Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

Dr T

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My wife started writing down some of the cute/funny things our children have said over the years. Do any of you remember some from your own experience? One of them for example was, "Do you think the Easter bunny wipes?" (Of course my son was potty training at that time) :lol:

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Hmmm...this one caused some worries to my son's teacher when he was 5..he told her that his granddad had been run over by a train..over his head! and that he was going to visit him in hospital!! LOL...he must have thought his granddad was a Superman! Teehee...:)

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Talking about death and dying, my son once said something very embarrassing/(funny maybe only to me). We were talking to an elderly lady, getting along in years, aged skin, etc. My boy said, "Why are you so old?" He continued by saying, "My grandpa is really old like you-he's going to die." My wife was at the scene not me. When she relayed the message of what had occurred, I had to chuckle and shake my head. Children at that age do not know all the social graces.

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my 5 yr old told me this yr that santa was going to die. he very matter of factly asked me if santa was old, i told him yes, he said/asked old ppl die. which was also true. then said, you know i think santa is going to die soon. and left. not upset or worried, just how it is.

his teacher recently told me that they had raised some catipliars and were going to release the butterflies when one was discovered to be missing. while the kids were trying to figure out where it went he explained that sometimes things die, it was probably dead. then later when they were talking about where they thought the butterflies would go and what they would do when released, he again reminded the class that they would probably die. lol

i think kids of that age are just understanding death, so they look at it differently, a part of life.

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Guest mamacat

kids are so smart and cute ~

when my son was around 2 he was still allergic to dairy, but could sometimes eat pizza, and some other foods with dairy....and one day he had eaten pizza, and his face had some slight red welts from the cheese....i saw these as i was helping him in his car seat. my concern was very evident as my babe looked at me and asked what was i wrong. i said, 'oh, your face is breaking out.....:(

after this he became very quiet and serious, quite unusual for him, so i asked what was wrong....

he said....with a quiver in his voice....'my face is broken now'?

awwwww......i tried so hard to reassure him that his face wasn't 'broken'..... -_-

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"breaking out" that is cute.

My son did that once. His sister had chapped lips and he asked my wife, "What's wrong with Hayley's lips" and she said, "Her lips are cracking" and my son was so scared that his sister's face was broken and she was falling to pieces.

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When my son got hurt from ages 3 - 4, he would always say, "I fell and broke my leg (arm, whatever) and a bone came out."

He also up until a few months ago would tell someone (loudly!) he would see in public smoking that it's horrible and they will look old and ugly and die. THAT was embarrassing, but true.

My son also used to freak me out up until about 6 months ago by talking about his "old parents" who died in a car crash. He would go on and on about their lives, what their house looked like (long and skinny - trailer perhaps?), their occupations (dad was a preacher and mom worked at the church), what his mom cooked, etc. He had to stay behind and not go to heaven with them because he had to take care of their cats and dogs. Wierd stuff!

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He also up until a few months ago would tell someone (loudly!) he would see in public smoking that it's horrible and they will look old and ugly and die.

I know that one. My children always point out people that smoke. They've gone from telling the person, "People that smoke usually die faster because smoking causes cancer." to shaking their heads and muttering to themselves or share it with us, "You shouldn't smoke. SMoking can kill you."
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Oh yeah, once a LARGE man was coming in the door that we were walking out of. When I saw him do a double take I just wanted to put my hand over his mouth but that would have been too obvious!

"Mama, that man's got a baby in his tummy!"

After that occurance, and our explanation to him that men don't carry babies in their tummies, there were a couple incidents of, "She (or he) ate too much junk food!"

He now knows that we don't talk about people like that, no matter how true it is!

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Guest mamacat

:D they are so literal....

i was going through some of my books one day and my babe walked in and picked up one of them....

he asked me what it said, and i told him it was a book about baking soda (Over 500 Fabulous, Fun & Frugal Uses You've Probably Never Thought Of...:).......

he immediately asked, quite puzzled....

"Why you bake soda?"


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My daughter would die if she knew I told this story.

She was about 4 years old. We were driving to the store and she had passed gas. She informed me..."Mom...I just burped in my bottom." I about died laughing. Had never heard it put quite that way before.

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Guest Yediyd

My wife started writing down some of the cute/funny things our children have said over the years. Do any of you remember some from your own experience? One of them for example was, "Do you think the Easter bunny wipes?" (Of course my son was potty training at that time) :lol:

My son was looking at some rabbits in my mother's basement (he was 4 at the time) when he wispered: "Don't worry little bunny...I know you are sad in that cage...but just think about next year when you are all grown up and you get to give out ALL that candy!"

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Guest Yediyd

When my daughter was 5, we were moving on a very wet day. She stood on the sidewalk examining a worm very closley...then, out of the blue...she asked me: "Momma, do worms yawn?."

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My second oldest daughter is almost 23yrs old now...however when she was about 8yrs old we built a house that we still currently live in. After we moved in we knelt down in family prayer one night and also dedicated our home. A few months later we had a terrible storm move thru the area in the wee hours of the morning. The tornado sirens were going off and it started to hail. Those who have been in areas where tornadoes hit know that hail and a tornado siren going off are not a good mix. My wife and I woke up and ran thru the house waking the other kids and dragging them to the basement. My daughter who was 8yrs old at that time says to me..."Dad...what are you worried about....nothing is going to happen....don't you remember you dedicated our home in prayer and said........a little later when we felt it was safe to go back to our rooms....my daughter says to me again....Dad I told you nothing was going to happen and you didn't believe me.....whats wrong don't you have any faith in the power of prayer!!!!.......... :o

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Guest Emma Hale Smith

Once when my son had barely turned four I got a bug up my nose and decided I was going to make a really healthy dinner. He came romping into the kitchen as I was cleaning some lettuce and asked me what it was. He recognized it from the garden out back, but didn't know what it was. I told him it was lettuce and that I was going to put it in a salad for dinner. He got this incredulous look on his face and said "PLANTS"?! We're going to eat PLANTS"?!

I felt like the worst mother of the year.


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Guest Yediyd


You are great! I love that. Hug you daughter for me. :) (I don't care how old she is)

You will Really want to hug my daughter when you hear this next story:

My marraige had just ended...I was in a batterd womens shelter with my 5yr old daughter and my 4yr old son (yet to be diagnosed with aspergers syndrome but already displaying the diturbing signs) I took my two kids and walked accross the street from the shelter to a Baptist church that first sunday in the shelter. As we were crossing the street, my beloved daughter tugged on my arm and said: "Momma, Jesus told me to tell you that everything is going to be all right." I smiled weakly at her, then promply dismissed what she had just said. That afternoon, the pastor of that church invited us out to Old Country Buffet for lunch after church. As I was getting my plate, a stranger came up to me, and with a shagrinned look on his face said: "Excuse me ma'am, but I feel impressed by the Spirit to tell you that Jesus wants you to know that everything is going to be all right."

That was 5 years before I joined the LDS church!!!

I was baptised on June 26th, 2004


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Guest mamacat

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You are great! I love that. Hug you daughter for me. :) (I don't care how old she is)

You will Really want to hug my daughter when you hear this next story:

My marraige had just ended...I was in a batterd womens shelter with my 5yr old daughter and my 4yr old son (yet to be diagnosed with aspergers syndrome but already displaying the diturbing signs) I took my two kids and walked accross the street from the shelter to a Baptist church that first sunday in the shelter. As we were crossing the street, my beloved daughter tugged on my arm and said: "Momma, Jesus told me to tell you that everything is going to be all right." I smiled weakly at her, then promply dismissed what she had just said. That afternoon, the pastor of that church invited us out to Old Country Buffet for lunch after church. As I was getting my plate, a stranger came up to me, and with a shagrinned look on his face said: "Excuse me ma'am, but I feel impressed by the Spirit to tell you that Jesus wants you to know that everything is going to be all right."

That was 5 years before I joined the LDS church!!!

I was baptised on June 26th, 2004


awwwww..... :wub:

we don't see my mother very often, a few times a year at most...but she visited for my birthday this year and my son was very excited to spend the afternoon with her. he kept yelling that we should go to Japan...!! throughout the day my 4 yr old babe talked excitedly about Japan....and later in the day my mother and he spent some time identifying Japan on our wall map and discussing the country. i was in another room during most of their discussion, and when i returned my mother told me she had asked my babe who told him about Japan (it wasn't me). and he enthusiastically replied, without hesitation, that Jesus had told him all about Japan. :D

we just began attending LDS meetings in January this year...and had not spoken of Jesus much before. seems that they've developed a good rapport since then. ^_^

(it was particularly cute, i thought, as my mother is not one to reference Jesus whatsoever, in any area of her life.)

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