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Someone posted this yesterday on a Jubilee thread and I hadn't seen it before. It probably has most theories out there related to what others have thought the Jubilee year could possibly "mean." The calendar that this thread is talking about is shown about 24:40 in the video. This is not an endorsement but the information is interesting if you want to know what other's are thinking, but be aware, after 30 minutes this video turns into an ad. I would start 2 minutes in as well.


At the very beginning the magic 7 is talked about with regards to numerology (different from God's symbolic meaning for numbers) which is something the occult believe in. So watch how often you see the number 7 popping up, e.g. the Dow drop on Elul 29 in 2008 was 777 points. This year starting this fall in the Jewish calendar and as seen on the internet on October 2nd will be the Hebrew year 5777.


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  • pam featured this topic

In the gospel of Mark, chapter 13, Jesus Christ tells his disciples about the destruction that awaits Jerusalem and likens it as well to the terrible events of the latter days. These events are also listed chronologically in the D&C. But if anyone would like to read a graphic historical account of Jerusalem's destruction after Jesus Christ was crucified, read chapter one of The View of the Hebrews. Then you'll get an idea of what we will yet face in our latter days.

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September 16-17, 2016 is the last of the Sextet of lunar eclipses on Passover/Tabernacles according to the biblical calendar discussed here. Tabernacles is associated with ingathering. An interesting quote about it...

"Tabernacles is indeed the last of the appointed feasts and concludes the festive calendar. As such, it anticipates the culmination of God’s purpose for Israel, the final fulfillment of God’s promises for and through that nation. To emphasize perfection and completion, it occurs in the seventh month, lasts for seven days and the number of its sacrifices are divisible by seven. “Whereas the sacred number seven appeared at the Feast of Unleavened Bread only in the number of its days, and at Pentecost in the period [which must transpire before] its observance (7 x 7 days after Passover), the Feast of Tabernacles lasted seven days, took place when the seventh month was at its full height, and had the number seven impressed on its characteristic sacrifices.” (Edersheim, Temple, p. 219.)


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On 9/12/2016 at 9:25 AM, lds2 said:

So watch how often you see the number 7 popping up, e.g. the Dow drop on Elul 29 in 2008 was 777 points. This year starting this fall in the Jewish calendar and as seen on the internet on October 2nd will be the Hebrew year 5777.


Still watching...

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  • pam unfeatured this topic

Sukkot with the lunar eclipse is today! Using the calendar as commanded in the bible. It is a Feast that lasts 8 days in Israel and 9 in the diaspora so it would end for those in the US on Sunday, September 25th, 2016.

"If the theme of Rosh Hashana is repentance, and the theme of Yom Kippur is redemption, then most naturally the theme of Sukkot is rejoicing in God's forgiveness. The gathering of the year's final harvest was a confirmation of God's blessing...Salvation and obedience to God always leads to joy" (Mitch and Zhava Glaser, The Fall Feasts of Israel, p.162).

Prophetically Sukkot celebrates the coming of the Messiah to rule and reign on the Earth. In biblical times this final of the seven feasts was simply known as "The Feast." It was the time when many of the foreign believers returned to Israel to celebrate as well. It is the time of ingathering, the remnant is gathered, when they are commanded to live in tents and rejoice, etc.

At Sukkot, the House of Israel were commanded to gather various branches (Leviticus 23:40)  (which were then traditionally used for a wave offering), they were to live in a tent (leviticus 23:42), and to rejoice (leviticus 23:40 and Deuteronomy 16:13-14).


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Another interesting thing about today is that it is the second harvest moon in a row that will be eclipsed. I bet that doesn't happen very often...seriously. 

The harvest moon is the new moon closest to the fall equinox. The spring and fall equinoxes (and Feast times) have often been important in history and so it is always something that I watch for, e.g. last year the pope came to the US related to world peace, previously the President visited Israel for the first time during the spring equinox with the same theme, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. 

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Last of the Sextet of Lunar Eclipses on God's Holy Days of 2014-2015-2016 also the Second Year in a Row the "Harvest Moon" is Ecllpsed


Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot is the feast of ingathering, where they are commanded to live in tents, where the remnant is gathered...etc.

Sukkot with the lunar eclipse is today! Using the calendar as commanded in the bible. Sukkot is a Feast that lasts 8 days in Israel and 9 in the diaspora (originally seven days in the bible).


If the theme of Rosh Hashana is repentance, and the theme of Yom Kippur is redemption, then most naturally the theme of Sukkot is rejoicing in God's forgiveness. The gathering of the year's final harvest was a confirmation of God's blessing...Salvation and obedience to God always leads to joy" (Mitch and Zhava Glaser, The Fall Feasts of Israel, p.162).


Prophetically Sukkot celebrates the coming of the Messiah to rule and reign on the Earth. In biblical times this final of the seven feasts was simply known as "The Feast." It was the time when many of the foreign believers also returned to Jerusalem to celebrate as well.


At the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot, the House of Israel was commanded to gather various branches (Leviticus 23:40) (which were then traditionally used for a wave offering), they were to live in a tent (leviticus 23:42), and they were commanded to rejoice (leviticus 23:40 and Deuteronomy 16:13-14).


The harvest moon is the new moon closest to the equinox. The spring and fall equinoxes have often been important in history and so it is always something that I watch for, e.g. last year the pope came to the US related to world peace, previously the president visited Israel for the first time during the spring equinox with the same theme, etc.


In the diaspora (not in Israel which would end on their Sabbath-Saturday) this feast will be celebrated (using this biblical calendar) until Sunday, the 25th of September.


Another interesting thing is the 7 thing...on Elul 29 of 2001 the Dow went down 7 percent, in 2008 it went down 777 points. This year, that just started on the biblical calendar, it is the Hebrew calendar year 5777. So I "watch" for sevens..."Tabernacles is indeed the last of the appointed feasts and concludes the festive calendar. As such, it anticipates the culmination of God’s purpose for Israel, the final fulfillment of God’s promises for and through that nation. To emphasize perfection and completion, it occurs in the seventh month, lasts for seven days and the number of its sacrifices are divisible by seven. “Whereas the sacred number seven appeared at the Feast of Unleavened Bread only in the number of its days, and at Pentecost in the period [which must transpire before] its observance (7 x 7 days after Passover), the Feast of Tabernacles lasted seven days, took place when the seventh month was at its full height, and had the number seven impressed on its characteristic sacrifices.” (Edersheim, Temple, p. 219.)

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2 hours ago, lds2 said:

Another interesting thing about today is that it is the second harvest moon in a row that will be eclipsed. I bet that doesn't happen very often...seriously. 

The harvest moon is the new moon closest to the fall equinox. The spring and fall equinoxes (and Feast times) have often been important in history and so it is always something that I watch for, e.g. last year the pope came to the US related to world peace, previously the President visited Israel for the first time during the spring equinox with the same theme, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. 


I am having two problems following your kind of thinking.  Both problems has to do with various ancient beliefs – or at least what we think of now as what the belief was anciently.

The first problem is the problem of symbolism.  It is believed that anciently the events of heaves were symbolic – In other words an eclipse or equinox was a symbol of something else that was part of our human experience.   For example that an eclipse of the sun symbolized a loss of light available to humans because of something evil coming about and blocking truth from spreading in human society.  Thus the sign in the heavens was a prophetic symbol of something else taking place or about to take place.

The second problem is that of cause and effect – that the signs of heaven we think are insight into how things are connected and that an eclipse of the sun is actually the cause of evil magically gaining power on earth.  This assumes that unless there were certain events in the heavens – certain things could not happen on earth.

I believe both problems when viewed through a modern lenses can cause a person to come to the wrong conclusion.  That is that the signs of heaven alter or change the events of earth.  If we understand things as symbolic – then it does not matter when the symbolism occurs.  The only possible meaning of a particular eclipse is if that eclipse is directly associated (cause and effect) with a specific events on earth.  In general we call such belief – a superstition.   It should not matter or make a difference from past, present or future such events.  We know by observation through the Hubble telescope that the events of heaven are only coincidental to earth and that many events (like a new star) took place years in the past and the equitant light years away from earth and are taking place all the time somewhere.

I am aware that some people believe that the phases of the moon affect affairs among man – such as swings in the stock market.  The official term for such thinking is lunatic.- which through the influence of modern science, has come to mean someone that has lost their mind and good senses.


The Traveler

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I am not into astrology or superstition or hopefully lunacy (so many names thrown out on this thread already) so I don't believe the stars or moon are the cause or effect of anything.

I see patterns but do not believe that all these things are God created or driven. For whatever reason man decides to do things, often very significant things, around these times. As it is a pattern I have observed for a while now it is something I "watch." 

Then there are the signs in the heavens that I believe are totally God made, and I think He is capable of planning such things a millennia or two...or advance. For instance, whatever was the sign in the Americas that created darkness for three days, whatever the "star" was pronouncing Christ's birth in the Old World, and whatever the three hours of darkness at His death...those were signs that were put into place long before by God, just as, I believe, were the tetrad and sextet of eclipses over the last three years, the total solar eclipses three years in a row on the same date of the Hebrew calendar the 1st of Av in 2008, 2009, 2010, etc. etc. etc.

The last eclipse of the sextet I believe is now just minutes over. We are still here, that's good :). What symbolic purpose these things have or don't have, we may not know for sure until we get to the other side. I have done my best to draw attention to them just in case they are significant, for posterity. If there is any meaning, I assume we will only know in hindsight.



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  • 4 weeks later...
14 minutes ago, lds2 said:

So there was a pretty weird thing that happened over Jerusalem as the  trumpets were being blown the evening of October 1st...sounds louder than the trumpets should be...and the clouds...

Very interesting. Because there's multiple videos from different parts of Jerusalem, it can't be one computer generated video. This has to have really happened. However, I have no idea what it means.

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