Ready To Say Bug Off

Winnie G

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Ok heres the deal, I'm tired I'm up to my butt in unpacked boxes I have cubs starting my sister passed on two weeks ago so you could say I am depressed and now I am given a week to give a talk in church on the 6th article of faith.

I like to tell the whole world to bug off yes even my bishop who by the way is my home teacher and no he has show little comfort towards the zoo I seem to be living in.

I was up crying till 2 AM taking it out on my husband.

So my question is how do I graceful say I need time out leave me alone and send the cubs packing. :hmmm:

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Hey Winnie,

I am sorry to hear of the difficult spot you are in. I know you are always there to give more than your share to all of those in need around you. If this is a time you feel you must say go away I think you are justified. Sometimes it feels the world is crashing down around us, either get your hubby to do it or call the bishop and let him know asap he will be short one talk. :)

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I live in a small ward maybe 50 family's on a good Sunday.

I started a talk but it seems to hold little but the history of the articles them selfs.

backing out of this calling seems so selfish and I have never done it before but at this time in my life I need to be selfish or should I?

I guess I should also add I been told I have chronic colitis and just started treatment for the chronic pain and the systems that go with it, I also hurt my back caring for my sister last May and have lost the feeling in my toes and are under the care of a therapist to avoid surgery.

life seems to hard right now.

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Don't know all the dynamics of your ward, etc., but I'd call him, tell him you just aren't up to it. He'll understand. Ask for a couple of months to 'get over' the pain you've been thru, to recoup some energy.

Bishops and their counselors can give talks at the drop of a hat. I'd not feel guilty about this.

As King Benjamin said: it isn't requisite to run faster than you can, just that you finish the race...

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I live in a small ward maybe 50 family's on a good Sunday.

I started a talk but it seems to hold little but the history of the articles them selfs.

backing out of this calling seems so selfish and I have never done it before but at this time in my life I need to be selfish or should I?

I guess I should also add I been told I have chronic colitis and just started treatment for the chronic pain and the systems that go with it, I also hurt my back caring for my sister last May and have lost the feeling in my toes and are under the care of a therapist to avoid surgery.

life seems to hard right now.

Hey Winnie,

You are obviously unwell right now.

Sounds like you have lots of reasons not to take any more on.

Part of the difficulty with colitis is that it flares up with stress.

Another thing I have found with colitis in my clinic (I'm in private practice over here) is that the folks who suffer with it tend to get overloaded and have difficulty saying "no."

It's ok to say "no" Winnie, to the talk and to the cubs.

You've got to take care of you.

Just tell them that you are not 'up to it.'

If anyone preaches at you or tries to lay the 'guilts' on, just tell them that Gordon B. Hinckley said that noone has the right to make another person feel guilty.

It was in a conference talk a few years back, the reference will probably come up with a search if you really wanted to go after it.

Anyways...that's my two cents worth.


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Oh my! :( It is perfectly OK for you to take a "time out". Of course, you are depressed - who wouldn't be? You've had a LOT of turmoil in the past year, and you have given so much of yourself. Now that things are settling down, permit yourself to fall apart a bit. Give yourself time to grieve -- and ask for help to get that wonderful new house (that you are finally in) unpacked and put straight! It is hard for me to imagine that your Bishop will not release you, but if you decide you can't 'gracefully' ask for that - then ask your husband to help you with that calling and have him go to the pack meetings with you.

And finding someone else for a talk should be no problem, just don't wait till Saturday night to let them know! :D

I hope you feel better soon!

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Ok heres the deal, I'm tired I'm up to my butt in unpacked boxes I have cubs starting my sister passed on two weeks ago so you could say I am depressed and now I am given a week to give a talk in church on the 6th article of faith.

I like to tell the whole world to bug off yes even my bishop who by the way is my home teacher and no he has show little comfort towards the zoo I seem to be living in.

I was up crying till 2 AM taking it out on my husband.

So my question is how do I graceful say I need time out leave me alone and send the cubs packing. :hmmm:

Gee Winnie - that's a tough one. Here's something that I have used to some good effect...

"Thank you for the offer... but no. Perhaps another time."

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