Most comfortable car seat


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Can't offer anything as far as brand, etc. but will share this instead because sometimes the issue isn't the car seat - 


I once vt someone who recently became a grandma.  She mentioned how the little tyke would cry and cry every time they were put in the car.  They heard of a local chiropractor that offered free consults for infants so they decided it was worth a try.  Sure enough, the chiropractor did his thing and the baby was fine in the car from then on.

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Needing suggestions for a comfortable car seat. We are going on a long trip and wonder if anyone out there has some input on a seat for a 4 month old.

I don't care how much it costs. I will pay any price for my sanity.



Where do you live? I have one that is super comfy but is just better for tiny babies. We never really used it so it's in tip-top shape.

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This post won't win me any Father of the Year awards, but . . .


We drive from Utah to California and back three or four times per year (about a nine-hour trip without potty breaks--ah, fond memories of the days when those weren't necessary!), and have done so for years (we have five kids, all under 8 years old).  I've never found the design of any infant seat to really be a problem.  The bigger issue is that sometimes, babies just want to be held.


You and your family have to decide if you're willing to take the child out of the seat to soothe him/her while the car is in motion (a-HEM!!!).  But all in all, the best investment I ever made for my sanity on those long-haul trips was a few pairs of Hearos.  Earbuds for my smartphone (with plenty of pre-loaded mp3s) are even better.  (But check state laws--see here, for example.)


Another tip:  If your trip involves a substantial and rapid change in elevation (like crossing the Sierra Nevada on I-80), your baby might start screaming when her ears start to pop.  Giving her a bottle right then will work wonders--sucking on a bottle (but not, in my experience, a pacifier) seems to relieve the pressure in the ear.  :)

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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