How can I get someone to assign me as a Visiting Teacher?


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I have not been assigned as a Visiting Teacher in the entire two years I've been in my current ward.  I've asked the ward Relief Society Presidency and they've told me they're "reassigning" everyone and they'd make sure I was assigned.  It still hasn't happened.  The most recent time I brought it up was in May and I was told they were reassigning in June.  I'm still waiting.


I also haven't been visited by VTs in well over a year. We've seen our Home Teachers maybe twice and one of them recently informed us that they were no longer assigned to us.


DH doesn't even know if he's assigned as a Home Teacher anymore.  His previous companion moved away over a year ago and he was told he would be paired with a new companion, but no one ever followed up to tell him who it was.


He was also called into Scouting right after we moved in.  It took them 6 months to get him actually set up in Scouting and then he never heard another thing about it.  He doesn't even know if he's still in Scouting or not.  Meetings are never mentioned.  He asked awhile back and was told he should hear something "soon".  He never did.


This has to be the most unorganized ward we've ever been in.  We serve in the Nursery so we are often out of the loop when it comes to what is going on in the rest of the ward.  We've asked to be kept in the loop, asked about our VT and HT assignments, etc.  We're always told someone will get back to us, but it never happens.


What more can we do?  We hate to go above anyone's head, but I'm wondering if we should.  We've never really felt like a part of this ward since we moved in because no one seems to want to include us in anything, even when we flat-out ask to be included.  What would you guys do in our situation?

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Yes, I've talked to my RS President several times over the past two years.  And yes, Pam, I want both to be a VT and also to have a VT.  DH would like to be a HT as well as have our family visited by HTs.  If we didn't attend church on Sundays it would be like we didn't exist in the ward.

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How unfortunate (and unfortunately I can relate in some ways)!
Here's what I would do:

1 - You may actually have been assigned a vt and ht but they're just not coming.  Either way, go to the ward clerk and have him look up all info you're curious about (who's assigned to you and who dh is assigned to, etc).
2 - Approach these people and inform them how thrilled you'd be to see them and let them know when you're available.

3 - If in fact, nothing has been set up, make an appt to see the bishop.  Don't look at it as going over heads, look at it as speaking up for all that is in this boat because you may not be the only one frustrated/disappointed/confused.  Also, the bishop should be aware of what's going on (or not in this case).

4 - Offer to be part of the solution.  You could easily serve in the nursery as well as vt supervisor (for instance).

5 - As far as being kept in the loop - talk to your Prim Sec to make sure they get all sign ups/flyers/announcements to you.  Also, inquire about a ward fb page.  If there isn't one, tell the bishop you'd get one going (= part of solution).  
6 - Regarding Scouts - dh needs to approach bishopric and ask if he's still in there.  If so, being more proactive may be in order.  Ask regularly about meetings, show up on activity nights, etc.

Hopefully some of this will work and you'll see some changes soon. x

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Talk to the VT coordinator as well.


That might help in finding out who's been assigned but may not be helpful when it comes to getting someone assigned.  When I served in that position, the RS president basically made assignments and changes since she was more familiar with circumstances, etc.  Just tossing that out there.

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That might help in finding out who's been assigned but may not be helpful when it comes to getting someone assigned.  When I served in that position, the RS president basically made assignments and changes since she was more familiar with circumstances, etc.  Just tossing that out there.


It depends on the ward.  I have been a visiting teaching coordinator and I sat with the RS presidency and we made the routes.  We decided together any changes to the routes and making sure all sisters had a visiting teacher assigned.

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I would take the advice to talk to the ward clerk, but it sounds like the ward is pretty unorganized, and often in these situations not everything get put in the computer as it should. Be prepared to discuss these issues with the Bishop,


If your husband has been called to scouts he should just show up on the activity nights and inquire. As previously posted be more proactive. I know you have inquired etc, but go out of your way to do so and be part of the solution

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Thank you everyone.  I appreciate all the advice and suggestions!


We don't know when Scouting activity nights are.  In our old ward they were the same night that our daughter went to her youth activity, but I've never seem them when we go to YW in our current ward.  The last time DH asked about the meetings he was told the next meeting hadn't been set up yet but he'd be informed when it was.  That was months ago.  He used to get Scouting magazines as well, but he only got two issues and hasn't gotten one for well over a year.


Our ward doesn't have a Facebook page (they do have one for missionary dinners, but that's it), so maybe that's something I could talk to the Bishop about setting up. 


I think there is a new VT supervisor, hence the reorganization that was supposed to happen in June.  I'll have to ask the RS President who it is as I don't remember.


I'll try asking the ward clerk who is assigned to us as Home Teachers and find out who DH is paired up with (and let them know he needs to be if he isn't).


I know that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but I'm just so tired of squeaking all the time and feeling like it's all one-sided.  I just don't feel like we should have to fight so hard to be involved in a ward, especially when we've been there for two years!  It makes us feel really unwanted and we're starting to wonder why we should even care if they don't.

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I should mention that the Bishop and his counselors have been wonderful to us (the second counselor actually lives down the street from us and has been a great neighbor).  It's the rest of the ward.  I know the bishopric would feel really bad if they knew how we felt and that's part of the reason that I didn't want to go crying to them about it. 

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