One Thing Happening...

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Hubby and kids preparing to mow the lawns...

...four year old daughter running all around the back yard picking dandelions so that daddy doesn't kill them with the lawn mower.

... thirteen year old son moving the pot plants and finding worms to put in Dad's worm farm.

...Mummy having a breather on the computer after vacuuming and cleaning bathroom.

...Neighbour's dog barking like crazy.

....Willy Wagtail chirping to mate (they nest under our pergola - have had two batches of babies so far this summer, we leave them be and let them do their thing).


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Son just brought me his discovery....a baby snail about 4 millimeters long...tiny and very cute.

Husband clanging about in the garden shed...still getting ready to mow the lawns.

Daughter getting a container to put her collection of leaves and sticks in.

Mum still on computer (after finding a container for the collection).


Lawn mower has finally started...son pushing it around back yard.

Daughter crying - squashed hand in the back door.

Husband missing in action somewhere inside the garden shed.

Mummy about to make afternoon snack for kids - will be right back.


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Husband has resurfaced from the garden shed - brandishing the weed wacker.

Son still marching about with the lawn mower.

Daughter scoffing a plate of watermelon and strawberries.

Mum observing, reporting and back at the keyboard.


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Watermelon and strawberries have been devoured...daughter now slurping on homemade icy pole.

Weed wacker has migrated to the front yard. :crazytongue:

Son almost finished mowing the back lawn. :rockonsign:

Mummy playing games with friends on line. :sparklygrin:


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Watermelon and strawberries have been devoured...daughter now slurping on homemade icy pole.

Weed wacker has migrated to the front yard. :crazytongue:

Son almost finished mowing the back lawn. :rockonsign:

Mummy playing games with friends on line. :sparklygrin:


Do You have FLOWERS Too? :ahhh:

Hubby on the phone with a customer... It's almost 10 PM

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Watermelon and strawberries have been devoured...daughter now slurping on homemade icy pole.

Weed wacker has migrated to the front yard. :crazytongue:

Son almost finished mowing the back lawn. :rockonsign:

Mummy playing games with friends on line. :sparklygrin:


Do You have FLOWERS Too? :ahhh:

Hubby on the phone with a customer... It's almost 10 PM

Well... I have a bunch of dandelion flowers on the kitchen bench now that my 4 year old daughter has picked them to save them from the lawn mower.

The Impatiens and Geraniums are also in bloom.


Lawn mower has migrated to the front lawn....making a racket with the weed wacker.

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Shredded newspaper has been cleaned up by poor dismayed son.

Hubby is on phone negotiating some teaching work.

Daughter is overjoyed that big brother has finished work coz now then can play.

Mummy is coaching Daddy in negotiations with whispers and written notes on paper.


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