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I was raised in the church with a mom who converted in foster care and a dad who went inactive after being raised in the church his whole life. He now considers himself an Atheist. I'm 32 years old, I have three little boys ages 7, 5, and 3, and my oldest turns 8 at the end of next month. I am currently the ward music chairman/choir pianist/choir president, I sing, I enjoy cooking, humor, swimming, writing, speaking German, and lots of other things. I've been married for 10 years and our anniversary is in October.

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone here.



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I was raised in the church with a mom who converted in foster care and a dad who went inactive after being raised in the church his whole life. He now considers himself an Atheist. I'm 32 years old, I have three little boys ages 7, 5, and 3, and my oldest turns 8 at the end of next month. I am currently the ward music chairman/choir pianist/choir president, I sing, I enjoy cooking, humor, swimming, writing, speaking German, and lots of other things. I've been married for 10 years and our anniversary is in October.

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone here.



Welcome to the board. We hope everyone enjoys it. We had a rocky start but I think from this point on things are going to be going great for the board.


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Hi Daffodil'Star...oops! I mean, Morning Star!! I am currently trying to teach myself Hebrew!! I have fallen in love with the language!! I got interested because of my love for my Bible, and now a friend of mine from another board is sending me a Greek new Testament!! Not sure I am ready to tackle Greek, yet...but I have a Strong's concordance and I am interested to see it at least!! I love my scriptures!! I have memorised 33 chapters of the Bible and am still relatively new with the Book of Mormon...but I have read that 4 times since joining this church a little over 3 years ago. I was raised a fundamentalist Baptist...LONG story how I converted...I posted it up here, but I am not sure it survived the changes in the board...I lost over 20 of my post in the shuffle. Anyway...looking forward to getting to know ya!!

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Cool! I want to learn Hebrew someday. :) Which chapters of the Bible have you memorized? My family is reading the Old Testament together and Leviticus and Numbers were especially painful to get through.

Do you really want me to list them all? I can quote the first 14 chapters of Matthew...A bunch of Psalms, Ephesians 6, colossians 3, Philippians 4, Galatians 4...the whole book of James. Acts 6&7, Romans 7&8 , Isaiah 53...there are many more that I am working on, too. I love my scriptures!!!
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How do you memorize them? Do you make up songs?

I have been working on my memorization since I was a kid...I started out with just reading them over and over, then in the 80's, I got a copy of the Bible on tape...I wore them out, then...about 8 years ago, I got a copy of the Bible on CD...and just last month, I downloaded them to my mp3 player. I have read my memory work over so many times, I cannot even begin to fathom how many. I know that I have read the KJV1611 through from cover to cover well over 30 times. I am not as good with the Book of Mormon, but I am working on my 5th time through it.
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Guten Tag...

I lived there for 4 years wish I had paid attention...not ever sure I spelled "good day" properly.

Pa pa

Guten Abend! Wie geht's? :D Yes, you spelled "Guten Tag" correctly. It's weird for me typing in German because when I was in school, we hardly did any typing. Most of our homework was handwritten.

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Okay, so it's not a MorningStar song. Close enough!

I met a man who had a dream he had since he was twenty. I met that man when he was eighty-one. He said too many people just stand and wait up til the mornin', Don't they know tomorrow never comes.

And he would feel a new tomorrow coming on. And when he'd smile his eyes would twinkle up in thought. Everybody talks about a new world in the morning. New world in the morning never comes.

And I can feel a new tomorrow coming on.

And I don't know why I have to make a song. Everybody talks about a new world in the morning. New world in the morning takes so long.

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Hello Birthday buddy!

I don't know if you remember me MorningStar (they changed my name from There_Is_Heavenly_Inspiration to Still_Small_Voice on the other board).

I am one day older than you.

Of course I remember you! :D So what do we want for our birthdays this year? Do you think 33 will be a better year for us? Man I hope so. This last year + has been a real suckfest.

Guten Dag MorningStar. Ich bin Maya. Grossmutter mich ein Deucher war . Hmmm I lost the language I could perfectly as 6 year old. That is a lifetime ago. Been seing in the other board....

Toll! Deine Grossmutter ist eine Deutscherin?

I have forgotten a lot of words since I never get to practice either. Washington doesn't tend to attract many Germans. We had a family move here from Switzerland, but they're from the French speaking part. Darn it!

You're from Finland, right? My aunt served her mission there many years ago. One of my best friends was born there. Her mom is American and her dad was Finnish. Are most Finnish men stubborn as heck or was that just him? Probably just him.

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Of course I remember you! :D So what do we want for our birthdays this year? Do you think 33 will be a better year for us? Man I hope so. This last year + has been a real suckfest.

Toll! Deine Grossmutter ist eine Deutscherin?

I have forgotten a lot of words since I never get to practice either. Washington doesn't tend to attract many Germans. We had a family move here from Switzerland, but they're from the French speaking part. Darn it!

You're from Finland, right? My aunt served her mission there many years ago. One of my best friends was born there. Her mom is American and her dad was Finnish. Are most Finnish men stubborn as heck or was that just him? Probably just him.

Guten abend alles wie Deutch sprachen. Ich kann es verstehen ein bitte. I studied for 4 semesters and had to learn to read it for my Doctorate in chemistry but never learned to speak it well except for college class exercises. I do speak Spanish fluently which I learned on my mission over 50 years ago. I also had to learn to read French. They wouldnt let me use Spanish to meet the language requirement because there was not a significant volume of chemical literature at the time in Spanish. It has been a blessing, however because I often find information that I am interested in on the internet in both French and German. I at least know enough to recognize that it is related to my interests and can then use a dictinary if needed to get the info I want.

Larry P

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Of course I remember you! :D So what do we want for our birthdays this year? Do you think 33 will be a better year for us? Man I hope so. This last year + has been a real suckfest.

Sorry last year was so awful for you. 2007 wasn't too bad for me.

What I would like for my birthday is to be healthy all year long. My back is feeling sore lately.

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Hello MorningStar...

I think I talked to you somewhere else but will make an official welcome here. This does look like it is going to be a good place... lots of familiar people coming on board.

I don't speak a foreign language, which I've always regretted. I suppose I would have chosen Spanish since that is part of my heritage... do you want to know something sad? My grandmother was a descendant of a very historical early California, Castillian Spanish, family, which included two "Mexican" governors when Calif was still part of Mexico, controlled by Spain ... she shocked her family by marrying my grandfather, an Englishman. He would never let her speak Spanish in the home, nor teach their children. Grandma's family... the Arguellos... had such a rich history and heritage compared to his bland English background. Yet because of prejudice in those days, he would not let her teach the children their second language.

I think this will be a good place...

GG :)

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