Question more or less about morality


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Good afternoon guys,

I was hoping some of my fellow Latter Day Saints would help me on something I have been wondering about. 


So, I work for a reputable chemical company, and I know the business really well.  I have built a lot of personal contacts, and have been able to excell in this business and some side projects of my own.  Recently I have found a new market for the chemicals in which I sell.  The chemicals i would be sellling are NOT bad for your health.  They are actually rated at a food grade, because they go in all sorts of food and hygeine products.  The new market I have been dealing with is the "E-ciggarette" market.  The liquid they are "Vaping" is a mixture of the chemicals i would provide, and nicotine.  Now I want to start marketing directly to these individuals because there is a gap in the market for someone of my expertise, but I am not sure if supplying these people with items I know will eventually be made into somthing I would never sell to anybody, would be moral or not.  Ofcoarse I would never sell Nicotine, but my question is... is it wrong of me to sale the raw materials to the people who will make them into "e-liquid" which is ultimatly an addictive substance (the chemicals i would be selling are not addictive)????  Its almost like... is the farmer of barly wrong for selling it to the beer companies?????  Please let me know

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THose E cigarettes are to help people to quit because some people can't just go cold turkey off chemicals like that. Some can.

But I could say I didn't want to work at the canadian tire because people could buy the chemicals to make meth or bombs or mustard gas.

People are going to smoke regardless, you can't stop them. You could, as I said, see that in almost everything because so many chemicals can be made into something awful.

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THose E cigarettes are to help people to quit because some people can't just go cold turkey off chemicals like that. Some can.

But I could say I didn't want to work at the canadian tire because people could buy the chemicals to make meth or bombs or mustard gas.

People are going to smoke regardless, you can't stop them. You could, as I said, see that in almost everything because so many chemicals can be made into something awful.

Thank you for your reply, I am with you about the purpose of E-cigs, but I am asking if it is wrong to market directly to these people.  What would your opinion on that be?

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Thank you for your reply, I am with you about the purpose of E-cigs, but I am asking if it is wrong to market directly to these people.  What would your opinion on that be?

No its not wrong because they're trying to quit smoking, some people are worse at it then others and need help like the gum or the patch.

But my decision not to smoke is mine and I don't force it on anyone. Who am I to say what other's should do in accordance to health?

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No its not wrong because they're trying to quit smoking, some people are worse at it then others and need help like the gum or the patch.

But my decision not to smoke is mine and I don't force it on anyone. Who am I to say what other's should do in accordance to health?

I appreciate your input.  Thank you!

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Seems these e-cigs are "ok" for office use, tho they are recently found to be harmful for second hand breathers.  So there is a huge amount of people that use these thhinking they are better than regular cigs.  Huge amount of these people have no intent to quit.  They just want to be able to smoke in public.  

That being said I would never sell to people making them.  Although here in Idaho there are tons of stake presidents, bishops, and others that are in good standing in the church that work for or grow for the budweiser plants around the city.  They grow the barley and sell it to the plants that make the beer.  So I think it is a personal desicion.  If in doubt, speak with your bishop and or pray about it.

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Seems these e-cigs are "ok" for office use, tho they are recently found to be harmful for second hand breathers.  So there is a huge amount of people that use these thhinking they are better than regular cigs.  Huge amount of these people have no intent to quit.  They just want to be able to smoke in public.  

That being said I would never sell to people making them.  Although here in Idaho there are tons of stake presidents, bishops, and others that are in good standing in the church that work for or grow for the budweiser plants around the city.  They grow the barley and sell it to the plants that make the beer.  So I think it is a personal desicion.  If in doubt, speak with your bishop and or pray about it.

I respect this view point as well.  I am not sure about hearing they were harmfull for second hand inhalers, because it has litterally no carcinagenics in it.  Maybe I am biased because I used to smoke ciggarettes, and know how unhealthy tabacco can be for you.  These are lightyears ahead as far as health concerns, granted they are addictive but it is also forcing tabacco out of the market.  I am very on the fence still though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good afternoon guys,

I was hoping some of my fellow Latter Day Saints would help me on something I have been wondering about. 


So, I work for a reputable chemical company, and I know the business really well.  I have built a lot of personal contacts, and have been able to excell in this business and some side projects of my own.  Recently I have found a new market for the chemicals in which I sell.  The chemicals i would be sellling are NOT bad for your health.  They are actually rated at a food grade, because they go in all sorts of food and hygeine products.  The new market I have been dealing with is the "E-ciggarette" market.  The liquid they are "Vaping" is a mixture of the chemicals i would provide, and nicotine.  Now I want to start marketing directly to these individuals because there is a gap in the market for someone of my expertise, but I am not sure if supplying these people with items I know will eventually be made into somthing I would never sell to anybody, would be moral or not.  Ofcoarse I would never sell Nicotine, but my question is... is it wrong of me to sale the raw materials to the people who will make them into "e-liquid" which is ultimatly an addictive substance (the chemicals i would be selling are not addictive)????  Its almost like... is the farmer of barly wrong for selling it to the beer companies?????  Please let me know

how comfortable would you be facing the lord at his judgement bar when he asks you what youhave done to your fellow man, knowing you've helped contribute to others drug addictions and health problems, while you knew what you did ultimately would end up harming people?

that's who you are going to face ultimately. not us.

And quite frankly thats probably something more you should ask the god about in prayer, fervently until you do get an answer.

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how comfortable would you be facing the lord at his judgement bar when he asks you what youhave done to your fellow man, knowing you've helped contribute to others drug addictions and health problems, while you knew what you did ultimately would end up harming people?

that's who you are going to face ultimately. not us.

And quite frankly thats probably something more you should ask the god about in prayer, fervently until you do get an answer.


Do you really think that he will be judged based on this line of work? The guy is not in the porn industry...


If a card carrying LDS member is a bartender to provide for his family will the Lord put that in the negative column on Judgement day?

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another thing i'd like to note, God has a tendency of rewrading those who make sacrifices on his behalf. perhaps youmay want ot research your potential customers and call off dealing with ones you know would be using your chemicals in manners that promote abuse and health to harm. just an idea. if you can't find out anything on a customer, then as long as you've done your best and have tried to do what God would have you do, go ahead and sell to them and don't worry about it.

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Do you really think that he will be judged based on this line of work? The guy is not in the porn industry...


If a card carrying LDS member is a bartender to provide for his family will the Lord put that in the negative column on Judgement day?

I have no idea what his judgement render will be, we'll be judged on everything we do, and every aspect of our lives, all our thoughts, and etc... trust me we'll all be crappin our pants. and htats probably when we'll finally really get a good understanding of what Christ means for us.


On one hand you have something that is harmful, and on the other hand you seemingly have no alternative to be able to make a living to provide for a family. you could ask the same thing about some farmer down in south america whos only mean of making a living is growing plants that they "sell" to the cartels.

As long as someone is doing all the can to please God and do his will, God will provide a way for them. It may be that the bartender will have to remain and tend bars becaues there is nothing else or perhaps there may be something that he can do as a bartender to reach someone.... Or God may open up something that will allow the person to do something else so that they they won't have to be in that situation.

However in any of those cases that answer will not be easy to come to, nor will it be without sacrifice thats close to the heart.


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