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Next week I meet with missionaries for the first time. What can I expect?

Some Background:

I have been in the "searching" stage for many years. Over the years and more so recently I've read the Book of Mormon, many of the Doctrines and Covenants, other works on Doctrine, and listened to some very inspirational podcasts. So somehow I decided to finally meet with the missioanries in my area. I am going in with an open mind and open heart and ready to listen.

Years ago I was a Roman Catholic Seminarian, studied scripture, learned the theolgy, did what I thought was prayer, but God the Father and his Son never felt real to me. In all honesty my religious practices were just outer form with no inner reality. I want to know Jesus, I want to know and feel in my heart that I am a real child of God. Does that makes sense to you?

I come to the Church of Latter-Day Saints because in reading the Book of Mormon, and the inspirational words of President Hinckley I am having a first glimpse of what it really means to be a child fo God. I haven't prayed on my knees in years, but I've started to and even ask my children to join me. When I prayed, using the words "Heavenly Father" I felt for the first time in my life that I was talking to someone who was actually listening. I pray for continued openness of mind and heart.

Thanks for listening.

God Bless You,


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What can you expect, you can expect 2 young missionaries who may or may not be accompanied by an older member. The missionaries will either use this meeting to get to know you a bit and share a gospel message, or the may start teaching you the Gospel -- they have a series of lessons that they teach to people who are 'investigating' (or looking at with the intent to see if we have Truth with an eye on possibly becoming a member of the Church). They will present their lesson to you and probably ask you to do some homework before they come over a 2nd time (if you want them to come back) the homework would involve reading from the Book of Mormon and praying about what you read.

Things not to expect:

1. Don't expect them to be pushy, while there are always exceptions and I have known a couple of pushy missionaries for the most part they are not, their job is to present you the material and let you decide for yourself.

2. Don't expect them to debate, they are there to present the Gospel not debate it

3. Don't expect great theologians skilled in oratory, while these young men and women have usually been studying their faith for most of their lifes, they are not graduates of divinity schools like ministers of some other religions, but then neither was Peter, James and John. Like Peter James and John, they will present the lessons that Christ taught and bear witness of Him.

While there are some people who know the Gospel is true immediatly (like my wife) there are others that take a long time to discover it (about a year for me). The one thing I would encourage you to do is to come to Church with the missionaries, see what we are all about. While we do teach about Jesus, we also teach what He taught, as I put it, we teach the gospel OF Jesus Christ, not a gospel ABOUT Jesus Christ. One thing that struck me (as an adult who was 'searching' myself) was that for the most part, most LDS actually try to live what they believe - oh we're all human and some are better at it than others. As one of our leaders said "please realize that the Church is not a monastery for perfect people, though all of us ought to be striving on the road to godliness. No, at least one aspect of the Church is more like a hospital or an aid station, provided for those who are ill and want to get well, where one can get an infusion of spiritual nutrition and a supply of sustaining water in order to keep on climbing." ("He Hath Filled the Hungry with Good Things" Elder Jeffrey R. Holland )

Please let us know your impressions after you have met with them and many here, including myself, would certainly be willing to try to answer any questions you may have.

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Sounds exciting Douglas. 727 here told you the most, I donthave anything to add. Just want to wish you good time in finding more truths!

I remember a lady I once wisited with the missionaries... she was excpecting some kind of miracle or some kind og really strong feeling that would tell her the Church is true. She was dessapointed as she did not feel anything extraordianry. She did feel good and she did feel the spirit... but she excpected even more... she become as we call them a pinsevenn... they have these fallings and stuff... Nicky Cruise ....

I searched for a few years different religions, found nothin... after some 10 years missionaries knocked on my door... From their 2nd meeting with me I KNEW the Church was true!

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What can you expect, you can expect 2 young missionaries who may or may not be accompanied by an older member. The missionaries will either use this meeting to get to know you a bit and share a gospel message, or the may start teaching you the Gospel -- they have a series of lessons that they teach to people who are 'investigating' (or looking at with the intent to see if we have Truth with an eye on possibly becoming a member of the Church). They will present their lesson to you and probably ask you to do some homework before they come over a 2nd time (if you want them to come back) the homework would involve reading from the Book of Mormon and praying about what you read.

Things not to expect:

1. Don't expect them to be pushy, while there are always exceptions and I have known a couple of pushy missionaries for the most part they are not, their job is to present you the material and let you decide for yourself.

2. Don't expect them to debate, they are there to present the Gospel not debate it

3. Don't expect great theologians skilled in oratory, while these young men and women have usually been studying their faith for most of their lifes, they are not graduates of divinity schools like ministers of some other religions, but then neither was Peter, James and John. Like Peter James and John, they will present the lessons that Christ taught and bear witness of Him.

While there are some people who know the Gospel is true immediatly (like my wife) there are others that take a long time to discover it (about a year for me). The one thing I would encourage you to do is to come to Church with the missionaries, see what we are all about. While we do teach about Jesus, we also teach what He taught, as I put it, we teach the gospel OF Jesus Christ, not a gospel ABOUT Jesus Christ. One thing that struck me (as an adult who was 'searching' myself) was that for the most part, most LDS actually try to live what they believe - oh we're all human and some are better at it than others. As one of our leaders said "please realize that the Church is not a monastery for perfect people, though all of us ought to be striving on the road to godliness. No, at least one aspect of the Church is more like a hospital or an aid station, provided for those who are ill and want to get well, where one can get an infusion of spiritual nutrition and a supply of sustaining water in order to keep on climbing." ("He Hath Filled the Hungry with Good Things" Elder Jeffrey R. Holland )

Please let us know your impressions after you have met with them and many here, including myself, would certainly be willing to try to answer any questions you may have.

What a great post!! I could not have said it better!! I am a convert too, Douglas...don't expect too much, just take your time, pray about what you hear and trust the Holy Spirit to guide you to whether it is true or not...

...You will be in my prayers.


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What can you expect, you can expect 2 young missionaries who may or may not be accompanied by an older member. The missionaries will either use this meeting to get to know you a bit and share a gospel message, or the may start teaching you the Gospel -- they have a series of lessons that they teach to people who are 'investigating' (or looking at with the intent to see if we have Truth with an eye on possibly becoming a member of the Church). They will present their lesson to you and probably ask you to do some homework before they come over a 2nd time (if you want them to come back) the homework would involve reading from the Book of Mormon and praying about what you read.

Things not to expect:

1. Don't expect them to be pushy, while there are always exceptions and I have known a couple of pushy missionaries for the most part they are not, their job is to present you the material and let you decide for yourself.

2. Don't expect them to debate, they are there to present the Gospel not debate it

3. Don't expect great theologians skilled in oratory, while these young men and women have usually been studying their faith for most of their lifes, they are not graduates of divinity schools like ministers of some other religions, but then neither was Peter, James and John. Like Peter James and John, they will present the lessons that Christ taught and bear witness of Him.

While there are some people who know the Gospel is true immediatly (like my wife) there are others that take a long time to discover it (about a year for me). The one thing I would encourage you to do is to come to Church with the missionaries, see what we are all about. While we do teach about Jesus, we also teach what He taught, as I put it, we teach the gospel OF Jesus Christ, not a gospel ABOUT Jesus Christ. One thing that struck me (as an adult who was 'searching' myself) was that for the most part, most LDS actually try to live what they believe - oh we're all human and some are better at it than others. As one of our leaders said "please realize that the Church is not a monastery for perfect people, though all of us ought to be striving on the road to godliness. No, at least one aspect of the Church is more like a hospital or an aid station, provided for those who are ill and want to get well, where one can get an infusion of spiritual nutrition and a supply of sustaining water in order to keep on climbing." ("He Hath Filled the Hungry with Good Things" Elder Jeffrey R. Holland )

Please let us know your impressions after you have met with them and many here, including myself, would certainly be willing to try to answer any questions you may have.

Can you visit the church with out a missionary?
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Can you visit the church with out a missionary?

Yes definatly, though with a missionary or member to answer questions it would be easier. For example we have the main Church service (Sacrament meeting) and then split (by age groups) for Sunday School, after that we split again for another class, so figuring out where to go and when, takes a bit of understanding.

Here is a link to a Church website about what to expect:

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Next week I meet with missionaries for the first time. What can I expect?

Some Background:

I have been in the "searching" stage for many years. Over the years and more so recently I've read the Book of Mormon, many of the Doctrines and Covenants, other works on Doctrine, and listened to some very inspirational podcasts. So somehow I decided to finally meet with the missioanries in my area. I am going in with an open mind and open heart and ready to listen.

Years ago I was a Roman Catholic Seminarian, studied scripture, learned the theolgy, did what I thought was prayer, but God the Father and his Son never felt real to me. In all honesty my religious practices were just outer form with no inner reality. I want to know Jesus, I want to know and feel in my heart that I am a real child of God. Does that makes sense to you?

I come to the Church of Latter-Day Saints because in reading the Book of Mormon, and the inspirational words of President Hinckley I am having a first glimpse of what it really means to be a child fo God. I haven't prayed on my knees in years, but I've started to and even ask my children to join me. When I prayed, using the words "Heavenly Father" I felt for the first time in my life that I was talking to someone who was actually listening. I pray for continued openness of mind and heart.

Thanks for listening.

God Bless You,


I would tend to agree w/mnn727 completely, And i might add also, for you to "sincerly" seek for the spirit to guide you.

once you get him on your side you will know.


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Douglas, having been born in the church, these kinds of stories are of great interest to me. We all have to ultimately search for Christ, but it helps to hear of those who come from a different direction. However, don't ever be afraid to say it like it is. If your desires are not fulfilled, I want to hear about that, too.

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Douglas, having been born in the church, these kinds of stories are of great interest to me. We all have to ultimately search for Christ, but it helps to hear of those who come from a different direction. However, don't ever be afraid to say it like it is. If your desires are not fulfilled, I want to hear about that, too.

Welcome Douglas!

I most heartily concur with Juliann... I want to hear story no matter what! I was lucky enough to have been born to member parents and was baptized when I was 8. I gained a real testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel and that the Lord is my savior, though, in my late teens and early twenties. I love the gospel! I love the scriptures. And I would just like to take this quick opportunity to let you know that I know this church is true. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and that Gordon B Hinkley is a true prophet today. I know that Christ died for me and my sins and through his atoning sacrafice I can one day live with Him again. I feel so blessed to live in this day when we can know the fullness of the gospel and can share it with those around us.

Good luck on your journey, my brother! :)


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I'm looking forward to hearing all about it! As a member, I enjoy having the missionaries over because they bring a very sweet spirit into our home. I've sat in on a couple discussions and they read scriptures and taught people how to pray. Our missionaries are taught not to argue with people, but we can't guarantee that they'll all listen. :D

Please do tell us all about it. I hope it will be a wonderful experience for you.

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Hello Douglas...

I was baptized when eight years old... gained a strong testimony of the Savior and gospel in my late teens, then I fell for and married a wonderful non-LDS man... however, as happens, I slipped into inactivity in the Church for many years... 12 years ago I kept feeling the need to return. My husband was supportive of my decision... and so I began again at square one... reading, studying, praying, fasting when needed...and my testimony returned and even grew stronger. And I've never looked back...

One word of caution... you ask what you can expect... when you attend your first Sacrament meeting, you can expect a lot of crying babies and noisy toddlers. We are a family oriented Church, and babies/children attend with parents... when I was first reactivated, I was surprised because last time I attended, most babies were in the "crying room" with moms... but I guess I'm used to it now except if a little one cries and screams and mom or dad doesn't take it out... usually it takes only a minute to quiet a little one, but when you have 6 or 7 little ones around the chapel it can be interesting. Even so, I still feel the Spirit and my heart is I say a prayer for the dear moms...

Good luck, I really do hope you will be able to "find" the gospel...

The Garden Girl... on a beautiful fall day here on the central Oregon coast...

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Garden Girl, thats funny, it reminds me of when I met my wife, we are both adult converts and she had always gone to a singles ward and I had always gone to a family ward. The first time we went to each others wards we were shocked by the noise -- the lack of it in hers (you could hear a pin drop during sacrament) and explosion of it in mine -- didn't help that we the noisest family in the ward sat down behind us at mine.

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MIssionary was supposed to call me yesterday at 4 to set appointment. Call never came and I didn't get his name or number when he he caught me off guard last Friday (I was on my way to see daughter at college).

I'll pray he calls today.


I will too!!! If you don't hear from them, let us know where you're at and we can make sure they get in touch with you!

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UH someone should shake up those guys! I sure hope they will soon call you. If not you can also find a way to get contact trough the sides. Must ahve been the one with horns to stop them calling! :ph34r: They dont have the picture here... hmmm

Pray for you today... ops got 15 minutes... oh well I do it right away... Sending a message opp....

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go to the website and request a Book of Mormon, the missionaries will call you shortly:

There used to be a phone number to call, I'll look for it later. or look i your local phone book for CHurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and see if the missionaries are listed.

Let us know, we'll help you get in touch with them

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go to the website and request a Book of Mormon, the missionaries will call you shortly:

There used to be a phone number to call, I'll look for it later. or look i your local phone book for CHurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and see if the missionaries are listed.

Let us know, we'll help you get in touch with them

Should I just drive over to any meeting house (or the one that serves my area) and introduce myself?

It's now Tuesday and still no call. I wanted to meet with them tomorrow. I'm not upset though. Perhaps Heavenly Father is teaching me patience (I can be a very impatient person).

On the bright side I received the books I ordered from Deseret Press today :) so I have plenty to read and study.

With affection,


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or find out what time the ward that serves you meets on Sunday and show up, look for the missionaries (they'll have their name tags on) and join them. Or just sit near someone who looks friendly, they'll be glad to assist you.

Mens usually wear dress pants/shirt/tie, suit coat is optional, 90% of men will be wearing white shirts as opposed to colors, women usually wear dresses or skirt and blouse, very few pants suits for women.

Find your wards meeting time and place here:

Its possible that the missionary you talked to got moved to a different area (we do that every so often) and you slipped through the cracks, or he was just forgetful.

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Sometimes we need lots of patience and forgiveness in this world. I hope you have it.

A friend of mine told me a thought... maybe we are mormons because we are so much worse than other people and need to have more strict rules for our life to abtain a place in His kingdom!? :unsure:

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Sometimes we need lots of patience and forgiveness in this world. I hope you have it.

A friend of mine told me a thought... maybe we are mormons because we are so much worse than other people and need to have more strict rules for our life to abtain a place in His kingdom!? :unsure:

I never had it before, but oddly enough I have had it abundance lately. Even my wife and children have noticed. May I persevere!

God Bless.

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