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So why doesn't the Church advise this anymore if it would have benefited people?  You admitted you still might have had to take out student loans, which still would have been ignoring the advice given on student loans. 


Right now, the Church says it's perfectly all right to take out student loans if you believe it will help with your education.  Why did the advice change?


I don't ever quite remember the Church advising to not take out student loans (maybe 40 years ago?).  Oh I think as the education bubble proceeds you'll see some cautioning on this.  


Student loans are a tricky bag, 30 years ago it was very possible to work through school while attending school . . .today it is really difficult. A cheap public college will cost 20k/year, what job part-time will pay 20k/year?  It is a pet peeve of mine how expensive education has become and it has become so expensive precisely because of loans and federal intrusion into the student loan market.  Until, one is 25 all colleges look at the parents' income level to determine loan values.  Since student loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy, the companies that are approving the loans (now known as the Federal Government) have absolutely 0 incentive to actually determine the ability of the actual borrower (not the parent) to pay back the loans.  By having the federal government open up the student loan market to basically anybody who wants to attend school and by having access to the parents financial resources, there is no incentive for student loans to actually be denied . . . .   In a student loan market without federal intervention, individuals would be denied loans to go to college, either because they aren't credit worthy or because the loan company assessed the degree would not pay off!!


This would drastically reduce people going to college to get a BA in liberal arts, graduating and then working an extremely low-paying job while trying to pay back 80+k of student loans!!  It would cause colleges to cut back on those degrees that are not worth as much in the workplace, thus lowering the cost of colleges at the same time reducing the supply of students and eventually lowering the cost of education.


I remember many talks over the past 10 years about getting out of debt (I would assume that includes student loans).

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Aside from the counsel for women to have only one piercing per ear, have any of you heard of other guidelines for the earrings we wear? Someone today told me that some 12 years ago, it was read over the pulpit that our earrings shouldn't dangle more than an inch below our ears. I know this is the guideline for sister missionaries, but I'm talking about "civilian" members. I've never heard such counsel, and I daresay most women I know are breaking it if it exists! 


Never heard such a thing. Iol but I'm not surprised. If given the chance, some members will want us to dress like the Ingalls family lol. I know, we all love 'Pa' but we are in 2014 for crying out loud.

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