Does The Relief Society Still Meet On Wednesdays?


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i'm in Utah, but our RS meets on Sunday only, except for our monthly or quarterly meeting, where we usually do something fun and have a meal and that is done on a weekday evening. They began last year only requiring 1 meeting a quarter, with the other months activities left to the decisions of the wards or branches.

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i'm in Utah, but our RS meets on Sunday only, except for our monthly or quarterly meeting, where we usually do something fun and have a meal and that is done on a weekday evening. They began last year only requiring 1 meeting a quarter, with the other months activities left to the decisions of the wards or branches.

This is the same way it is for us. I am also in Utah :)

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Same here. We have a monthly activity. The day changes each year. Our building has assigned a certain night for a ward to have all their activities whether it be YM/YW or what.

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I am in Kansas. We have our meetings Thursday evenings.

We have big meetings once a quarter, but we have smaller group things once a month, or once a week. For example, we have a walking group that meets Tuesday afternoons, and a book club that meets every other month. WE have also had Yard sale days where we all meet and go to yard sales together as well as seasonal things like a Halloween thing downtown.

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Hi Pushka

I'm in the UK. It's the same here in the UK as it is in Utah (and the rest of the world I think). The weekly Gospel Lesson for Relief Society is an hour long meeting on a Sunday. Depending on the particular ward or branch in your area, RS could start at 10am or 12pm (or other times if there are more than one ward meeting in the same building - but normally there will always be some church meeting starting at 10am). In my ward, Sacrament Meeting starts at 10am and Sunday School at 11.15am with RS starting around 12pm. The lessons will, twice a month, be from the Manual so it's consistent with the rest of the world and the other Sundays the lesson subjects are down to the ward/stake to decide (I think...). And then there will be a RS activity at least once every quarter - but the day and time varies.

Hope that helps? :)

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Thanks for all your replies!!

I had some visitors tonight who explained that RS is held at our ward the same as it is at yours Smiling Redhead, and that they do also have the Quarterly (Enrichment?) meeting and are planning to have monthly meetings in peoples' homes if there is enough interest.

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We have the quarterly enrichment meetings and all sorts of other mini enrichment meetings and a pursuit of excellence 'university' thing which I personally opted out of because IMO the directive about reducing to quarterly meetings was to reduce the commitment to attend too many meetings and all the periphera in order for us to concentrate on the important things in life such as family relationships and fellowshipping individuals without too many church meetings getting in our way. Unfortunately we seem to be having more meetings rather than less, but as they are optional I just opted out of all but the necessary ones unless it's something I really want to join in on. We have the enrichments on Wednesday evenings which is a bad evening for me too because I have a class that evening.
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