Advice on how to respond

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So I was hoping for some advice. About a year ago, I decided that I would try a few different forms of social media. Never having a Facebook account or Instagram. After creating these accounts, I was surprised at how connected it all is. Found people that I hadn't seen in years. Now there was this one girl, that I honestly kept bumping into her different social media accounts. Along with many other peoples. A little while ago I sent her a friendly message. Then she replies with this," Awe thank you so much! That was really sweet of you and made my night" Now do you think there is a way to continue the conversation? Or does it seem like this just nicely responding? Or am I just reading way to much into this?

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20 minutes ago, jwest26 said:

So I was hoping for some advice. About a year ago, I decided that I would try a few different forms of social media. Never having a Facebook account or Instagram. After creating these accounts, I was surprised at how connected it all is. Found people that I hadn't seen in years. Now there was this one girl, that I honestly kept bumping into her different social media accounts. Along with many other peoples. A little while ago I sent her a friendly message. Then she replies with this," Awe thank you so much! That was really sweet of you and made my night" Now do you think there is a way to continue the conversation? Or does it seem like this just nicely responding? Or am I just reading way to much into this?

In my opinion, it is always worth a try. Does she live near you? If so, you could comment on some activity nearby that she has expressed an interest in. Are you lds? Is she? If so, there may be an activity near her, a dance perhaps? 

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You don't say how long you've been in contact over social media.  If just one conversation (or whatever it was), then I think I'd continue that for a while before suggesting getting together in person.  If you're on a platform that allows you to indicate events you're interested in, you could start doing that and see if she ever expresses interest in one of the same ones...

Of course, I'm clueless about human interaction, so take all that with a grain of salt.  (You'll need a magnifying glass and tweezers to ensure just one grain.  Not sure why they call it a grain - it doesn't look like grain.  Also, if you compare it to a "grain" of sugar, you'll note interesting differences.  You probably shouldn't post your observations about this kind of thing on social media - people on social media just don't get it.)

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1 minute ago, Sunday21 said:

@zil. Not a grain! A cube!

But the saying isn't "take that with a cube of salt" - it's "take that with a grain of salt".  I don't know why that's the saying - maybe it originated in a day before magnifying glasses and chemistry classes (I made a rhyme :D ).  Whatever the case, since it's singular, he's gonna need the magnifying glass and tweezers to get his cube-shaped grain of salt, and as long as he's got all that out, he may as well explore sugar too, maybe even pepper.

Meanwhile, what's worse, is that we do have cubes of sugar.  But sugar itself is not cube-shaped - you need a bunch of grains all forced together to make  a cube shape.  Let's face it, the people who come up with these things just didn't spend enough time in chemistry classes.

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3 minutes ago, zil said:

But the saying isn't "take that with a cube of salt" - it's "take that with a grain of salt".  I don't know why that's the saying - maybe it originated in a day before magnifying glasses and chemistry classes (I made a rhyme :D ).  Whatever the case, since it's singular, he's gonna need the magnifying glass and tweezers to get his cube-shaped grain of salt, and as long as he's got all that out, he may as well explore sugar too, maybe even pepper.

Meanwhile, what's worse, is that we do have cubes of sugar.  But sugar itself is not cube-shaped - you need a bunch of grains all forced together to make  a cube shape.  Let's face it, the people who come up with these things just didn't spend enough time in chemistry classes.

We will have to send those lazy linguists to remedial word-smithy class! Perhaps the Germans with their Porte-manteau skills can help!

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1 hour ago, zil said:

But the saying isn't "take that with a cube of salt" - it's "take that with a grain of salt".  I don't know why that's the saying - maybe it originated in a day before magnifying glasses and chemistry classes (I made a rhyme :D ).  Whatever the case, since it's singular, he's gonna need the magnifying glass and tweezers to get his cube-shaped grain of salt, and as long as he's got all that out, he may as well explore sugar too, maybe even pepper.

Meanwhile, what's worse, is that we do have cubes of sugar.  But sugar itself is not cube-shaped - you need a bunch of grains all forced together to make  a cube shape.  Let's face it, the people who come up with these things just didn't spend enough time in chemistry classes.

Hypotheses of the phrase's origin include Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia, regarding the discovery of a recipe for an antidote to a poison. In the antidote, one of the ingredients was a grain of salt. Threats involving the poison were thus to be taken "with a grain of salt", and therefore less seriously.

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16 minutes ago, pam said:

Hypotheses of the phrase's origin include Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia, regarding the discovery of a recipe for an antidote to a poison. In the antidote, one of the ingredients was a grain of salt. Threats involving the poison were thus to be taken "with a grain of salt", and therefore less seriously.

Well if you're gonna go gettin' all serious on me, then I'm going to have to confess that "grain" is a standardized unit of measure (UOM) equivalent to 64.79891 mg.  Grain is the UOM used for measuring the weight of bullets (just the projectile portion, not the cartridge, etc.).

But really, that's nowhere near as fun as my earlier posts.  :(  I'm going back to reading fiction now.

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13 hours ago, jwest26 said:

So I was hoping for some advice. About a year ago, I decided that I would try a few different forms of social media. Never having a Facebook account or Instagram. After creating these accounts, I was surprised at how connected it all is. Found people that I hadn't seen in years. Now there was this one girl, that I honestly kept bumping into her different social media accounts. Along with many other peoples. A little while ago I sent her a friendly message. Then she replies with this," Awe thank you so much! That was really sweet of you and made my night" Now do you think there is a way to continue the conversation? Or does it seem like this just nicely responding? Or am I just reading way to much into this?

Did/do you know her outside/before the social media interaction? If yes, continue a regular conversation with her. If no, she's probably just being nice. If she were interested in continuing a dialogue with you, she would have asked you a question, said something more, etc. That one message (without knowing exactly what she was responding to) is not enough information for me to gauge whether she's just being friendly.

If she doesn't know you (or have a significant number of trustworthy mutual acquaintances) she's probably not going to meet you anywhere, even a stake dance. At least, I wouldn't. Maybe that's just because I have a friend who constantly shares anecdotes about LDS creepers online.

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Hi jwest,

Social media is made up of "transactional conversation".  Meaning, there's a point to talking.  For example, you are here on this thread talking to us, and the point is you want opinions and info about talking with this girl.  We're providing opinions and info.  There are transactions happening.  

So, just talk to her, like you're talking to us.  Have a point.  If there's something you want to know about her, ask.  You can even have some guts and say "I'm totally new to facebook and looking for online friends.  But I don't even know what that means."  I'm guessing she'd be thrilled to tell you everything she knows, and within a few minutes you'll be friends.


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