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I, having no authority whatsoever, nevertheless declare Elpha vindicated from the OP charges against her. The key prosecution witness--an offsite forum--cannot be shown to have any relation to the accused. Furthermore, despite innuendos about hidden agendas, no evidence of malice can be brought.

Therefore I order that the charges be dropped, and that all of Elpha's legal expenses be paid by her accusers.


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<div class='quotemain'>I have never been to this forum you visited. However, if I had, it's none of your business.

Blah. Wrong answer. This is America. If we're interested, then it's our business. No, it's not.

Elphaba: I'm curious, what are my "unique" posting characteristics.

Snow: Umm obsequious, faux intellectual, broad, sometimes clever,

Thank you for that feedback. What do you mean by “broad“?
always with a secondary agenda.
Oh, please. Who doesn’t have agendas? If someone were to map human brains in an MRI to determine their agendas, you’d blow up the machine!
Elphaba:Why can't you live your life with your beliefs and allow me the same?

Snow: Nonsense alert!

No one is not allowing you to live your life and your beliefs. In what possible way is a discussion of your belief not allowing you to live? Answer: It's not. Its a false protestation. Why is it good for you but bad for others?

Obviously I meant “have her beliefs and let me have mine.” I didn’t literally mean “live” her life. It’s a common expression, and you’re being coy by being so literal.

Having said that, you’re right. The majority of people on the board are very respectful of my atheism. Conversely, I am very respectful of their religiosity. Not once have I ever said to anyone they were wrong to believe in Mormonism, or what other religious belief they may have. I have never called anyone evil, misguided, duped, delusional, superstitious, or stupid. That is because I do not believe that. Just because I am an atheist does not mean I presume to know what a religious person’s experiences are. I acknowledge they have them and I acknowledge I do not understand them. I believe they are as real to the person as my lack of them is to me. I treat every board members’ belief with respect, even though there is a faction of them who do not believe that; unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about them

Besides, the hipocrisy meter tells us that everyday you come to this site and discuss our beliefs.
This "hypocrisy meter" resides in your own consciousness" and is not reality. I know there are people who believe that, but that is because they assume a non-member cannot possibly love the Church and not be a member. I've explained my feelings about the Church before, even to you. I love this Church, especially its history. It is my legacy and I am humbled by the courage and survival that has made it was it is today.

The difference of course, is that I don't believe in its divinity, and therefore I choose not to join the Church as that would be hypocrisy.

Nevertheless, that is why I come here daily. I love this board because I feel comfortable talking about the things that interest me, and feel a great deal of acceptance even though I am an atheist.

Of course there are those suspicious members who cannot imagine someone like me exists. And for you and those who don't believe me, I say tough. I know what I believe, not you.

You see, I would believe what you would tell me you believe, because I assume you are a truthful man, and because I believe people usually tell the truth. Conversely, I would expect you to believe me, as I also tell the truth. Of course, Snow, based on your Psych 101-level evaluations of my psyche, you will never understand the real me; instead you will continue to demonstrate your poor diagnostic skills that insist everyone fit into little pigeonholes, and if someone doesn’t, she is flawed somehow, and not to be believed.

I admit I am a challenging poster and that irritates people, who believe, wrongly, that I disapprove of the Church itself. I believe this misunderstanding occurs because 1) I am very blunt about presenting my points; 2) I present some difficult historical issues; 3) I write certain things so that it is easy for them to be taken the wrong way, and most importantly 4) I am both an ex-member and an atheist, so board members, like you, believe my intentions are to belittle the Church. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I do not criticize the Church; however, I do criticize actions certain members take that I feel are wrong. There is a difference. And that is my right. But I am under no illusion that what I think matters a whit to the Church or any of you. But I like being able to write about it and bring some perspective.

And believe it or not, while I seem to upset some of the people about what I write, I also get a lot of positive feedback. Many of the members here enjoy my posts, and when they see you’re “commentary” on my posts, they feel you are ridiculous and self-obsessed. I even end up sticking up for you! And yes, I understand you don’t need me to stick up for you.

The bottom line, the reasons I come here are 1) I am bed bound and go online to connect with other people; 2) my passion is Church history and I like to go to Church message boards; 3) I discovered this board and fell in love with it as it has the right mixture of interests; 4) I was able to write about Church history and the feedback I received showed many people were interested, though unfortunately too many were offended; 5) I’ve learned a lot from many members of the board, including historical facts about the Church, 6) I feel like I’ve been able to bring, and gain perspective from all the board members; and finally 7) I have made some very dear friends whom I talk to from all over the country.

I am actually a person of integrity, and you’re condemnation keeps you from getting to know a pretty wonderful person. Also, I’ve explained my love for the Church to you before, and the fact is if I say I love the Church, then I love the Church. Just as you couldn’t care less if someone doesn’t believe your testimony, I couldn’t care less whether you, or anyone else, believe mine.


Elphie, wonderful post! You are a very genuine person. The world needs more of you! So sorry to hear you're bedbound. Bless you.

Jaguarangel :)

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Wow!! I'm away from the site for a mere 5 days and there's another witchhunt already!!! Sigh...

Well Elphaba's signature does say "Wicked Witch of the West." :P

That's just to throw you off my real personna, which is the Horrorbulus High Priestess Elphaba the Atheist. What Annabelli says is true, though she did not give me the honorrifics I deserve.

My fellow Priesthood holders and I (women's priestesshood is a given) will succeed at destroying all religion on the planet, and one day you will bow to Zod, er, Elphaba. After that, you shall be set free to do as you wish, with only the simple "Golde Rule" to guide you in your lives. And no twisting the words to make it mean something it doesn't. Hmph!

See you on the light side!


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Wow!! I'm away from the site for a mere 5 days and there's another witchhunt already!!! Sigh...


Can you believe this #%$@?!?!?!

Everyone has been very nice and supportive. I can't stop laughing.

It's so nice to see you!! I thought we had lost you to another forum. Hey! you're not in the atheist priesthood too, are you?

Love ya,


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I really can't believe that #%$@?!?!?! Though I shouldn't be surprised. If it wasn't so serious ( for the OP ) I would be laughing my head off!!!

I have noticed how supportive the others have been, and that is a joy to see :)

Well, I haven't made my mind up about joining any priestesshoood mind is a whirl at the moment!! Just ask Yediyd, she knows all the gory details...I haven't made any firm decisions on my next steps yet, I've left it all in the Lap Of the Gods! (nod to Queen there :) )

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