MormonTestimonies for our non-member friends

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I posted my testimony I want to post it here...

The Mortal Test

A spirit I was, a mortal to be...

The father came and spoke to me.

You've kept, my child, your first estate

and now it's time to delegate...

A mother to give you mortal birth

a body and a place on Earth.

I know you'd like your mother, "kind"

but I have something else in mind.

You see, my child, it's easy to be

in a holy family that pleases me.

What's not so easy and takes more grit

is to be placed with parents that are unfit.

A childhood filled with fear and unrest,

you must endure and pass the test.

As you struggle through confusion and pain

Your efforts to find me again will not be in vain.

I love you and I'll guide you back

if you will withstand Satan's attack.

Your progression greatly will be multiplied

and I'll be there waiting on the other side...

with rewards beyond you wildest dream

because you took the path extreme.

The Earth will be your proving ground

but Heaven is where you will be crowned.

You will receive rewards so sweet,

just toss them all at Jesus' feet.

You will then be allowed to look upon my face

and once again receive your heavenly mother's embrace.

I know you can do this, I have no doubt

because you're a spirit Divine and devout.

I've planned this life and task to do

because I have great confidence in you.

(1 Corinthians 10:13)

I know G-d won't give me anything that I can't handle...

I just wish He didn't trust me so much!!!!!

My Testimony

I was inspired to write this poem during our Stake Conference in November of 2004. I had been reading LDS poetry from a book that I had borrowed from the church library and I had this feeling of frustration that all the LDS poetry that I had read so far kept painting this "rosy" picture of happy childhoods and "goodly" parents and how the heroin's had to find their own testimonies. I thought to myself, why doesn't anybody write about not being born into this church, yet finding their testimony? I was thinking these thoughts while listening to Conference when the Lord whispered into my heart..."Why don't YOU write that poem?" I wrote it that night after Conference.

My childhood was not pretty. I was raised in several "homes" and foster homes. Both my parents were fact, they met at an AA meeting! Both of them had several failed marriages and relationships which resulted in various children. I have siblings, step-siblings and half-siblings, some of whom I've never met, even to this day. Others I was raised with on and off at different times and various circumstances. To say the was a confusing, chaotic, and unstable childhood. Through all the chaos and confusion, there was one consistent thing in my life- that was the AV 1611 King James version of the Holy Bible.

My father, (believe it or not) was a southern Baptist preacher! He would preach about the love of Christ and the peace which passeth all understanding, but my father never knew peace, nor did he have a clue about the meaning of the word "love." (I struggle with the meaning of it myself) As my siblings all turned to drugs, alcohol, sex or insanity as an escape from the torment of our lives, I turned to the Bible. I started memorizing it at an early age. By the time I was 16 years old, I was carrying my Bible with me to school every day and quoting whole chapters. When I was 26 years old, I quoted the first 14 chapters of Matthew on a TV show called,"The Parade Of Miracles". It was broadcast from a church called The People's Baptist Church in Corpus Christi, Texas.

I didn't know Christ or His love, but I wanted to know him. I longed to know him. As I poured over my scriptures, I found reference to Christ in every chapter I could from both the Old and the New Testaments. I wrote poems, read books (many books),about Christ, New Testament times and Old Testament times. As I matured into adulthood, I started "church hopping", checking out many different churches and religions, each one claiming to have the only truth. Each one claimed that they were the the true church, and with each new church, I came away feeling empty. Finally, after my marriage failed and I started raising my two children alone, I decided to give up on church altogether. Although I could quote scripture better than most preachers I knew, I still lacked an understanding of who Christ was. I knew about him, but I didn't know him. My problem was 18 inches long. There are 18 inches between your head and your heart. I had Christ's words in my head, but they had not reached my heart. If I missed was going to be by 18 inches!

Then, one night I happened to see a commercial for a free Book of Mormon, another Testament of Jesus Christ. Wow! It had never occurred to me that the Book of Mormon was a "Testament of Jesus Christ." I had the Old Testament and the New Testament, what was this? A third Testament? I had never heard of such a thing! Maybe that was the missing piece! I grabbed my phone and dialed the number! When the person on the other end asked if I would like someone to visit me, as well as receive my free copy of the Book of Mormon, I said," yes!" I had my first visit in February 2004. G-d bless those missionaries! I sure gave them a run for their money! I knew we were in the "last days", and the the Bible says,"Yea, let G-d be true, but every man a liar" (Romans 3:4). I did not trust them; I knew many false prophets would arise in the last days, but I gave them my word that I would not make any decisions until I had read the Book of Mormon.

A funny thing happened as I started reading the Book of Mormon-I recognized my beloved Bible on every page! It didn't start in First Nephi, started with the introduction to the Book of Mormon and then the testimonies of the witnesses. I recognized G-d's numbers, His "set" way of organization; I started pulling out G-d's numbers-3,8,12-from the very first pages and I knew that this book was lining up with my Bible. As I read on, I decided that the Book of Mormon was either written by G-d or by Satan, but it could not have been written by any man! The wisdom was too deep. It lined up too well with the Bible, on so many levels. I knew that it was just not possible for man to have written this book. As I realized this, at first, I feared in my heart that the Book of Mormon was a counterfeit. Was this the strong delusion sent by Satan in the last days that my Bible had warned me about? Were these missionaries the false prophets that I knew would arise in the last days? I was sure in my heart that the Book of Mormon was a supernatural book, but to which end? I also knew that "ol' smutty face" was a master of imitation and forgery. If anybody could make a "copy" of the Bible, yet twist it, he could! But the missionaries kept telling me to pray about it, and ask G-d if it was the truth. Satan wouldn't advise me to ask G-d about anything! The Bible says in Isaiah 55:11 that G-d's word will not return void and it didn't. I had not memorized all that scripture for naught.

There was only one conclusion I could make about the Book of Mormon. My Bible came back to me and testified to me as I read each page of the Book of Mormon. The Holy Spirit was there too, and so were the missionaries...patiently putting up with my endless questions. I swam through a sea of confusion, but G-d knew my heart and he guided me back to him. Praise G-d!!! I've finally found the true church of Jesus Christ, and I can testify from my very soul that the Book of Mormon is the truth. It changed my life and it is the final piece to the puzzle of my life. The pieces have come together and I finally have the whole truth. I finally know Christ...REALLY know him, and I have felt his love for REAL this time. I'm last!!!

Yediyd.....a Hebrew word. It means: beloved friend.

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you are welcome Elizabeth... I have a strong testimony of this church, and My patriarchal blessing told me that I would share it with many within and without the kingdom...I had no computer at the time and no idea that I would be on line sharing my testimony, but now I see the fulfillment of that prophecy... This has further strengthened my testimony.

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  • 1 month later...


I absolutely loved your testimony and conversion story... that's one of my favorite things... to hear members' conversion stories. Yours is remarkable.

I was baptized when I was eight (1949) and semi active until 12, then very active for the next 7 years... when I was about 17, I received a testimony of the Church and the Book of Mormon. It was one of those burning in the bosom, heart pounding, filling my whole being kind... I guess Heavenly Father knew that I'd need that strong witness to sustain me through the 30+ years that I would be inactive starting about age 20 when I met and fell for my non-LDS husband. In the ensuing years, though inactive, I could never deny my testimony and retained threads of it... until 12 years ago when I started from square one again... studying, reading, praying, fasting... and my full testimony came roaring back... and the rest is history... here I am...

The Garden Girl

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I absolutely loved your testimony and conversion story... that's one of my favorite things... to hear members' conversion stories. Yours is remarkable.

I was baptized when I was eight (1949) and semi active until 12, then very active for the next 7 years... when I was about 17, I received a testimony of the Church and the Book of Mormon. It was one of those burning in the bosom, heart pounding, filling my whole being kind... I guess Heavenly Father knew that I'd need that strong witness to sustain me through the 30+ years that I would be inactive starting about age 20 when I met and fell for my non-LDS husband. In the ensuing years, though inactive, I could never deny my testimony and retained threads of it... until 12 years ago when I started from square one again... studying, reading, praying, fasting... and my full testimony came roaring back... and the rest is history... here I am...

The Garden Girl

Thank you for that! I guess we all have to find our own testimonies...even if you are born into this church. Mine gets stronger as I continue to read, study and pray. Knock on wood...I am very active in my ward and plan to stay that way!!!
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The Church is trueee... the Church is trueee... You are getting very sleepy, verrry sleepy!

Okay sorry that was just silly of me. The funny thing about my testimony is that it somewhat revolves arround finding an old song from my childhood while investigating the Church. Not only did I find the MP3, but I found the original casette, which to me shows that God can make hidden things come to light. Crazy yes, but it meant alot to me. This shows that God can and will give us gifts and blessings even before we get the Holy Ghost if we sincerely seek after Him. Maybe not for everybody, but it did for me and I am grateful to recieve it.

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I am not even sure where to begin my conversion story. I remember growing up in the Church. Part of me was curious but I dont think it really mattered to me much growing up. I mean I went and I tried to live it but I know I didnt have a testimony then. Although looking back I can clearly point out instances where I was influenced by the Spirit.

I think the desire to know started when I came to BYU. I remember President Batemen's welcoming address. The Spirit was strong and I really wasnt sure why but I was really happy when I was hearing what He said. It felt good. I dont even remember what He was saying and I didnt recognize the Spirit for what it was then. But I was intrigued.

Adjusting to college life wasnt easy. I am not the most outgoing person in the world and spent alot of time on my computer. I found alot of people who would challenge what I believed online and with the Book of Mormon class that semester I was starting to truly be interested in knowing for myself for the first time.

For some reason I came to the conclusion that if the Church were true it would stand up to all the scrutiny. So I spent alot of time researching things about the Church online. Both pro and con. I was exposed to just about every anti mormon claim out there. most of them telling me things completely foriegn to what I was taught in Church. So it intrigued me even more to know for myself. So i researched even more. It wasnt long before I was finding huge holes in what the Anti Mormons were claiming. I could find a satisfactory answer for every single problem the Anti mormons processed. And more than not I was seeing that the antis had absolutely no problem lying, distorting, and manipulating texts to say mormons believed something compeltely foreign to what we actually believe. It left me wondering that if they were so correct and the Church was wrong, why they had to resort to lies to defend themselves.

And then I would contrast it to how the Saints responded to these criticisms. How they would put the text the antis supplied up against the text as it actually was. Or they would show how evidence had been shown that contradicted what the antis would claim. They would give plausible and scholastic responses to every issues the anti mormons brought up. And yet I remember clearly they would say "Here is a plausible explaination for this problem you've got. But don't take our word for it. The only way you are going to know the truth is to turn to the Lord and find out."

Ultimately in this time period I had started searching the scriptures and learning more about them. They began to be good to me. I didnt realize it still but it was the Spirit. I would pray to know the truth. i figured the Lord had power to reveal it to me if He was really there and even though I didnt know How i had figured i should try to believe. And if the truth was in the church I would strive to live it. if not i would follow the Lord to the truth.

Around Conference time I decided I would watch all 5 sessions of Conference to see what the Saitns were being smart. After the first, I was hooked. I never really payed attention in conference before, but the Spirit was so incredible I just couldnt ignore it. I still wasnt recognizing the Spirit for who He is but I realized that as I listened to the principles they were good and joyful to me.

I think it was either that weekend or the following when i saw the scriptures lying on my bed and I just got this strong desire to read. I decided since the D&C was the only class we never had in Seminary that I should start there. Strangely enough I started in the back of the D&C. with Sections 137 & 138 and the Official declarations. And then i turned to the beginning and all week I could hardly put the book down. I just felt compelled to read it. The Spirit was incredibly strong the entire time.

When i reached Section 135 and read about the Martyrdom the Spirit was overwhelming me. I never felt Him as powerful as I did then and few times that powerful since. But it just sort of clicked. This was the Spirit testifying to me. I knew that Joseph was a Prophet, that the Book of Mormon was true. More importantly I knew the Savior lived. And I heard the Spirit clearly tell me "Now you know this is all true, are you going to live it?"

I will never forget that. Never forget how powerful the glory and love of the Lord felt. Even in my deepest times of depression and when I feel the temptation to turn away from it all. I remember it and i realize that I could never be happy with myself if I didnt try to live the Gospel. If I tried to turn away from it I would be lying to myself and to God because I know it's true.

Since then I've tried. Even if I fail I know I am doing what I can. I know that Christ is there to help me up. i have received insights and answers to prayers. Ive seen miracles. I've seen the change Ive felt come into the lives of others as well.

Jesus lives. God loved us so much that He sent His Son to die for us. And He has spoken from the Heavens and called Aposles for our day. He has given us the Book of Mormon to testify to His Son. And I am grateful for it.

I must say, I am looking forward to hearing more of your tesitmonies.

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Hello Avatar...

Loved your testimony also... you are so right... those of us growing up in the Church have to be "converted" also and gain our own testimony...

What you said about putting the writings (LDS and Anti) side by side is true... not long ago my dear non-active sister told me she was reading The Godmakers. I was familiar with TG and so told her, Well if you're going to read TG, you have to read The Truth About The Godmakers by Gilbert Scharffs, where he goes page by page, line by line, and shows the inaccuracies, misrepresentations, etc. of TG. So I quickly ordered a copy and sent it to her... she told me when she got it she placed the two books side by side and started reading. It didn't take her long until she tossed out The Godmakers, and she told me she'd never just accept the anti material again without reading and studying both sides, and she had absolutely no use for The Godmakers or people who use similar tactics.

Funny, she shares our beliefs on many things, i.e., pre-existence, plan of salvation, etc., but is very strong minded and has her own "theories" about other things.

Garden Girl

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Yedi, what a beautiful conversion story! Thank you for taking the time to share it. I'm going to go work on my lesson for Sunday and read the rest of this thread. It is very uplifting.


Actually...I just cut and pasted it!! :rolleyes: If anybody is interested in some of my other poems, here is a link to my blog...I haven't written much lately as these forums take up much of my free time (and some time that I should not be wasting!! I am hopelessly addicted! :( )

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Thanks Y... that was so beautiful! I think I send it to my kids...

I am watching the fulfillment of my patriarchal blessing and it is cool!! The patriarch said I would share my testimony with many within and without the kingdom!!! This was BEFORE I got this new computer!! I have had this computer for about 4 months, now...Got my blessing in 2004.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I posted my testimony I want to post it here...

The Mortal Test

A spirit I was, a mortal to be...

The father came and spoke to me.

You've kept, my child, your first estate

and now it's time to delegate...

A mother to give you mortal birth

a body and a place on Earth.

I know you'd like your mother, "kind"

but I have something else in mind.

You see, my child, it's easy to be

in a holy family that pleases me.

What's not so easy and takes more grit

is to be placed with parents that are unfit.

A childhood filled with fear and unrest,

you must endure and pass the test.

As you struggle through confusion and pain

Your efforts to find me again will not be in vain.

I love you and I'll guide you back

if you will withstand Satan's attack.

Your progression greatly will be multiplied

and I'll be there waiting on the other side...

with rewards beyond you wildest dream

because you took the path extreme.

The Earth will be your proving ground

but Heaven is where you will be crowned.

You will receive rewards so sweet,

just toss them all at Jesus' feet.

You will then be allowed to look upon my face

and once again receive your heavenly mother's embrace.

I know you can do this, I have no doubt

because you're a spirit Divine and devout.

I've planned this life and task to do

because I have great confidence in you.

(1 Corinthians 10:13)

I know G-d won't give me anything that I can't handle...

I just wish He didn't trust me so much!!!!!

Thanks for this...could you go to my blog "Pa Pa's Blog on MA&D and see if you would like to post this?

Pa pa

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  • 1 month later...

I just wanted to bump this thread up because I think its got potential to be powerful.

Thanks for doing it. I'm in tears thinking about all that is good in my life. We so often take for granted the things we have that we sometimes forget the great things God has done for us. I'm here today by the grace of God and will strive from this day forward to show it more. My conversion story goes as follows:

I started dating my beautiful wife in 1986. She and her 3 sisters along with her mother were members. There dad died in a horrible accident just 5 years earlier. My now MIL gave me a copy of BOM and I read it. Didn't sink in at the time but I was living life hard. Drinking and smoking partying all night. I had gotten kicked out of my parents home that same fall. Living on my own and trying to work full time and finish high school was not easy but was necessary for me to learn lifes lessons. My wife broke up with me the following spring and I went to the service to learn a trade. I got more than I expected. I loved the service. I was promoted often and was enjoying life. In 3 short years I had gotten to the rank of E-5. On my way to having all that I desired. Something was missing....Really long story short I went to the desert and spent a year in the sand with desert shield, desert watch and desert storm. Walking the sands of saudi arabia and kuwait I had this over bearing feeling that God was watching over me. I couldn't shake that feeling. When I got back to the states I went home to see my folks and make things right with them. I found out that my wife was still single and I wanted to see her. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes to. I was totally smitten with her beauty and kindness and asked her to marry me within 3 days. She excepted and we were married 3 months later.She being the good LDS she is started the ball rolling in converting me to Lds. I joined the church 7 years later. I went through 40+ missionaries. No joke!!I love the church and thank Heavenly Father for keeping me safely within His grasp when I am careless. With out my wife and four kids I am just a man. With them I'm a man with a life long mission. Thanks for this post I needed to tell that story.


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Thanks for doing it. I'm in tears thinking about all that is good in my life. We so often take for granted the things we have that we sometimes forget the great things God has done for us. I'm here today by the grace of God and will strive from this day forward to show it more. My conversion story goes as follows:

I started dating my beautiful wife in 1986. She and her 3 sisters along with her mother were members. There dad died in a horrible accident just 5 years earlier. My now MIL gave me a copy of BOM and I read it. Didn't sink in at the time but I was living life hard. Drinking and smoking partying all night. I had gotten kicked out of my parents home that same fall. Living on my own and trying to work full time and finish high school was not easy but was necessary for me to learn lifes lessons. My wife broke up with me the following spring and I went to the service to learn a trade. I got more than I expected. I loved the service. I was promoted often and was enjoying life. In 3 short years I had gotten to the rank of E-5. On my way to having all that I desired. Something was missing....Really long story short I went to the desert and spent a year in the sand with desert shield, desert watch and desert storm. Walking the sands of saudi arabia and kuwait I had this over bearing feeling that God was watching over me. I couldn't shake that feeling. When I got back to the states I went home to see my folks and make things right with them. I found out that my wife was still single and I wanted to see her. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes to. I was totally smitten with her beauty and kindness and asked her to marry me within 3 days. She excepted and we were married 3 months later.She being the good LDS she is started the ball rolling in converting me to Lds. I joined the church 7 years later. I went through 40+ missionaries. No joke!!I love the church and thank Heavenly Father for keeping me safely within His grasp when I am careless. With out my wife and four kids I am just a man. With them I'm a man with a life long mission. Thanks for this post I needed to tell that story.


Beautiful! Thank you.


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I enjoy hearing/reading the testimonies of can be a great spiritual uplift, if we allow Him to work on us. :)

While I have a testimony...I will refrain from posting it here until I receive the Melchezidek Priesthood, and am ordained to the office of Elder. That is to happen in a month or two, after I graduate in December. :)

Perhaps we should get a topic pinned in the intro section, linking investigators to the site.

OH and ya kno what else..we could ask members we know to write down their testimonies (either online or real life friends), and collect as many as we can...then put them online and send them to the Church, if they want to utilize them? :D just an idea. :)

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Guest AutumnBreez

Thanks for doing it. I'm in tears thinking about all that is good in my life. We so often take for granted the things we have that we sometimes forget the great things God has done for us. I'm here today by the grace of God and will strive from this day forward to show it more. My conversion story goes as follows:

I started dating my beautiful wife in 1986. She and her 3 sisters along with her mother were members. There dad died in a horrible accident just 5 years earlier. My now MIL gave me a copy of BOM and I read it. Didn't sink in at the time but I was living life hard. Drinking and smoking partying all night. I had gotten kicked out of my parents home that same fall. Living on my own and trying to work full time and finish high school was not easy but was necessary for me to learn lifes lessons. My wife broke up with me the following spring and I went to the service to learn a trade. I got more than I expected. I loved the service. I was promoted often and was enjoying life. In 3 short years I had gotten to the rank of E-5. On my way to having all that I desired. Something was missing....Really long story short I went to the desert and spent a year in the sand with desert shield, desert watch and desert storm. Walking the sands of saudi arabia and kuwait I had this over bearing feeling that God was watching over me. I couldn't shake that feeling. When I got back to the states I went home to see my folks and make things right with them. I found out that my wife was still single and I wanted to see her. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes to. I was totally smitten with her beauty and kindness and asked her to marry me within 3 days. She excepted and we were married 3 months later.She being the good LDS she is started the ball rolling in converting me to Lds. I joined the church 7 years later. I went through 40+ missionaries. No joke!!I love the church and thank Heavenly Father for keeping me safely within His grasp when I am careless. With out my wife and four kids I am just a man. With them I'm a man with a life long mission. Thanks for this post I needed to tell that story.


7 years/40 + Missionaries later gives me hope that in time my husband may come out of his stooper and become active.

He was 13 when baptized but lived with his mother who appears to be anti lds, from the age of 3 when mother/father divorce. It was shoved down his throat by his dad/stepmom and he is still bitter about it. He seems to know alot of the church- raised in SLC. I don't know how much of the spirit he felt at our sons baptism....

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7 years/40 + Missionaries later gives me hope that in time my husband may come out of his stooper and become active.

He was 13 when baptized but lived with his mother who appears to be anti lds, from the age of 3 when mother/father divorce. It was shoved down his throat by his dad/stepmom and he is still bitter about it. He seems to know alot of the church- raised in SLC. I don't know how much of the spirit he felt at our sons baptism....

I would tell your husband, if I had the chance, that it may be time for him to kill the Buddha. Of course, this is a metaphor. It seems he might be well-served to lay aside old and possibly misunderstood teachings (and methods!!!) and learn of God on his own terms.

Our Heavenly Father suffers His believers to teach His gospel the best way they know how, despite all their many flaws. There are very good reasons for this, but the experience does tend to leave mangled bodies by the way-side. We must all pick ourselves up and keep our faith in God, NOT in his fallible, sin-ridden believers (like, for example, me :mellow: ). I am praying for you and your husband -- God bless!


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I would tell your husband, if I had the chance, that it may be time for him to kill the Buddha. Of course, this is a metaphor. It seems he might be well-served to lay aside old and possibly misunderstood teachings (and methods!!!) and learn of God on his own terms.

Our Heavenly Father suffers His believers to teach His gospel the best way they know how, despite all their many flaws. There are very good reasons for this, but the experience does tend to leave mangled bodies by the way-side. We must all pick ourselves up and keep our faith in God, NOT in his fallible, sin-ridden believers (like, for example, me :mellow: ). I am praying for you and your husband -- God bless!



Great Point!

May I...

During His Ministry... that it was to the sinners, the fallible, yet humble believers that Jesus did minister and did promise to heal. I sense that so many of us in the church (us both) fall into this category. It is hope in His Word that keeps us moving, lest our natural man leads us down into the pit and the dirt pile upon us unto death...

This is where we must be ever soooo careful. (not to get caught in judging one another) For there will always be the sinful and fallible IN His church.

What frightens me, is that we often find this in our very leadership. I have come to believe that this is how it is supposed to be. It can be a great stumbling block for the prideful as they assume that those in authority should be infallible? Thus, they in their judgement will not accept direction from one they judge not of God. It is a test of fallibility and the spirit. How does the Lord work here? A great test of humility and faith on the part of individuals to see where they are in their journey of Coming unto Christ. Hence, "with an eye single....."

And this is a very beautiful thread. I traveled over to Yediyd's blog and spent some time reading her personal blog. I was speechless for quite a while. She is very gifted in this area of expressing her inner most thoughts and feelings in the way in which she writes. The spirit was felt in her work no doubt.

And yet I am profoundly touched by how the spirit can produce the very same effects in the simplest of words when bearing testimony of the results of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in one's life. The truths of the Gospel, witnessed by the power of the Holy Ghost are undeniable.

I am so very indebted to Jesus Christ for the truths he has restored to the earth through his latter-day prophets. I love The Book of Mormon and the testimony of Jesus Christ that it bears. I truly came to love the Doctrine and Covenants last year when I had to study it so intensively as a seminary teacher. What a gift that was, for which I will forever be profoundly grateful to and for Joseph Smith... a true prophet of God.

It is for modern revelation and living prophets, come as this glorious final dispensation of the fullness of times literally has burst forth upon us, that we must give Jesus Christ our complete gratitude for, which has come this blazing light storm of knowledge that we have access to in our lives, if we are willing to receive it.

When I take The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants and then The Pearl of Great Price and also JST... along with the understanding that has been given through our Latter-Day-Prophets and most of which has come from the Prophet of The Dispensation of the Fullness of Times...

(but most specifically the sacred text of the restoration that has been canonized with the other canonized scripture which now become, "The Standard Works of The Church", By which we judge all other truth...)

The sacred text of the restoration "to me" has become literally a "great urim and thumim" which literally opens up all scripture and clearly makes all truth VISIBLE OR REVEALED.

For it is my testimony that as we take upon us the Name of Jesus Christ, we have firmly anchored ourselves upon the Rock of Revelation...

Rev. 2: 17

17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

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