How can i overcome rejection ?

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I was in love with a red head at college before my mission. We dated for months and I thought she was the one. When I told her I had gotten my mission call she told me she didn’t want to wait for a missionary, and she said she had a boyfriend back home and was planning to return home after the semester. My heart was broken and I angrily told her it was over then. Never talked to her again and after my mission I found a better woman and she and I have been happily married for 24 years.

Sometimes things seem lost until you follow what God wants for you. Move on and serve your mission.

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1 hour ago, Just_A_Guy said:

Love is something that grows when it’s fed, and starves when it isn’t.

Stop feeding it.  

Focus on preparing for and serving a mission, or finding some other worthy cause to pursue.  

I have serious family issues that unfortunately makes serving a mission very hard for me, at least in this time of my life, but im thinking about strechting myself out to the maximum so i can serve before 26 years old.

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1 hour ago, Serviteur du seigneur said:

I have serious family issues that unfortunately makes serving a mission very hard for me, at least in this time of my life, but im thinking about strechting myself out to the maximum so i can serve before 26 years old.

There ya go.  That's how you get over rejection.  You can't be obsessing over marriage and kids when you're planning on serving a mission.  

Here's another one from my 15-year-old kid - "there's no point in having a girlfriend when you have to pick up your girlfriend in the family van with your mother driving".   Of course, this is not about having a driver's license and a car.  Rather, this is about being prepared to actually be good boyfriend/husband material.  Are you temple-worthy?  Are you a good human being that would be an asset to a woman?  Do you know the basics of maintaining a good, Godly relationship with a woman?  Do you earn a stable income?  Do you have a good education and skillset that can be used to support a family?  Do you know your strengths and weaknesses that has the potential to make you a good/bad boyfriend, husband, or father?  Can you afford housing?  Do you know basic carpentry/plumbing/electrical skills to maintain such housing?  Etc. etc. etc.  Be prepared.  Then when she shows up, you're going to be ready.

Edited by anatess2
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