Family History + Moving


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So I'm moving and going through boxes getting rid of a lot of stuff I found a gold mine, I thought these papers were destroyed but I found a lot of family history that I took yrs ago from my grandfather and a second cousin so now I can have my grandfather sealed to his parents, my great grandfather and grant grand ma work done and have their children s work done this is on my father's side and some on mother s side. This is so cool!!! Now I just need to work on putting it all together. I also came across an old journal it was kinda fun reading it it was when I was in my twenties I need to down size so I am throwing it out it's to hard to keep logging it around and after I die there's no one who would want it. (

It's amazing what kind of treasures you find when you move.. I have tons of pictures some might be 60-70 yrs old. I'm keeping most of them though I did through out a picture of my father s hs. class, it wasn't in good shape nor bad shape.. I feel bad about this but you can't hold on to every thing. You just can't keep everything and there's no one to pass it on too. It's so cool to have a Temple in your back yard almost.

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Thank you for the advice. I know it's good advice I'll think about it a little but I doubt I'll be keeping it. Like I said no one to read it and if and when I pass it will just be thrown out then. I've only writeen two journal s my life I throw out one yrs ago. I just have to much stuff

For where I am going. I don't even have a lot. I'm also gave my CD/DVD which is old but New since It's only been used like 4 time s. I'm going to give my 72 hr kit away, it's just to hard, to heavy to carry around. Sometimes you have to do things you don't really want to do

Some one s misfortune is another one s gain.

Edited by Roseslipper
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Guest LiterateParakeet

How awesome!  I'm excited with your about your great find.  My experience with moving is usually in losing things!  They say "two moves are as good as a fire."


It sounds like you have made up your mind...but I still have to say, I think you should keep the journal.  I have several journals (I like writing) and I have often wondered if anyone will ever read them.  The ones I really wonder about are the journals from these last few years in therapy...that may be more than anyone wants to know, LOL!  

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Okay ty all for your advice. I took the journal out of the garbage. I am thinking of keeping it, LP those last few journal s while you were in therapy might make good books to publish it might be able to help others. Something to think about.

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So glad you're not throwing your journal away.  You may never know who may read it in the future--perhaps a friend, or distant relative.


A couple of weeks ago I was talking to my mother-in-law about her journals.  She was feeling that her journals were worthless because instead of writing her feelings about things, it was more of an itinerary of her life--"I canned 30 bottles of peaches today", etc.  So, I asked her to let me read one of her journal entries.  Basically, it said something to the effect, Sis. So-and-so was ill.  I was her visiting teacher, and I went to visit her and we talked…  I said, "Mom, this isn't worthless.  What does this tell your family?  It says you were faithful in the Gospel.  You took your visiting teaching seriously.  You were faithful while you had nine children you were caring for.  These little tidbits of information may inspire one of your grandchildren someday "If Grandma was faithful with nine children, I can be faithful too."

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Ok it's packed and at my new place. As far as my picture s some of them are over hundred years old from the old country in Russia and Poland. My friend of about 35 yrs I was showing them to her, she said she wished she had picture s like I do. I remember when I was younger I was sitting with my grandfather I was putting those pictures in an album and writing their name's and how they were related to me. I know these people love d me. I know I was a wanted child and grand child I was loved. At one time in my life I have forgotten that I belong ed to these wonder full people. Because I lost so much in my very young years. And my life has been harder than I ever thought it would be. And still is, but I know that I have also been very blessed. People are my treasures my blessings.......And above all is my membership!

Thanks to all of you it's nice to have on line friend s, truth is were brother s and sister and friend s. Now isn't that cool?

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Ok it's packed and at my new place. As far as my picture s some of them are over hundred years old from the old country in Russia and Poland. My friend of about 35 yrs I was showing them to her, she said she wished she had picture s like I do. I remember when I was younger I was sitting with my grandfather I was putting those pictures in an album and writing their name's and how they were related to me. I know these people love d me. I know I was a wanted child and grand child I was loved. At one time in my life I have forgotten that I belong ed to these wonder full people. Because I lost so much in my very young years. And my life has been harder than I ever thought it would be. And still is, but I know that I have also been very blessed. People are my treasures my blessings.......And above all is my membership!

Thanks to all of you it's nice to have on line friend s, truth is were brother s and sister and friend s. Now isn't that cool?

Hope you like your new home.
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