I confess


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Sometimes I won't even open the door if it's a friend or neighbor unannounced. My house allows for easy hiding away from the door, unless one of the little kids runs yelling, "Someone's here! Someone's here!"

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Sometimes I won't even open the door if it's a friend or neighbor unannounced. My house allows for easy hiding away from the door, unless one of the little kids runs yelling, "Someone's here! Someone's here!"


That is the worst.


Around the holidays I was avoiding most everyone. Just wasn't feeling quite myself. So anyone that came to the door, had to leave whatever note or goodies for me, by the door. I wasn't opening it for anyone! There were a couple times when I was laying on the sofa and the doorbell would ring, and my daughter would shout, "Someone's at the door, mummy!" Ergh.

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I confess that I get emotionally attached to machinery.  There isn't a car I've bought that I haven't kissed right smack on the grill emblem.


I don't practice vehicular osculation, but I get very attached to my vehicles.  I once donated my pickup truck to charity and actually wept as they towed it away.


I confess that I am not anywhere close to being caught up on my work, and yet I posted again here.  Okay, this time I really mean it.  See you all in a week or two.

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