School Assignment Raising Awareness and Angst


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What do yo think about this?

In high school, our World History class went over several of the big world religions.  Then in the US it mentioned the major religions in the US.  It went down to cover as small as Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.  We didn't go into doctrines so much.  But it at least mentioned what was out there and a brief description of the beginnings of said religions and some stats.

I don't have a problem with a social studies class going over the Five Pillars of Islam.  That is really basic stuff folks.  I'm not offended that some teacher would bring that up in a lesson about the Middle East.  

When they get to the US, there is MUCH US history that involves Mormons.  You can't do a thorough job about the westward migration without mentioning the Mormon Pioneers.  You can't mention the history of Illinois or Missouri in the 1800s without mentioning the Mormons.  You can't mention the Transcontinental Railroad without mentioning the Mormons.  And as the fourth largest sect in the nation, you can't mention American religions without also mentioning Mormons.  So, would it be so wrong to share the 13 articles of faith with a class?

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Guest Godless

Why would a social studies class that teaches the basics of the world's major religions not include the world's second-largest religion? That seems like a no-brainer to me. I learned about the 5 pillars of Islam in school (though I believe it was high school, not 6th grade), as well as some of the basic tenets of Christianity and Judaism. And I think there was a brief lesson on Mormonism in my US History class. No big deal. 

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I've met people who joined the LDS church in spite of their parents forbidding them to learn about it--sometimes I wondered whether their parents' attitudes unintentionally motivated their children--that and perhaps the way the children interpreted their parents' examples. Maybe it's just the principle of unintended consequences at work when parents object to their children being exposed to ideas they oppose. I know it's not that simple. ;)

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To me, it depends upon how it's done. 

The basics in a textbook? Go for it. 

Having kids learn how to pray Islamic prayers, like what's been happening at some schools? That runs right smack dab into the wall that is "church and state". 

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I remember learning some basics about Islam and some other major world religions. I just figured it was part of a well-rounded education.

I also recall reading about the Mormon pioneers in Utah history. It's what you did. 

I also know people from other states who apparently did hear mention of the articles of faith when learning about Mormons in class.

On a side anecdote, years ago I read a letter to the editor crying for removing any mention of Mormons from Utah history curriculum.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/8/2017 at 3:27 AM, Backroads said:

On a side anecdote, years ago I read a letter to the editor crying for removing any mention of Mormons from Utah history curriculum.

I would like to read the letter, but since it was years ago it may be pretty difficult to locate. Aside from such a broad cry to remove mention of the Mormons I'm curious what experiences motivated the writer. 

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