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I am lordie

I am new here

About me i am tall and skinny

A surviver of abuse from school

I get pick on by my bro for my faith

I have brown eyes and hair i took care of my

Parents for 30 years

I am 35 yrs old

I wear afo ankle foot orthodics on my ankles

I live in somerset county pa

Any questions you may ask me i dont mind



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when I was 5 I could pour my own cereal but...yeah was no super child...

maybe he's Clark Kent?:lol:

I've known quite a few kids from abusive homes who were the "adults" at age 5 or so. They fed, bathed, dressed, and in all,ways parented their siblings. (One requirement for foster parents is always to have ramen accessible, since that's what these kids often eat for every meal). Stealing or begging when necessary. Cutting wood to keep the house warm, or digging holes in sheltered places if their parents are locking them out for days at a time to get high. Et cetera. Including putting their parents into recovery position (so they don't aspirate on their vomit, or down in the bath). Doing laundry, hiding rent money (and paying it when people come looking for it). The list goes on

The average 5yo can figure out how to not only survive, but keep those around them alive when forced to from neglect/abuse, war, or natural disaster.

Kids. Are. AMAZING.

In homes where they're cared for, they get to focus on things aside from survival, and have "real" childhoods. But when they don't have a good home, or any home at all, 5yos are wicked smart, and stronger than you might ever believe.

It causes ALL kinds of problems, but problems can be dealt with if you can manage to survive.

I stand in awe, and have the deepest respect for those who have managed to survive in these conditions.


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Welcome Lordie.

I work with a fitness client who wears an AFO on her left foot/ankle complex. She has to swap it out every time she comes to see me and put on a special one that can handle and support her being on a treadmill. She has cerebral palsy so she'll never be an amazing athlete, but we consider things like walking on an incline or stepping up stairs to be real victories.

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I was in a postion that was only thing i could think

Was my parents need someone

I learned to cook at three and do wash

I decided to take care of my parents because at the time

My siblings were very abusive to me and my parents


No i aint no superman i am a women

But a women who is make my parents proud


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