Veterans in crisis -

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I wanted to share a resource I had used recently. For veterans here, if you're dealing with something that you just can't handle or need help with, don't suffer alone in the middle of the night thinking that there is no one that understands you. They also provide other services for veterans besides 24/7 crisis, counseling, VSO for housing, etc. They will do regular follow-up calls with you, see what you need and work toward getting it handled. Not all scars are visible. So, for our brother and sister LDS veterans, don't be too proud to call. 

It is called Veterans for Warriors, it is exclusively staffed by veterans, so, they will understand where you are coming from. The number is 855-838-8255

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They try to understand, it's not always effective. I started participating in "Guitars 4 Veterans" as well, I just bring my own guitar, I'm not to their group, but it is supposed to help with healing the spirit inside, to allow each to find peace through music. That's is help at the VA, my VA peer counselor turned me on to that. 

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I probably quote Jordan Peterson too much on  But Peterson is one smart psychologist guy who is practical as all get.

He has several interviews with Joe Rogan that touch on Warriors and Monsters that I think would be very helpful for soldiers, especially vets suffering from PTSD.  I'm not gonna link it here because Joe Rogan doesn't filter his speech.

So, what Peterson was saying was that every human being has a capacity for great evil i(n the same way that we have a capacity for great good).  It's what the philosophers called the Monster within.  Usually, we don't really have to face this Monster because we just don't need to in the course of our lives.  A good person, generally, is good because he doesn't know to be otherwise.  He compares this to a domesticated house cat who doesn't know he can kill a rat.  This is not really where morality is.  Morality is when you realize you have the capacity for evil but you successfully control it and channel that power for good.  This is where Warriors are. 

Warriors are put in situations where they have to bring out the Monster within.  Psychological break happens when the warrior realizes he has this capacity for evil lurking within him and fails to reconcile it with his inner goodness.  The break doesn't usually happen on the battle field when the monster becomes necessary for survival and defense of one's family (usually the military brotherhood).  The break happens when the warrior goes home to a peaceful life and the monster has no use.  The psychological break happens when the veteran realizes he has this capacity for evil within him and he is surrounded by goodness. 

My understanding from what Peterson was saying is that, the Monster is not necessarily good or bad.  It is simply potential.  And it is when you understand that this Monster is also a force for good that you start to reconcile the Monster with goodness.  Peterson mentioned the great monster of the Nazis.  He said regular people can't even begin to imagine how the Nazis were able to do what they did.  How can an entire military force (and even civilians) do what they did during WWII?  It is when you realize the lengths our inner monster can go in the struggle for survival that we start to be able to control it and reconcile it with our inner goodness.  Not all things the monster does is evil.  Killing, for example, is not always evil.  Killing, like the case with Laban, can be a force for good.  Killing for the joy of it, is evil.

Another thing Peterson talked about is living the balance between Order and Chaos.  We are most at peace when we are at the edge between order and chaos.  Good music is one of those things that is balanced on that precipice so much so that when a person listens to good music he can feel that peace.

Veterans fought the good fight.  We continue to be grateful for the great work they have done for our continued survival.  We continue to need their Warrior Spirit even in times of peace.  I pray that they find peace.



Edited by anatess2
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