Patriarchal Blessings


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Ah, I've never seen that movie. How come he looks like he's about to pounce on someone or something? :D

You've never seen the Restoration DVD? It's very moving and a beautiful depiction of the events leading up to the first vision. Missionaries see it probably a million times throughout their missions because they show it so much (I've probably seen it about 10 times and I'm pre-mission) but it gets me every time. I remember we watched it about 3 weeks ago in a combined Elder's Quorum/High Priests meeting and they asked me to give the closing prayer. I was so choked up I could barely get through it.
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  • 1 month later...

I was reading another topic on PBs and it brought me to this one. It's a great subject!

To answer some basic questions, and to clarify some things:

The blessings in a Patriarchal ARE Eternal. My Patriarch reminded me (and sort of TAUGHT me) that as I received mine. I have typed up mine on the computer, and even formatted it like scriptures (even giving it verses, as I saw fit at the time, as well as making the first letter take up 3 lines.) I included a summary at the beginning (like the beginning of chapters). This what I wrote there:

A patriarchal blessing as reveal by ---- on April 25th, 2007. It speaks of the promises Grayson is privileged to in this life, and throughout the eternities, so long as he remains faithful and obedient to the Lord. It reveals that he is of the lineage of Ephraim.

As you can see, the date was at the end of April of 07. I was baptized Dec. 3rd of 06 and confirmed a week later. That makes it 4 1/2 months of being a member by the time I got mine. I was told there was no time limit, nor even an age minimum. You just have to be a member, and have an understanding of what a patriarchal blessing is. (Enough so to satisfy the Bishop interviewing you.)

About races and tribes... I have a woman in my ward, she is obviously white, but she is of Manasseh. I have a great friend that I'm going to move in with... He was born in the Philippines, and has Filipino and Spanish heritage. He's from the tribe of Ephraim (he says to the shock of his Patriarch.)

I do have a question about being adopted into a house, and actually being from a house. (That is, tribe.)

I'm from Ephraim. My blessing does not say I'm being declared in the tribe, or being adopted, or taken in, or assigned to that tribe. It says I was sent THROUGH that house and lineage.

As I interpret, I am an actual descendant of Ephraim (however diluted). But for people who are not actual descendants, does it say something to the effect of being adopted into the tribe?

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You've never seen the Restoration DVD? It's very moving and a beautiful depiction of the events leading up to the first vision. Missionaries see it probably a million times throughout their missions because they show it so much (I've probably seen it about 10 times and I'm pre-mission) but it gets me every time. I remember we watched it about 3 weeks ago in a combined Elder's Quorum/High Priests meeting and they asked me to give the closing prayer. I was so choked up I could barely get through it.

I haven't seen it either and would love to. One day my daughter and I were heading towards the Distribution Centre when we met a couple of missionaries coming the other way. They had seen the film several times and suggested we ask for a copy because it was so moving. My daughter had also been fortunate enough to have been invited to see it at the MTC, She was very enthusiastic about getting a copy and watching it for FHE, possibly with a non-member family member as a means of reaching out to them. Unfortunately when we asked for it we were told that it was not for the general membership to see , it was only for missionaries. So my daughter counts herself very lucky to have been among the few who were invited to view it at the MTC.

On the subject of lineage. My daughter's Patriarchal blessing actually states "You have the blood of..... flowing through your veins" so I guess this is specifically to point out that she is 'descended from' rather than 'adopted into'.

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Not necessarily. Most of the world is not directly descended from the 12 tribes of Isreal. It is a pronouncement of tribal assignment, not direct lineage.

Hey JD,

Can you clarify that for me? I always thought that it was direct descendancy, even though most of us are mutts and probably have more than one tribe in our lineage...


Some PBs may reveal more than one tribe decedent. Example: House of David and the Tribe of Ephraim.

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Like so many blessings given of G-d, a patriarchal blessing is wasted on those that are not prepared for the blessing. The council of the scriptures is - prepare you the way of the L-rd.

The Traveler

Not always. A teenager may not be mature enough at the moment. Later the teen may reach that level of maturity and maybe enlightened to the contents.

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Receiving my patriarchal blessing was one of the best experiences of my life. I did fast and I remember feeling hungry right before I went, but it was the last thing on my mind when I got to the Patriarch's home. As soon as the blessing started, if felt like there was warm oil flowing through my body and like I was being hugged. Kind of difficult to describe, but it was amazing. Also, I couldn't believe how many tears ran down my face. I rarely cry tears of happiness. I was so touched by how well Heavenly Father knows me and excited for blessings I would receive someday.

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You've never seen the Restoration DVD? It's very moving and a beautiful depiction of the events leading up to the first vision. Missionaries see it probably a million times throughout their missions because they show it so much (I've probably seen it about 10 times and I'm pre-mission) but it gets me every time. I remember we watched it about 3 weeks ago in a combined Elder's Quorum/High Priests meeting and they asked me to give the closing prayer. I was so choked up I could barely get through it.

No, I haven't seen it. I guess I should! :)

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When you play the 'Connect the Dot Game' here in mortality, there was a temple talk [Manti, Utah] given by a Seventy [GA], that discusses about a boy [1987] that will be born or already born that will lead the church [paraphrase-I will look for the article later] into the Millennium. Even President Benson at a conference talked, spoke on this temple talk. Now, it has come to my attention last year, a teenager was who born during that time frame, which I had the honor to see portion of his PB, had the same elements of such person. Not only that, this same individual, when receiving his mission call from what was given, will have the ability to not only raise the dead, he will have the same wisdom of Solomon, and so forth. When he was given his priesthood blessing, it was told that the House of Israel will bow down at his feet. Now...that is some child. Even have the opportunity in seeing partial PBs of former President of the Church and was quite astonished on the contents. I always amazed what is told therein.

A road map? Yes!

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Oh I do wish I could see this. The more people talk about it the more I wish I could see it.

You should be able to borrow this from your Ward library. I was the librarian for my little branch and I was always encouraging the members to borrow the videos. That is what they are in the library for- YOU THE MEMBERS.

Not just for Sunday lessons, but for Sunday after church, FHE, Friday night at the Home Movies!!

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Some partials PBs of former great leaders of our day:

Herber C. Kimball under the hand of Hyrum Smith:

The sealing power of the priesthood was also exercised at times under the authority of the Patriarchal Priesthood, in conjunction with the practice of giving patriarchal blessings to the Saints. A revelation stated that Hyrum Smith, as the Patriarch to the Church, was given the right "to hold the sealing blessings of my church, even the Holy Spirit of promise, whereby ye are sealed up unto the day of redemption, that ye may not fall notwithstanding the hour of temptation that may come upon you." In a patriarchal blessing given March 9, 1842, Patriarch Smith informed Heber C. Kimball that he had "attained the Holy Seal of promise as one that is chosen and sealed unto eternal life." Continuing, the patriarch said: "For this are you called and chosen and sealed, for the hand of God is with you to prosper you, and to save you and your house, even to the uttermost." (Hyrum L. Andrus, Principles of Perfection, p.352)

President David O. McKay:

When David O. McKay was nearly fourteen, he received his patriarchal blessing, in which he was told that he would sit in council with his brethren and preside among the people. After giving the blessing, the stake patriarch rested his hands on David's shoulders and said, "My boy, you have something to do besides playing marbles."

Apparently young David did not grasp the full import of his blessing. He went into the kitchen, where he found his mother preparing dinner, and announced, "If he thinks I'm going to stop playing marbles, he is mistaken" (see Morrell, Highlights from the Life of David O. McKay, 26). (Jack M. Lyon, Jay A. Parry, and Linda R. Gundry, eds., Best-Loved Humor of the LDS People , p.213-)

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When you play the 'Connect the Dot Game' here in mortality, there was a temple talk [Manti, Utah] given by a Seventy [GA], that discusses about a boy [1987] that will be born or already born that will lead the church [paraphrase-I will look for the article later] into the Millennium. Even President Benson at a conference talked, spoke on this temple talk. Now, it has come to my attention last year, a teenager was who born during that time frame, which I had the honor to see portion of his PB, had the same elements of such person. Not only that, this same individual, when receiving his mission call from what was given, will have the ability to not only raise the dead, he will have the same wisdom of Solomon, and so forth. When he was given his priesthood blessing, it was told that the House of Israel will bow down at his feet. Now...that is some child. Even have the opportunity in seeing partial PBs of former President of the Church and was quite astonished on the contents. I always amazed what is told therein.

A road map? Yes!

Manti Temple, APRIL 1987 By Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone

I believe we may have living on the earth now or very soon the boy or babe who will be the prophet of the Church when the Savior comes. Those who will sit in the Quorum of Twelve Apostles are here. There are many in our homes and communities who will have apostolic callings. We must keep them clean and sweet, and pure in an ‘oh so wicked world.’

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