Giving the gift of Keurig


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Would you, as an LDS person, get your non-LDS family member a Keurig for Christmas if it's the only thing on their Christmas list?

Let's just assume for the sake of discussion that everybody can afford to buy their family a Keurig. Also, for those who may not know, Keurig doesn't just serve up coffee although it is its main function. Manufacturers are now making non-coffee cartridges like hot chocolate and crystal light for the Keurig but the main bulk of Keurig stuff is coffee or tea.

I just woke up with this question. I don't know anyone who has a Keurig on their Christmas list...

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I really don't view it as much different then buying them an electric kettle understanding that the primary reason they want one is brewing tea.

Okay, I get this. With Eowyn's post - she said not beer. So brewing tea is ok but not beer? Is it that alcohol is more harmful than tea that's the issue or is it something else?

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A home beer brewing kit is a different ball game because it is solely used for beer, whereas, a Keurig or kettle can be used for different beverages. So if someone chose not to purchase a beer brewing kit, I can understand that, but I don't believe a Keurig or kettle fit into the same category.

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For a non-lds friend or family member (though, come to think of it, I don't think I have any non-lds family members), I would buy them a Keurig if it was that important to them. It wouldn't be my first choice of a gift. And to clarify, I would not buy a Keurig for an inactive lds family member or friend. My hope for them would to have them come back into the church, and buying them a coffee machine seems to condone their choice of inactivity.

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Keurig warning: If you brew hot cocoa in a Keurig that has been used for coffee a coffee flavor will linger. Pretty disgusting for those of us who cannot stand the taste of coffee! (Not a Mormon and can't stand coffee)

I didn't have that problem. We have a Keurig at work and a friend brought in a kcup of hot chocolate for me to try. I actually was worried about the coffee issue, but found it to be free of coffee or any lingering taste.

I think the reason why (from what I can see) is the Keurig uses some kind of pokey stick thing to poke a hole through the kcup. Since it uses a separate cup for each thing, there is very, very little residue left at the spout.

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I didn't have that problem. We have a Keurig at work and a friend brought in a kcup of hot chocolate for me to try. I actually was worried about the coffee issue, but found it to be free of coffee or any lingering taste.

I think the reason why (from what I can see) is the Keurig uses some kind of pokey stick thing to poke a hole through the kcup. Since it uses a separate cup for each thing, there is very, very little residue left at the spout.

I wonder if that means something is wrong with my mom's...

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