This Cracked Me Up!

Guest Yediyd

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Guest Yediyd
<span style="color:#ff0000">"The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying'Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses.' She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'You want a piece of me?'" - Robin Williams
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<span style="color:#ff0000">"The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying'Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses.' She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'You want a piece of me?'" - Robin Williams

Robin Williams did write this quote, and I think it's a hoot.


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Guest Yediyd

I knew that Robbin didn't write this, El...that is why I highlighted what Robbin do get a kick out of this artical, and I'd like to send it to places like France and Irac...

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I knew that Robbin didn't write this, El...that is why I highlighted what Robbin did say, and I took out the part at the top that was giving him credit for the whole thing.

Oh, I assumed you knew this, Yed. I just know a lot of people have seen it and assume it's RW's., and if any one read that here, I just wanted to clarify. That's all. You didn't present it as if RW's had written it.

I don't think we should take our toys and go home...but I do get a kick out of this artical, and I'd like to send it to places like France and Irac...

Especially the so-called Iraqi Parliament that planned on goiing on summer vacation while our troops are over there figthting for that parliament!



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  • 3 weeks later...

I have always assumed that the ultimate in Conservative fantasies would be a return to the good ol' days of feudalism, but instead of a monarch, things would be run by the Church.

I agree, with the "Church" being the ultra-conservative religious right (UCRR). Its obvious influence in getting Bush elected is undeniable.

The UCRR's extremism, IMO, is a dangerous thing in that it believes it has the right to impose its belief system on those who don't share those beliefs. Peopled by the likes of Raph Reed, Pat Roberts, and Jerry Falwell, its goal was to, via proper channels, infiltrate the government and to legislate its version of Christianity upon people who did not share, and were not willing, to participate in, as your metaphor aptly terms, this enforced feudalism. Eventually, even people who shared their version of Christianity began to see the light, became disillusioned with these so-called Chrtistians heavyhanded tactics, and removed their support for the UCRR. Of course, this was a minority of the UCRR as the majority still supported them, and again, I find this a very dangerous thing.

In fact, they are still a frightening faction, as evidenced by the brainwashing of their young in the documentary "Jesus Camp."

I blelieve the 2006 Democratic takeover was not only a referendum on Iraq. It was also the people telling the UCRR to back off. And so far, it seems to have worked. But there is not a doubt in my mind they are strategizing on a comeback, as they still have a tenuous hold to significant faction of fanatiic voters. I find this extremely unnerving.


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I guess if all y'all had lived during the times of Moses, you'd have seen him as an oppressive ultra-conservative religious bigot trying to force his morals on a whole nation. :hmmm:

I am still waiting for the Dems to do something....I heard alot of things before the election......and have seen nothing after the election.........shame on a country for having morals.....
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I am still waiting for the Dems to do something....I heard alot of things before the election......and have seen nothing after the election.........shame on a country for having morals.....

But is having morals and being in Emma's UCRR the same thing? I don't think so. We're told to be in the world but not of the world and if your world is a bunch of people at church who think they have the right to legislate behavior, shouldn't we be looking another way?

The Evangelicals are constantly telling us that we are still just a bunch of cultists. If they are the mainstream, do we have to want to be like them? You want to be part of the Christian Fundamentalist Political Movement even if they have told us we are not welcome and in fact part of the problem go right ahead. But don't assume that if I don't think they are such a nice bunch that I don't have morals.

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<div class='quotemain'>

I am still waiting for the Dems to do something....I heard alot of things before the election......and have seen nothing after the election.........shame on a country for having morals.....

But is having morals and being in Emma's UCRR the same thing? I don't think so. We're told to be in the world but not of the world and if your world is a bunch of people at church who think they have the right to legislate behavior, shouldn't we be looking another way?

The Evangelicals are constantly telling us that we are still just a bunch of cultists. If they are the mainstream, do we have to want to be like them? You want to be part of the Christian Fundamentalist Political Movement even if they have told us we are not welcome and in fact part of the problem go right ahead. But don't assume that if I don't think they are such a nice bunch that I don't have morals.

don't remember asking if you or anyone else had morals

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Oh well...can't be perfect...It is nice to know you are waiting for the Dems to do something. Why don't you do something instead of waiting if it is important to you?

The politos certainly aren't, all they are going to do is wait for the next news cycle and then be reactive by carping a bit and giving the radio-head somthing to talk about. Why emulate them? Try being proactive.

If it isn't important, why bring it up... ?!? ...Unless you were making an observation...

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<div class='quotemain'>


Oh well...can't be perfect...It is nice to know you are waiting for the Dems to do something. Why don't you do something instead of waiting if it is important to you?

The politos certainly aren't, all they are going to do is wait for the next news cycle and then be reactive by carping a bit and giving the radio-head somthing to talk about. Why emulate them? Try being proactive.

If it isn't important, why bring it up... ?!? ...Unless you were making an observation...

another observation......

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Dude, that has to be the biggest non sequitur I've encountered in awhile. Liberals don't believe in legislating morality. They argue for moral relativism, not moral absolutes.

So then like all liberals you would then determine what morality is and then make me live by it creating new legislation to support some sort of activist adgenda.

You're in denial man.

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CK is right: the libs argue that there is no 'one' morality, but whatever floats your boat, that is moral. So they deny that there is a God, or if they don't, that he will just give it a wink and a nod and everything will be okay for them (2nd Nephi 28:7-9). So, to them, there is one morality for Mormons, one for Catholics, one for Protestants, one for Jews, one for Hindus, one for Buddhists, one for Muslims, etc., etc., etc. Unfortunately there are some in the church that hold the same view because to judge is wrong. No, what the Savior said was to judge RIGHTEOUS judgment.

HF set down a roadmap for us to return to him. Immorality and other types of destructive behavior were not on that map. In fact, it will make us sad (Alma 41:10). HF holds us in his church that have made covenants to a higher standard than those that haven't, and holds those that believe his words to a higher standard than those that don't believe, but it doesn't change TRUTH.

Individuality is highly overrated. That is the great battlecry today of those that feel oppressed, that we are intruding upon their individual rights, including some in the church. We were never supposed to be our own people. We were put here to choose to become like HF and Jesus Christ. We are commanded to become perfect like them. I don't think that HF is 500 lbs because he couldn't control his appetite. I don't think that HF is a gross adulterer because it is his drives, and he cannot control them. I don't think that HF told his Bishop or SP or Prophet to stop trying to tell him what to do...

He was perfectly obedient. His Son, Jesus Christ, was perfectly obedient. He did ALL his Father commanded him to do. He didn't say "I'll do this one, but I don't understand what they heck that means so I won't do it!" We are to be swallowed up in the spirit and strive to follow our Savior's example, and if we do that, then we will be like him in every way. Doesn't sound to "individual" to me....

There is only one standard: the Lord's standard. And it should be legislated, but the world cannot take it, so we don't. And the world continues to slide down to hell...

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