Fat People Kiling The Polar Bears!


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No, it's not Michael Moore and Ted Kennedy on a hunting trip, or Al Gore running them over with his SUV, but...


Roberts speciously reasons that obese people, who (allegedly) consume 40% more calories than non obese people, (allegedly) use their cars more because they are too fat to move properly, and (allegedly) eat the kind of things which are more CO2 intensive, contribute disproportionately to global warming than their thin counterparts

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Guest Emma Hale Smith

Roberts speciously reasons that obese people, who (allegedly) consume 40% more calories than non obese people, (allegedly) use their cars more because they are too fat to move properly, and (allegedly) eat the kind of things which are more CO2 intensive, contribute disproportionately to global warming than their thin counterparts

I liked this comment from one of the readers:

And despite what politicians tell us, obesity is a moral judgement not a health issue as of course is Climate Change.

Personally, my hypothesis, also untested, is that fat people don't eat 40% more (I believe there are several studies showing that food consumption in calories hasn't changed much in the UK, and anyway, these show food purchased rather than consumed) but that actually they exercise 40% less, thus earning a net saving in CO2 over all those people pounding the streets and the Gyms. Now if only I could get my mate colin to review that I could get it published in New Scientist.



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No, it's not Michael Moore and Ted Kennedy on a hunting trip, or Al Gore running them over with his SUV, but...


Roberts speciously reasons that obese people, who (allegedly) consume 40% more calories than non obese people, (allegedly) use their cars more because they are too fat to move properly, and (allegedly) eat the kind of things which are more CO2 intensive, contribute disproportionately to global warming than their thin counterparts

The important word to stress here is Allegedly...makes all the difference as to the truthfulness of this study and it's results. :closedeyes:

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Emma, obese is a clinical term based on BMI. It did not originate as an insult.

As for the theory about global warming, I think anyone who uses the internet is at fault. We run computers, which generate heat, and in addition, we often type or click our mouse while browsing, and though this physical exertion increases the amount of biothermal units we produce by just a tad, the world's combined increase in biothermal units melts a piece of ice the size of Mt. Rushmore everyday.

Dang...I should become a global warming conspiracist. Its pretty fun to make stuff up. B) Then again, that's probably just the writer in me.

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And like I said in an earlier post...if women would stop spending so much time in the shower removing all the hair from the neck down then global warming would be decreased.


Now one thing we should emphasize in the summer is how mowing the lawn destroys vegitation that could be converting CO2 to O2. If any of you have a wife who is somewhat of a believer in all the hype then just tell her that the reason the lawn is not being mowed is to help fight global warming.

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Guest Emma Hale Smith

Emma, obese is a clinical term based on BMI. It did not originate as an insult.

CrimsonKairos, I never said it did.

As for the theory about global warming, I think anyone who uses the internet is at fault. We run computers, which generate heat, and in addition, we often type or click our mouse while browsing, and though this physical exertion increases the amount of biothermal units we produce by just a tad, the world's combined increase in biothermal units melts a piece of ice the size of Mt. Rushmore everyday.

Dang...I should become a global warming conspiracist. Its pretty fun to make stuff up. B) Then again, that's probably just the writer in me.

blah blah blah

I just thought the reader's comment was funny.



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And like I said in an earlier post...if women would stop spending so much time in the shower removing all the hair from the neck down then global warming would be decreased.


Now one thing we should emphasize in the summer is how mowing the lawn destroys vegitation that could be converting CO2 to O2. If any of you have a wife who is somewhat of a believer in all the hype then just tell her that the reason the lawn is not being mowed is to help fight global warming.

Yipppeeee!!!! At last I have an excuse to give to my nosey neighbour when she comments on my overgrown jungle, oh garden! lol. :D:P

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Guest MrsS

<div class='quotemain'> Thanks for keeping it 'lite' folks ;)

You're making BMI-handicapped jokes now too!?!

Aaron the Ogre

(my bmi is 36.1--I drink too much soda, but I've come down from 425lbs to 270; more to go however)

:cheerleader: Good For you!!!

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Guest Emma Hale Smith

Aaron the Ogre

(my bmi is 36.1--I drink too much soda, but I've come down from 425lbs to 270; more to go however)

:dude::dude: Aaron! :dude::dude:

Boogie Boogie Boogie Boogie Boogie Boogie

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Now one thing we should emphasize in the summer is how mowing the lawn destroys vegetation that could be converting CO2 to O2. If any of you have a wife who is somewhat of a believer in all the hype then just tell her that the reason the lawn is not being mowed is to help fight global warming

What about all the emmisions created from that lawnmower too...

This kind of nonsense could go on and on to the point of abusurdity.

Oh..wait...we reached that point years ago..

my bad

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<div class='quotemain'>

Aaron the Ogre

(my bmi is 36.1--I drink too much soda, but I've come down from 425lbs to 270; more to go however)

:dude::dude: Aaron! :dude::dude:

Boogie Boogie Boogie Boogie Boogie Boogie

I love that boogie-woogie.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this whole thread is absurd!


BMI=Body Mass Index; a way to measure how BMI-handicapped (fat) one is.

BTW, I use this term in the most generous (BMI-handicapped) of ways. One day it too will be interpreted as offensive and I will agree that it is possible to interpret the term that way.

Aaron the Ogre

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BMI = ( Weight in Pounds / ( Height in inches ) x ( Height in inches ) ) x 703

gives you a number, normal weight is considered around 19-26

Its an old system though and very flawed, it doesn't take muscle mass vs fat weight into consideration or anything else besides weight and height alone.

It also doesn't give any consideration to if your male of female.

I'm a little toothpick...mine is 19.5 :(

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