AntiMormon vs Critic


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why do you call me an antiMormon.




Thank you for allowing me to clarify.
 I did not call you an antiMormon.  I said that you are using their tactics.  I believe this is unintentional on your part.

So, let's get down to it ==>>
There are critics -- such as Rob Bowman, Dan Vogel, and I would even consider the Tanners as critics (most of the time, but they do cross the line).  

And on the opposite end, there are antiMormons. such as Lee Baker, Matt Slick, Bill McKeever.  The difference is that the antis use clever rhetoric in a deliberate attempt to deceive.  

Bill McKeever keeps asserting that the BOM plates are 100-200 pounds even though he knows that they are documented to weigh 40-50 pounds.

The others continue to quote church leaders as though every statement from a leader is the doctrine of the church.  They "forget" to mention sources which actually contradict their assertions, and when we point it out their errors to them, they just move on to the next intended victim.

For example, when an antiMormon talks about the wives of Joseph Smith, the ones already married, how many of them "forget" to mention that there are two types of marriage in the church, only one of which involves intimate relations. They quote out of context -- in the famous statement by Brigham Young and having intimate relations with blacks, how many also quote the paragraph above which clearly shows that he was not talking about marriage, but about the slave owners who took advantage of their female slaves.

How often do they quote something, by giving their own "summary" of what was said.  You check the actual statement, and it does not match their "summary".

"Joseph Smith was convicted as a thief, con man, etc etc etc"  This is antiMormon garbage.

I'm sure they realize that most people won't check them out.  When I ask for the exact quote, their sources, they just move on.

The critics raise legitimate questions based on a knowledge and understanding of our actual history and doctrines.  
The antiMormons poison minds with their garbage.

The critics ask questions, the antis fill the air with hysterical rants and assertions.

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