The Left Behind Series


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Has anyone heard of or read The Left Behind Series? A coworker has lent me the first 4 volumes and I was wondering if it was worth my time.

Well, the primise is that Christ comes, those who are "saved" gets called away in the "rapture" and all the rest of us sinners are left behind to suffer all the bad stuff by the anti-Christ and maybe get killed at Armegedon, and I presume go to hell to burn in a lake of fire forever.

Personally, I can't see myself reading them, because I think things will probably turn out somewhat differently. But, like much of what I heard in my youth, it seems like some folks trying to scare other folks into heaven.

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The series is a popularized version of what many evangelicals believe the end times will be like. The characters are absolutely fictitious, of course. The interpretations (of Revelation, Daniel and Ezekiel) used for the plot are as literal as possible.

These are fast-reading and enjoyable, but the middle books start to feel more likely episodes than a tight story. They are a fun read and will give you an understanding of how many Christians believe things will generally end up.

Yes, the books rely on some fear (avoid hell and tribulation) to promote the Christian gospel, but there are such warnings. God is Creator, Mercy-giver, and Father--but He is also righteous in his judgements. All fear is spiritual perversion, but no warning is spiritual diabetes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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All fear is spiritual perversion, but no warning is spiritual diabetes.

I agree with the first half of your statement, PC, but do not understand the last part about "spiritual diabetes". Would you elaborate a little so my brain can grasp the meaning?

Proverbs tells us that fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. We are told to work out our salvation daily, with fear and trembling. Jesus warns us that the rich man ends up in torment, whereas the poor man in paradise. We reep what we sow. And, of course, Revelation is full of warnings--even to the churches--that their candles be not removed (implication, that they lose out with God).

So, religious teaching that totally neglects any discussion of God's justice, his judgment, his curses upon those who disobey him, etc.--focussing only on the promises of God, the love of God, the atonement, etc. is unbalanced, and potentially dangerous--instilling delusional spiritual complacency.

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Has anyone heard of or read The Left Behind Series? A coworker has lent me the first 4 volumes and I was wondering if it was worth my time.

You've got to have some standards Pam. Next thing you know you'll be watching The Duke of Hazzard reruns.

:roflmbo: That will never happen Snow. I didn't like the show when it was new let alone watch reruns.

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I've read the first five or so. Very entertaining, but then about half-way through the series, it just felt weird when I read, and I quit--ya know, like if you read any of Orson Scott Card's weird books or stories (ooh, like Treason!!!), it's just...weird. You get that weird feeling and you're not sure if you can function in society like everyone, yeah. But yes, reading this series is good!

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Pam, did you read the prequel? There are three books that give you the story of the characters leading up to the beginning of the series. Also, I believe there are some books that now follow Glorious Appearing.

For a story that is similar, but, imho, more sophisticated, try the Christ Clone Trilogy.

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Pam, did you read the prequel? There are three books that give you the story of the characters leading up to the beginning of the series. Also, I believe there are some books that now follow Glorious Appearing.

For a story that is similar, but, imho, more sophisticated, try the Christ Clone Trilogy.

I didn't know there was a prequel. But I have been told there are two books that follow.

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I was surprised how quickly I could read 12 books. I couldn't put them down. I'm now reading the one sequel and I guess I'll have to find the prequels just so I have read the ENTIRE set.

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It's like an action/adventure book...

"We need to get to the detonator and stop it from exploding and destroying the city!" Ned said, "But before we attack with our sub atom ak47 rifles and kill people...let us pray."

It's like Dirk Pitt by Clive Cussler mixed with moments of prayer.:lol:

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I'm reading the sequel right now. I have to say it lacks anything that the 12 book series had that held my attention. I'm rather bored with it. I could have just read the 12 books and been happy.

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