Drowning in doubt and so scared


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Hi guys,

This board has helped me through so much, so I'm counting on you again. :)

I feel really awkard talking about this, but it's really been bothering me and I don't know what else to do. Thanks in advance...

To be brief, I've had anxiety/ocd issues off and on for a long time. Sometimes thoughts just get stuck that have nothing to do with how I really feel, and lately they've been centered on taking the names of Heavenly Father and the Son in vain and my talents.

I feel so helpless.

No matter how hard I pray, the bad thoughts just keep coming, even DURING a prayer! I'm so mentally exhausted.

Talents-wise, I worry that God will take them away because I haven't used them wisely, even though I'm very careful about that, and because I've had thoughts that say I wish they'd go away, even though I'd never wish them away and even though that's not how I feel about them at all. I also worry that I haven't discovered my talents even though I know I have.

I know He hasn't taken them away and won't as long as I use them righteously and always acknowledge His hand, and I've had so many answers to prayers/confirmations of them to even think of doubting them. I know that I'm right about what my talents are, and I feel like these thoughts are just holding me back.

I know I still have my talents but I can't stop worrying. I know He hasn't taken them away but I can't stop.

I would NEVER take Their names in vain and I certainly would never wish my talents away. These thoughts don't reflect how I really feel.

I'm scared of my own mind. Every time I sit down to use one of my talents, say guitar for example, the vicious cycle starts: I have a bad thought that asks Heavenly Father to take the talent from me. This, of course, is mixed with thoughts of profanity. I try to shake the thought but it keeps coming and then I drop to my knees and start praying wildly because I don't want to lose my talents. I repeat this a couple times a day, at least.

I feel like my mind has betrayed me!

I don't want my talents to go away and I don't want to take Their names in vain. I'm so scared. I just hope Heavenly Father doesn't take them away and forgives me and understands these thoughts aren't how I really feel. :(

Please help. I just want to develop my talents in peace and have good thoughts. I don't want to worry about them going away.

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As someone mentioned already, Heavenly Father knows your heart. He also knows that you're worried about these troublesome thoughts you're having. The fact that you're worried about these thoughts tells Him that you don't really mean the bad things you're thinking.

I second the idea that you need to get professional help as soon as possible. The way you're describing these thoughts, your inability to control them, when they occur, etcetera, sounds like obsessiveness to me. I know because I suffer from obsessive thoughts too. A professional can help ease this tremendously.

Heavenly Father loves you, and would never punish you or withhold blessings because of something you can't help.

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Heavenly Father loves you, and would never punish you or withhold blessings because of something you can't help.


Whereas I agree with the point your making, I wanted to add that the law of the harvest still applies, even if we can't help it. If you walk off the edge of a cliff you fall to your death regardless of whether it was your fault or not.


I point this out in support of the idea of getting help. We must deal with the issues of life in practical ways, and realistically face the challenges we have. Get help. Use medicine if appropriate. And accept that we may, indeed, have challenges that others may not have in spite of our righteousness or God's love for us.

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And in the meantime... while waiting for the appointment with the therapist... you can try singing "The Spirit of God" in a loud voice as soon as these bad thoughts come to your mind...

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It seems like you're letting your OCD/anxiety rule your life, so of course it's exhausting! 


As others have mentioned, I would recommend a proffesional counselor to get control of your OCD/anxiety.  Once that is handled, you can more clearly focus on other things like not taking the Lord's name in vain.

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Perhaps you will be released from your anxiety when you realize that random thoughts pop into people's heads all the time, and most of them are beyond our control. 


I am often horrified at the thoughts that simply appear in my mind without warning.  Things like "life would be easier if a sick relative just died" and "I can get out of an unwanted party invitation by lying" and several unprintable things that run through my head when I see someone acting stupidly or selfishly. 


The human mind is constantly generating options and evaluating ideas from different angles, and then to make things worse it often replays old tape recordings of things we heard in the past that became part of us simply by sheer repetition.  You mentioned taking God's name in vain; I have a problem with a bad name for women (rhymes with "rich") that I heard thousands and thousands of times while in the military.  True righteousness is not preventing these thoughts from appearing.  True righteousness lies in our conscious decision to reject them.


If you find yourself making conscious decisions to reject sinful thoughts, I would say you're on the right path.  Press on.


But I agree, an evaluation from a mental health professional would be a good idea.  And if you don't feel like singing, then just listen to The Spirit of God:



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