-employment physical. One part of that for guys is...well, you know. So the doctor asks me to drop my drawers so that he can examine me and I said something like, "man, I always hate this part" to which he replied "if you liked it, I'd be worried!"

Made the experience a little less stressful. BTW, I kept him as my personal physician after that because of his sense of humor...

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After the last post by Shanstress, I have to add this. Several years ago I was taking a new job and had to do a pre-employment physical. One part of that for guys is...well, you know. So the doctor asks me to drop my drawers so that he can examine me and I said something like, "man, I always hate this part" to which he replied "if you liked it, I'd be worried!"

Made the experience a little less stressful. BTW, I kept him as my personal physician after that because of his sense of humor...

I really feel bad for my husband. We have the same doctor, who happens to be an attractive young woman. He is always MORTIFIED when he has to go through this with her! :rolleyes:
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some guys are such babies about that lol my hubby whined about it to me once, so i then described in detail what an exam for me with my gyno is was way more than he wanted to know, he doesn't whine about it least not to me. lol and as far as the male doctor issues lol i'd rather have hubby going to a male doc for that stuff than a female. my hubby gets random drug tests at work in which the female nurses have to "witness" that it is them peeing in the cup, he says the guys all hate it, i kinda do to, i bet they would never consider a male nurse "witnessing" the women go.

fiannan, the link on how to answer (dumb) comments/questions was pretty funny. i get asked that mess all the time. thanks for sharing.

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some guys are such babies about that lol my hubby whined about it to me once, so i then described in detail what an exam for me with my gyno is was way more than he wanted to know, he doesn't whine about it least not to me. lol and as far as the male doctor issues lol i'd rather have hubby going to a male doc for that stuff than a female. my hubby gets random drug tests at work in which the female nurses have to "witness" that it is them peeing in the cup, he says the guys all hate it, i kinda do to, i bet they would never consider a male nurse "witnessing" the women go.

fiannan, the link on how to answer (dumb) comments/questions was pretty funny. i get asked that mess all the time. thanks for sharing.

Yeah, no kidding! What we go through with the whole OB visits with pregnancy thing too is enough that they shouldn't whine.

As far as my husband seeing a female doctor, it doesn't bother me. She is my doctor as well and we've gone to Dr after Dr before we finally found one that is thorough and concerned. She actually takes time and listens, which I think is a rarity these days.

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My fiance :wub: & I are planning on using birth control after we get married. I have a 7year old son from a previous marriage and we are both settled in our careers. Plus with the cost of housing here in Calgary, we can't afford for either of us to be off work and have a child. We may decide to have one in a couple of years, but I see no problem with using birth control.

I'm sure God would understand -- just like not paying tithing because it might force one to live in a less fancy house.

Fiannan, come join us in the real world. Are you trying to be funny, or just an @##. :o Sure it would be nice to have a large family, with a mother who stays home. Economic reality says otherwise. There are no tax breaks for women who stay home. And if she didn't stay home, the cost of daycare is outrageous. We would both have to work extra jobs just to pay for daycare. Then we would never see our kids. I don't have a fancy house, in fact like I posted earlier we just bought a 2 bedroom townhouse for much more than it's worth because of the market. This means we'll be driving an extra 45 minutes at least everyday, just to have an affordable roof over our heads. I'm not sure where you live, but that's the reality here. Do you honestly think that we haven't prayed about what to do? Think before you decide to judge others for what they feel is best.

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I'm not judging in the least. What I am saying is that the rewards of the Gospel often cost us. However, those rewards ultimately have the greatest payoffs. I have broken off relationships with beautiful women due to the woman not being enthusiastic about kids -- and then I found a beautiful and wonderful wife who was enthusiastic. If living in a big city means having to choose not to raise a family then maybe one should remember what Lot gave up in order to live the commandments -- I am sure Sodom (maybe like San Francisco or Amsterdam) was a beautiful place with all kinds of economic opportunities but...

What ultimately is career or status worth? Nothing -- everyone could be replaced with an outsourced Pakistani overnight if it came right down to it. That is the point I am trying to make.

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