Ordinance order?


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Does it matter what order ordinances are done?

I noticed today some of my ancestors have had ordinances printed, awaiting them to be completed. But they're not in order. For instance, one's baptism and sealing to spouse has been printed, but nothing else has been printed (or completed) yet.

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But you wouldn't have found them, unless you'd asked!

If you're at all like me, that is.

I can search the house for HOURS looking for my keys/ hat/ brain/ shoes/ whatever... But the moment I open my mouth to ask someone, they magically appear. *Poof*

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...
5 minutes ago, JohnsonJones said:

The thing that confuses me at times is that my grandmother has had her ordinances done 4 times now.  How many times are they going to keep doing her temple work?

Someone entered her name again, I don't know if they'll use that one too.  They all show up with her information though.

Everyone is supposed to have their work done once.  Only the first time actually "does" anything.  The repeat times are due to book keeping error: "Bob" saw "James" work wasn't done so he did it.  Then "Sam" did the same thing.  And "George".  And "Mike".  Is this wasteful?  Totally!  That's one of the reasons FamilySearch was developed-- to keep track of everyone and who's works been done and reduce duplicates.  Nowadays, you literally cannot submit a person to be baptized when that work was already done.  

In regards to "James" who had his work done 4 times-- only the first one really counted.  But they aren't going to delete the records of the other times the work was done- such would be very disrespectful!  And deleting records that this was done (even redundantly) actually opens you up to a whole new round of duplication.   


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