God has a plan for everybody?


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The fact that there is evil in the world, and that trials and tribulations are there to make us all stronger in the end...

I donno, if God really wanted me to be faithful, not sure why he'd make my life go as it is, which makes me often doubt his existence

something to ponder I guess (for me)

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I donno, if God really wanted me to be faithful, not sure why he'd make my life go as it is, which makes me often doubt his existence

something to ponder I guess (for me)

Part of the whole point of life IS the fact that we go through trials. It builds our character, helps us define who we are...

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Alma 14:11

11 But Alma said unto him: The Spirit constraineth me that I must not stretch forth mine hand; for behold the Lord receiveth them up unto himself, in glory; and he doth suffer that they may do this thing, or that the people may do this thing unto them, according to the hardness of their hearts, that the judgments which he shall exercise upon them in his wrath may be just; and the blood of the innocent shall stand as a witness against them, yea, and cry mightily against them at the last day.

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I am lds and am very active, but I just ran into a question. If God has a plan for everyone, then why is there adults and kids dieing of starvation and dieing tortorous deaths everyday? Thanks you. :D

Some of the answers to our questions will not be revealed to us during our second estate. It is easy to say someone deserves what they get but, the more rewarding path is to feel empathy and try to ease their suffering if we have the opportunity.

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I am lds and am very active, but I just ran into a question. If God has a plan for everyone, then why is there adults and kids dieing of starvation and dieing tortorous deaths everyday? Thanks you. :D

As many have already answered - the answer is agency. And yet many do not understand what agency is and what it means.

In order to understand agency we must understand that before the fall and before any person walked on earth we all lived with our Father in Heaven. There in heaven our Father made known unto us all the details of the Great Plan of Salvation. Once the Father's Plan of Salvation was made known there was a second part. That is through and by our agency we initiated our own plan. Some planned to reject becoming mortal and no doubt that having to endure all the misfortunes of mortality played a role and reason to side with Lucifer.

The bottom line is that no one comes into this life without knowledge in the pre-existance of all the problems and hardships they will face. Most realized that suffering is an important valley to cross to become like the Father. Even Christ was willing to suffer for no gain for himself and did accept his role through his agency. We all (all that are born) knew it would not be easy - only that it would be worth it.

The Traveler

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I donno, if God really wanted me to be faithful, not sure why he'd make my life go as it is, which makes me often doubt his existence

something to ponder I guess (for me)

This life isn't a test of whether a person is faithful or not, we already proved that in the first estate test. We were all faithful to the plan of God. We all believed in it and agreed to it. And we will all be rewarded for that with the exception of the sons of perdition. This life is a test of how faithful we are, to what degree. Are we faithful even according to the flesh, the carnal passions and drives that distract us from our previous faithfulness, to the degree that we will forsake the will of the carnal mind and obey God's will?

This test would not be a "second" test if it didn't stratify those that already passed a "first" test. Maybe we could say, this life is like going onto Grad school. Everyone here has already gotten their degree, now we are allowed further instruction to qualify for bigger rewards and even the chance to be like God.

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Even though this question is new to you, it is one that theologians, and philosophers have wrestled with for hundreds or thousands of years. I expect that everyone who believes in an all-powerful, sovereign, and benevolent God needs to wrestle with this question to some extent. I wish I had a concrete answer to it, but I don't. Sure I can intellectually see how "agency" causes suffering (both suffering brought on ourselves from our choices and suffering that my choices cause in others) -- but, if God is sovereign, He could override my agency (or protect others from its effects). I can conceptually understand the concept of "testing," but it sometimes seems like the tests given to some people are similar to me giving my middle school daughter a test in advanced calculus -- there's no way she can succeed.

Ultimately, for me, the only answer that has really "satisfied" me comes out of faith. God said that His work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man (including me). So, for some reason that I may not fully understand, suffering and trials must somehow be a part of His purpose. These "tests" must somehow be a part of exalting me. Agency, in spite of the negative fallout, must somehow help myself and others become like Him. And, in the end, any alleged inequities or other "problems" that may need resolution are atoned for by the Savior.

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This is somewhat tongue in cheek....

Just because God has a plan:

- It doesn't follow that we'll always LIKE the plan.

- Sometimes that plan involves people getting up off their duff & helping.

...but only somewhat, as its what I personally believe.

People are starving. What are you going to do about it?

Instead of : People are starving. I'm going to complain that God allows it to happen, and do nothing about it.

Now. None of us can "fix" everything. I also believe that each of us are Called on both the micro and macro scale. Whether that's by becoming a doctor or scientist fighting illness, disease, & death... Or a businessman building things & employing others... Or a diplomat who secures iodine treatment for thousands affected by radiation... Or a SAHP raising strong, brave, capable adults... Or a mercenary who is providing armed transport for food and medical supplies into famine & war torn areas...Or, or, or, or. That there are MYRIAD ways in which we can CHOOSE to influence the world around us into a better place.

I read a statistic years and years and years ago, that I have no idea if its true, but that has affected me greatly. It was that most of us will have the opportunity to save so eone's life 3x in our own life... But that most of us never take it. It really made me step back and THINK, about how many times I've just stood by as something is happening, and waited for someone else to do something about it. But we cannot be all things to all people. Instead, if we follow our interests and talents, we can be of great Use.

From that time forward,.. When I see something happening... I've been one of those people stepping forward to do something about it. Sometimes in small ways, sometimes in big ways. As I can, when I can, however best I can.

One of my "hints" that I'm SUPPOSED to do something, is exactly what you described... Recognition that something is wrong. That it shouldn't exist in God's world.

Okay. What am I too to do to help put things right?


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