Faith In Jesus Christ


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A synonym for faith is belief. And we all know the primary answer for faith.. that is the belief in something we cannot see. And on the entry for faith says this:


The Apostle Paul taught that "faith is the substance [assurance] of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). Alma made a similar statement: "If ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true" (Alma 32:21). Faith is a principle of action and power. Whenever we work toward a worthy goal, we exercise faith. We show our hope for something that we cannot yet see.

My faith in Jesus Christ grows as I learn more about Him. Through personal scripture study. Through the sharing of testimonies by others. Through the Gift Of The Holy Ghost that gives me a "burning in my bosom" when I do these things. It also grows as I do the things that He would have me do and I see the blessings that He has promised become actualities in my world. :)

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Faith is based in your testimony. Your testimony of Jesus Christ and who He is and what He has done for all of us.

Your testimony will grow if you have a desire to know more about Him. Your desire to know more about Him will grow the more you read of Him in the Scriptures. It is like compound interest...the more knowledge you accumulate about Him, your desire to know even more will grow on top of that...then it becomes a "Knowing" and your faith is complete. By complete I mean whole.

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Since childhood I have wondered at the image of Peter stepping onto the water to move toward the LORD. It has caused me much reflection and appreciation for the lesson taught thereby. I would say that at first his faith was sufficient, 'but when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.' (Matt 14:30)

I have often wondered if his faith decreased when he saw the contrary winds and waves, or was his faith insufficient for such all along? It is marvelous to imagine standing on water. A part of me wonders why he would doubt at all seeing himself and the LORD on the sea's surface. I've wondered what power there lies in the exertion of the mind that ceased in Peter with the distraction of sudden bursts of water. Or was his faith at a level capable of this miraculous walk only upon calmer waters, and incapable in the first place of such activity upon a more ferocious group of waves in the wind?

It is looking at this that I used to think that one man could have more faith than another simply by believing harder. I now am of a new opinion. Faith is easily segmented in degrees, but belief at its core meaning is simply there or not. A man either believes or doesn't; and if he does, he can believe all along, meanwhile faith can increase.

I don't think Peter questioned whether Jesus was the LORD there in the sea. I don't think he questioned the LORD's power there. His doubt was not in the LORD, he verily believed. But his doubt was in himself as manifested in his words: 'Lord, save me.'

I myself have said: 'I believe in the LORD, that He answers my prayers and loves me, but can I trust myself and my own senses?' My own thinking then said: 'Well, if I really trust the LORD, then I must trust my senses which I have received from Him and trust that He can get them to operate properly.'

It all comes down to my willingness and exertions to rely on the LORD and nothing else. I think Peter relied on the LORD to stand on the sea, but reverted to his own powers mid-travel as his fears overcame him.

It would seem that doubt is the opposite of belief, but fear is the opposite of faith. And Paul reminds: 'For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.' (2 Tim 1:7)

The true storm that overcame Peter was not one of wind and water, but of spirit and mind. We all stand today with the LORD calling us into unknown territory, do we have the depth of faith to keep our feet moving toward the sound of His voice regardless of the hazards they cross?


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Faith is an action word.

And it is one of the first principle of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ....second being repentance.

Many times the scriptures tell us, (dare I say, Christ himself tells us) to exercise faith unto repentance. I believe the difference between a true follower of Christ and one who not.... is the ability to repent.

This manifests itself when confronted with a difficult situation or person, and our weakness is exposed. We have the choice right there, to either face the weakness, and have faith that the Lord still loves us and can forgive us, and repair us...OR...justify, become angry, blame the world, and choose not to look inward.

Hugh Nibley once said, we are here for 2 main reasons, "to forgive and repent" of all the trials, hells, losses, pains and heartaches I have gone through, those two things have been the most difficult for me.

Most of our covenants we make are connected to those two things.

An important part of forgiveness is forgiving ourselves. repentance is not complete unless that threshhold is crossed

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Faith in Jesus Christ is both to believe in Him, and to believe Him (that is, believe what He teaches). In order to have faith in Jesus Christ we need to know about him (who/what He is, what He teaches, about His life, etc.) and know Him personally, and what He is like. A good book that talks a bit about this is Stephen E. Robinson's Believing Christ: The Parable of the Bicycle and Other Good News.


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What is faith in Jesus Christ and how does one get more of it?


Faith is a spiritual power. Because faith is spiritual and because none of our physical senses enhance that which is spiritual and because so many rely completely on that which their physical senses provide – it is my belief and understanding that few experience spiritual faith.

I am inclined to believe that few listen for G-d to speak to them in the spirit for fear that they will sych them selves out. Therefore they resort to other non-spiritual answers and influences that are validated with that which is physical. This is what I believe to be a lack of faith. I have come to understand that many do not believe in that which is spiritual and if there is not a physical connection then they will not believe it.

There is a question of how to increase faith. I believe that faith is like so many things, including talents, gifts, strength and abilities. That is the more we do the better we get at doing. Therefore the more we utilize faith the more our faith is strengthened. And since faith is spiritual the more we exercise spirituality, that is to see with spiritual eyes, listen with spiritual ears and feel by spiritually touching or connecting the greater our faith will be.

The more we exclude that which is spiritual and rely only on physical senses the less our faith and spiritual power will be utilized. I am not talking about blindly moving forward – I am talking about moving forward on ideas that are given to us by the Holy Spirit. But if you cannot distinguish between the promptings of a holy spirit verses an unclean spirit how can you say that you have faith?

The Traveler

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