Be Part Of Something Special This Christmas (book Of Mormon Project)


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For those of you interested, I'm doing a little Christmas project that could end up helping you and others. For those of you who have a facebook account, I have a Group posted that you can join here Group Page If not, here's what it says:

What's the greatest gift you've ever received? Think about that for a minute. What was given to you that was so incredibly special that it still affects you to this day? For me personally, it was the Book of Mormon. No, it wasn't just the book itself. I've owned billions of those since I was a kid. Rather it was the timing of the book. It was the purpose of it and the meaning of it at a time of my life where I needed it most. It was a life changing experience that I'll never forget. As I contemplate over what I should give to my closest friends and family, there's nothing that makes more sense than giving them a gift that impacts them as much as it did me. I'm giving you all a challenge. From December 10th to December 24th read the entire Book of Mormon within that time frame. I know many of you are thinking, "How is this a gift? There's no way I'm going to be able to do that with everything that's going on. I have work. I have Finals. I have shopping to do. I have a life!" That my friends is what's going to make it all that more special. It's a huge sacrifice. If you follow through, I want you to write me back. Tell me what kind of difference it made in your Holiday season. How did you feel? What happened? Did any powerful experiences occur? I want sincere, honest, heartfelt responses. I will then be putting those responses together and creating a book that can be read by anybody anywhere. I don't care where you are or what you're doing with your life, this WILL make a huge difference on how you approach this holiday season regardless of your situation, and your testimony could possibly end up affecting thousands of lives. Who knows, maybe this is the one gift YOU personally have been praying for this Christmas. PLEASE, spread the word to anybody you know that could benefit from this, LDS or not. Invite people on your friends list. Challenge family members. If you've been looking to make a difference this Christmas, here's your chance! Merry Christmas!

You can go at your own pace if you'd like, but here's the schedule I'd recommend. You will finish conveniently on Christmas Eve.

December 10th - 1 Nephi 1 - 17

December 11th - 1 Nephi 18 - 2 Nephi 9

December 12th - 2 Nephi 10 - 29

December 13th - 2 Nephi 30 - Mosiah 1

December 14th - Mosiah 2 - 17

December 15th - Mosiah 18 - Alma 3

December 16th - Alma 4 - 15

December 17th - Alma 16 - 30

December 18th - Alma 31 - 43

December 19th - Alma 44 - 57

December 20th - Alma 58 - Helaman 7

December 21st - Helaman 8 - 3 Nephi 6

December 22nd - 3 Nephi 7 - 22

December 23rd - 3 Nephi 23 - Ether 2

December 24th - Ether 3 - Moroni 10

Remember, once you have finished I'd love to hear from you! Write me at [email protected]. Heck, write me even if you didn't quite finish. Also, let me know if you are giving me permission to put your story in this book. I will not be doing any editing to it whatsoever. Not even the spelling errors! I want people to feel your story, not mine.

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I must admit that I've been thinking I ought to, since they took the time to bring it to me when I had my slight brainstorming the other month..I'm wondering if I will see it in a different light to when I last read any of it in my be honest, I can't remember if I read it all back then, but I do recall having that and the D&C at school with me daily, and tucking myself away in a corner to read them, so I might have done.

I like the idea of following the reading schedule too, I'm more likely to succeed that way...I'm just wondering what the total page count is now..

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I must admit that I've been thinking I ought to, since they took the time to bring it to me when I had my slight brainstorming the other month..I'm wondering if I will see it in a different light to when I last read any of it in my be honest, I can't remember if I read it all back then, but I do recall having that and the D&C at school with me daily, and tucking myself away in a corner to read them, so I might have done.

I like the idea of following the reading schedule too, I'm more likely to succeed that way...I'm just wondering what the total page count is now..

I think you just might enjoy reading it....besides if you have any know where to ask them and get lots of opinions.......LOL!!!!
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Tell me what kind of difference it made in your Holiday season. How did you feel? What happened? Did any powerful experiences occur? I want sincere, honest, heartfelt responses. I will then be putting those responses together and creating a book that can be read by anybody anywhere. I don't care where you are or what you're doing with your life, this WILL make a huge difference on how you approach this holiday season regardless of your situation, and your testimony could possibly end up affecting thousands of lives. Who knows, maybe this is the one gift YOU personally have been praying for this Christmas. PLEASE, spread the word to anybody you know that could benefit from this, LDS or not. Invite people on your friends list. Challenge family members. If you've been looking to make a difference this Christmas, here's your chance! Merry Christmas!

Hello, E. Scrooge here.

What makes you think they will all be positive experiences? And if they aren't, are you going to include them as well?

Elphaba Scrooge

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<div class='quotemain'>Tell me what kind of difference it made in your Holiday season. How did you feel? What happened? Did any powerful experiences occur? I want sincere, honest, heartfelt responses. I will then be putting those responses together and creating a book that can be read by anybody anywhere. I don't care where you are or what you're doing with your life, this WILL make a huge difference on how you approach this holiday season regardless of your situation, and your testimony could possibly end up affecting thousands of lives. Who knows, maybe this is the one gift YOU personally have been praying for this Christmas. PLEASE, spread the word to anybody you know that could benefit from this, LDS or not. Invite people on your friends list. Challenge family members. If you've been looking to make a difference this Christmas, here's your chance! Merry Christmas!

Hello, E. Scrooge here.

What makes you think they will all be positive experiences? And if they aren't, are you going to include them as well?

Elphaba Scrooge

why would you need to know that???? don't see what difference it makes...unless you are trying to be a gave yourself that name not me.... :)

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<div class='quotemain'>Tell me what kind of difference it made in your Holiday season. How did you feel? What happened? Did any powerful experiences occur? I want sincere, honest, heartfelt responses. I will then be putting those responses together and creating a book that can be read by anybody anywhere. I don't care where you are or what you're doing with your life, this WILL make a huge difference on how you approach this holiday season regardless of your situation, and your testimony could possibly end up affecting thousands of lives. Who knows, maybe this is the one gift YOU personally have been praying for this Christmas. PLEASE, spread the word to anybody you know that could benefit from this, LDS or not. Invite people on your friends list. Challenge family members. If you've been looking to make a difference this Christmas, here's your chance! Merry Christmas!

Hello, E. Scrooge here.

What makes you think they will all be positive experiences? And if they aren't, are you going to include them as well?

Elphaba Scrooge

Elphaba, all things we do in life have costs and benefits -- education, marriage, children, and yes, spiritual choices. Overall spirituality seems to have a very positive effect on people psychologically and physiologically (lower depression, stronger families, longer longevity, etc.). So since you chose the Scrooge metaphor I can only hope that, like Scrooge, you will find happiness in a spiritual re-awakening as well -- and while I really love debating you I hope you know that debate is on a different plane than actual emotion and I hope you don't ever take any jabs personally because you really seem to be the kind of person I'd want to hang out with if possible. :D

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<div class='quotemain'>

<div class='quotemain'>Tell me what kind of difference it made in your Holiday season. How did you feel? What happened? Did any powerful experiences occur? I want sincere, honest, heartfelt responses. I will then be putting those responses together and creating a book that can be read by anybody anywhere. I don't care where you are or what you're doing with your life, this WILL make a huge difference on how you approach this holiday season regardless of your situation, and your testimony could possibly end up affecting thousands of lives. Who knows, maybe this is the one gift YOU personally have been praying for this Christmas. PLEASE, spread the word to anybody you know that could benefit from this, LDS or not. Invite people on your friends list. Challenge family members. If you've been looking to make a difference this Christmas, here's your chance! Merry Christmas!

Hello, E. Scrooge here.

What makes you think they will all be positive experiences? And if they aren't, are you going to include them as well?

Elphaba Scrooge

Elphaba, all things we do in life have costs and benefits -- education, marriage, children, and yes, spiritual choices. Overall spirituality seems to have a very positive effect on people psychologically and physiologically (lower depression, stronger families, longer longevity, etc.). So since you chose the Scrooge metaphor I can only hope that, like Scrooge, you will find happiness in a spiritual re-awakening as well -- and while I really love debating you I hope you know that debate is on a different plane than actual emotion and I hope you don't ever take any jabs personally because you really seem to be the kind of person I'd want to hang out with if possible. :D

Fiannan is contemplating his list of potential additional wives again!!! :D

Only Joking!! You know that don't you Fiannan :sparklygrin:

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why would you need to know that???? don't see what difference it makes...

It makes a very important difference. If someone did not have a positive experience, and wrote of it, would he still include it in the book? If so, that would not serve the purposes of his book. If not, it would be dishonest to the purposes of the book.

unless you are trying to be a gave yourself that name not me.... :)

It was a joke Pale. Ebenezer . . Elphaba. Two weirdo names that both start with E.

Bah humbug! :P

Fiannan is contemplating his list of potential additional wives again!!! :D

Now I really have gone green . . . and must rush off . . . I'm not going to make it . . oh that bucket there. . . .

Turn away, please. Oh please turn away.

(And Pushka, never, ever, let an anvil fall on your foot before you ever, ever, put that thought into my head again.)

Now please....turn away.


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<div class='quotemain'>why would you need to know that???? don't see what difference it makes...

It makes a very important difference. If someone did not have a positive experience, and wrote of it, would he still include it in the book? If so, that would not serve the purposes of his book. If not, it would be dishonest to the purposes of the book.
unless you are trying to be a gave yourself that name not me.... :)
It was a joke Pale. Ebenezer . . Elphaba. Two weirdo names that both start with E.

Bah humbug! :P

Hey Scrooge......when I read the opening post it stated if interested....then went on to say what they were looking for....from what I got from it and I just assumed this....if I did not have a good expierence then I would not waste my time with the facebook thing...

and another thing....I am the only here who can stop with the jokes... :lol:

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I joined today and I can't help but notice how we allow an athiest to lead all of the threads she responds to off onto a tangent that everyone has to respond to... so we are now talking about what she had to say instead of the original topic, which was a very good idea might I say! And yes, this is a blatent attempt to guide us back onto the subject, which was a reading the BOM in so many days challenge. I would join in but currently am in a challenge in my Relief Society where we are all reading the Doctrine and Covenants in a month... I will have to do the BOM challenge later since I really can't read the BOM, D&C, and hundreds of pages of Nursing textbooks at one time.

Phew. Makes me tired just thinking about it.

Actually, the way this challenge came about for our Relief Society was a little funny... The Branch President's wife and her daughter-in-law were discussing the latest Book Club book, and the BP made a comment to the effect of, "I wish you ladies would discuss the scriptures as much as you discuss the Book Club book!" My mom (the relief society president) caught wind of this and assigned the D&C as this month's book club choice.

Have a wonderful day!

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I joined today and I can't help but notice how we allow an athiest to lead all of the threads she responds to off onto a tangent that everyone has to respond to... so we are now talking about what she had to say instead of the original topic, which was a very good idea might I say!

Wow, one day here and I am found out! I must say, I am impressed.

Yes, all of the Latter-day Saints on this site are all so gullible, ignorant and unempowered they are unable to think for themselves, make cogent remarks, have anything worthwhile to say, or share their beliefs and testimonies for fear of the wrath of my evil atheism.

Actually, it's not that hard. This site is made up of purely poor, dumb souls, it's really no effort whatsoever to, as you say, "lead all of the threads . . . off onto a tangent that everyone has to respond to. . . ."

After all, you did it.


Edited 3:33

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<div class='quotemain'>I joined today and I can't help but notice how we allow an athiest to lead all of the threads she responds to off onto a tangent that everyone has to respond to... so we are now talking about what she had to say instead of the original topic, which was a very good idea might I say!

Wow, one day here and I am found out! I must say, I am impressed.

Yes, all of the Latter-day Saints on this site are all so gullible, ignorant and unempowered they are unable to think for themselves, make cogent remarks, have anything worthwhile to say, or share their beliefs and testimonies for fear of the wrath of my evil atheism.

Actually, it's not that hard. This site is made up of purely poor, dumb souls, it's really no effort whatsoever to, as you say, "lead all of the threads . . . off onto a tangent that everyone has to respond to. . . ."

After all, you did it.


Edited 3:33


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I'd love to do the challenge but I don't have a copy of the BofM. The LDS are running a TV ad here advertising the BofM, offering free copies. I'm not sure I really want a couple of pimply septics with little life experience turning up at my door.

It also says you can request one from any member of the LDS church, the only LDS I know are on this forum. (Somehow I don't think you'd send me a copy from the US.)

So do you have an LDS bookshop in Melbourne, Australia where I can pop into and pickup my free copy without poping up on a please hassle me list.

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I'd love to do the challenge but I don't have a copy of the BofM. The LDS are running a TV ad here advertising the BofM, offering free copies. I'm not sure I really want a couple of pimply septics with little life experience turning up at my door.

It also says you can request one from any member of the LDS church, the only LDS I know are on this forum. (Somehow I don't think you'd send me a copy from the US.)

So do you have an LDS bookshop in Melbourne, Australia where I can pop into and pickup my free copy without poping up on a please hassle me list.

I would be very happy to send you a copy of a BOM from the US.

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I'm not sure I really want a couple of pimply septics with little life experience turning up at my door.

I debated with myself as to if I wanted to respond to this at all :dontknow:

But have decided to...

I feel what you have said here (I am guessing that you are referring to missionaries on this one) is a very terrible generalisation & wrong.

It also says you can request one from any member of the LDS church, the only LDS I know are on this forum. (Somehow I don't think you'd send me a copy from the US.)

So do you have an LDS bookshop in Melbourne, Australia where I can pop into and pickup my free copy without poping up on a please hassle me list.

Why wait for one from the US when there are plenty of Australian & even New Zealand LDS who would most likely gladly send you one without you ending up on the said "please hassle me list"

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I'd love to do the challenge but I don't have a copy of the BofM. The LDS are running a TV ad here advertising the BofM, offering free copies. I'm not sure I really want a couple of pimply septics with little life experience turning up at my door.

It also says you can request one from any member of the LDS church, the only LDS I know are on this forum. (Somehow I don't think you'd send me a copy from the US.)

So do you have an LDS bookshop in Melbourne, Australia where I can pop into and pickup my free copy without poping up on a please hassle me list.

You don't realy have a high regard for someone who dedicates 2 years of their life to a cause, do you. That's why these young men and women are there, to get life experience.

I'm sure if you asked for one and told them that you would call them with any questions, they would be happy to oblige you. I'm sure that you could also request one from the TV and request not to be contacted after it is dropped off. You could also go to a local chapel and get one, and not give your name or number.

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<div class='quotemain'>

I'd love to do the challenge but I don't have a copy of the BofM. The LDS are running a TV ad here advertising the BofM, offering free copies. I'm not sure I really want a couple of pimply septics with little life experience turning up at my door.

It also says you can request one from any member of the LDS church, the only LDS I know are on this forum. (Somehow I don't think you'd send me a copy from the US.)

So do you have an LDS bookshop in Melbourne, Australia where I can pop into and pickup my free copy without poping up on a please hassle me list.

You don't realy have a high regard for someone who dedicates 2 years of their life to a cause, do you. That's why these young men and women are there, to get life experience.

I'm sure if you asked for one and told them that you would call them with any questions, they would be happy to oblige you. I'm sure that you could also request one from the TV and request not to be contacted after it is dropped off. You could also go to a local chapel and get one, and not give your name or number.


Having done overseas mission work myself (through the church I was attending albeit for considerable less than 2 years), street witnessing for several years and having gone to door to door on several occasions when I was younger, I know how tough a gig it is. I always give people courtesy when they appear at my door (usually offer a drink) be they JW, LDS, SDA or even the Catholic group that has been round. I look back now at the naivety I had and if I had a preference to discuss matters of faith I would much prefer someone who has had the runs on the board. I always tried to make sure I had someone older with me when going out to share the gospel.

In case the word "septic" concerned you, it is rhyming slang for yank, as in "septic tank" and is not derogatory.

I actually drove passed the nearest LDS chapel but it didn't appear to be opened on the Saturday, they had a sign up for some genealogy thing but no book shop. I'm in church Sunday morning, so turning up before/after service is not possible. Are there a bookshop at the temples? I'm only about 30mins from the Melbourne one.

I tend to be very protective of my privacy and so I like not to give out my details over phone to any group. I would rather walk in and even pay for my copy then give out info over the phone. (Even my account name here is not my real name!)

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I understand that you want to keep your privacy. My apologies about the remark, it just seemed a little condesending, that's all. No harm done?

I have a link to an unofficial church website in Australia. It has a bunch of phone numbers you can call to try and find the Book of Mormon without giving out your info. Here it is:Unofficial Australian LDS Webpage - Contacts

I hope this helps.

As a side note, I was in Melbourne about 5-6 years ago. I love the area, we stayed in a town called Mildura for a week then travelled the rest of the east coast. You live in a beautiful part of the world.

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