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I have a bad stress rash by one of my ankles. I had it for years, there are times where I do not feel to scratch it at all but other times it seems like impossible. :( Of course, the dermatologist says the cure is to be "less stressed" and it will go away on its own, however that's not a possibility at the moment. What can I do? It's driving me bananas.

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I was a derm assistant for some years. Rashes are tricky. If you haven't gotten a second opinion, I would do it.

The oldest, most knowledgeable derm I worked for (also the meanest, not that that has anything to do with it) determined that most rashes seem to have a fungal component. So many times he'd prescribe an anti-fungal treatment for a mystery rash, and it would go away.

On the other hand, my husband has a rash on his scalp that is autoimmune, incurable, and not very treatable. It's awful for him to live with. The itching drives him crazy, especially at night. He has to use corticosteroid creams constantly, which isn't the best thing for the skin, but dude has to sleep.

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I hope I'm not the one making your ankles hurt. If so, I'm sorry.

Because of the thread about Blacks and the Priesthood? Nah, we just have two different styles of discussion and I don't take online debates that personal unless someone is insulting me directly and I choose to take offense so no need to say sorry Vort, you are not the cause of my stress.

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I was a derm assistant for some years. Rashes are tricky. If you haven't gotten a second opinion, I would do it.

The oldest, most knowledgeable derm I worked for (also the meanest, not that that has anything to do with it) determined that most rashes seem to have a fungal component. So many times he'd prescribe an anti-fungal treatment for a mystery rash, and it would go away.

On the other hand, my husband has a rash on his scalp that is autoimmune, incurable, and not very treatable. It's awful for him to live with. The itching drives him crazy, especially at night. He has to use corticosteroid creams constantly, which isn't the best thing for the skin, but dude has to sleep.

Thanks Eowyn, I read a little bit about stress rashes last night and for what I read "it causes your body to produce cortisol and other hormones, which tells your sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Oily skin is more prone to acne and other skin problems."

This rash goes on and off, right now is very much active, perhaps I should consider doing Yoga but I'm not sure how helpful it will be.

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I don't have any actual medical advice. But, according to my mom, Dial soap is a wonder. I know that I carry on that tradition and Dial soap works wonders for all kinds of skin issues.

I have a super sensitive skin and I'm allergic to most soaps. I don't think I ever tried Dial, I will give it a shot. Thanks.

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Eowyn beat me to it!


Although... Honestly... The ammonia in windex DOES kill off a lot of microbes (pretty much all the ones immune to our soaps, detergents, bleaches). I've actually used both windex (skin infections) & cigarette smoke (eye infections) successfully.

Back on topic,.. One way to get rid of cortisol & other stress related chemicals is to USE it.

Meaning, go nuts at the gym, or -more fun- go chat your husband up.

Double Sigh.

I miss that Rx.


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