Survey on LDS marriage/sealing

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The reason is so that we are all connected in the Family of our Heavenly Father.

I appreciated your post, however, I wanted to add a clarifying thought. What you say here is true, but not the full extent of it. This is only one of the reasons. The other reason is so the familial relationships we have here in this life will continue into the next life. So it's not just a broad Kumbaya thing that binds us all together. There is a specificity to the sealing we have with our direct families that matters very much as well.

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I appreciated your post, however, I wanted to add a clarifying thought. What you say here is true, but not the full extent of it. This is only one of the reasons. The other reason is so the familial relationships we have here in this life will continue into the next life. So it's not just a broad Kumbaya thing that binds us all together. There is a specificity to the sealing we have with our direct families that matters very much as well.

I agree. But again.... Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us. If you truly believe that and you lay your concerns at the feet of Christ the anxiety goes away.

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Why? What about my statement bothers you?

Disagreement doesn't always mean turmoil and contention. And it's very possible to speculate on issues without either turmoil or contention. Heated arguing can lead to them. But speculation in and of itself isn't problematic, particularly if it's kept to oneself.

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Disagreement doesn't always mean turmoil and contention. And it's very possible to speculate on issues without either turmoil or contention. Heated arguing can lead to them. But speculation in and of itself isn't problematic, particularly if it's kept to oneself.

I agree. But that's not where these discussions lead.

If I remember correctly, didn't Carol's introduction to the survey (I can't copy verbatim because I did the survey and can't go back) say something about worry/anxiety in women who have been sealed in the temple and can't find worthy men to date because of the sealing.

If there is worry and anxiety there is often (not always) contention and heartache. Needless heartache if we do as commanded and allow the Atonement to work for us.

When we truly believe Heavenly Father loves us this worry goes away. It doesn't change how other people choose to exercise their agency. But there have been enough good men marry women for time in the temple to believe that through Christ anyone can find peace on this subject.

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