Should we miss our church graveyards?

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We must miss them at least to a small degree, we have a graveyard at one of our temples. Winter Quarters. 

For me there is a powerful message in seeing graves at the temple when I go. Looking at past generations/ pioneers makes me more resolve in not wanting to be the "weak link" in my family history. That is just me though. 


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We live out in the middle of nowhere, but we have an old graveyard in our neighborhood - about 300 square feet.  A little history digging, and turns out our little bit of nowhere was once a waypoint for people heading to California.  Half a dozen buildings or something.  Apparently they tried potato farming.  Absolutely zilch of that is left, except for the graveyard.

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Iosepa, in Utah, is the same way--nothing left of the place except the cemetery, and one or two fire hydrants.

I used to think that headstone makers who called their products "monuments" were being kind of pretentious.  But, walking through some of these pioneer era ghost towns . . . you get it.

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There is nothing pretentious about a monument or headstone.  They at least leave something long term behind for a person.  Others are able to leave behind books (that they wrote) or various buildings they were part of one way or another.  Or other things.  But not all of us are so fortunate or talented.  So at least we can leave a marker.  A monument or headstone, with some personal information, and maybe a statement, saying, motto, or joke. 


I grew up across the street from a large graveyard, one that had been filled long before I was born, or nearly so.  So it was ancient history for me to walk the dog or myself over there and imagine the lives of the past.

I still see the graveyards around all the small towns I visit in Utah.  I'm looking for my own place in one of them, as my time comes soon, supposedly.

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