Flood The Temple


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Last March we had a "Flood the Temple" week for our stake. We're doing it again this week. I'm just wondering if this is just something we're doing here in Texas or if it's a nation wide or world wide thing.

Which Temple in Texas? We have a difficult time getting into ours. We can't even do group endowment sessions to it. Are you the cause!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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The engineers had some forethought to try to keep the LV Temple outside of floodplains. I have heard that the baptismal font can get a bit full at times. And then there was that one time when the old woman had her cup overfloweth…

The engineers were truly inspired!

and seriously...where in Texas. I'm in Texas and haven't heard anything about this flooding the temple thing. Is that because I'm "stuck" in primary?! grrr....

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The engineers were truly inspired!

and seriously...where in Texas. I'm in Texas and haven't heard anything about this flooding the temple thing. Is that because I'm "stuck" in primary?! grrr....

I would take a primary job over any other calling in the church. I love those kids.

Seeing their unwavering faith, we should all be so lucky as you siouxz.

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First I must :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Okay, now.....We're going to the Houston Temple. Our stake is going this Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We did it for the first time this March and apparently this is going to be something we do twice each year. It's really a neat experience. Today we had standing room only. B)

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First I must :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Okay, now.....We're going to the Houston Temple. Our stake is going this Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We did it for the first time this March and apparently this is going to be something we do twice each year. It's really a neat experience. Today we had standing room only. B)

When they completed the San Antonio Temple there was a significant decrease in atendance at Houston. It is good to see that efforts are being made to bring attendance up to pre SA numbers. Attendance at San Antonio has been remarkably constant ever since it opened. Unlike Houston, appointments are necessary to attend endowment sessions at San Antonio. The endowment rooms have seats for 40 patrons and with the addition of folding chairs will seat 46. Friday and Saturday sessions are almost always full.

They are having to add more parking space because almost every Saturday people end up parking on the street because the lot is full. This is especially true on days when there are lots of weddings and patrons stick around to take pictures of the Bride and Groom. There were seven weddings last Saturday, the most we have ever had on one day and parking was abysmal. Elder Holland was there for one of the weddings and that may have contributed somewhat to the slow emptying of the parking lot.

Larry P

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Here in brisbane, Queensland australia we had a stake meeting for all member aged over 18. The area president and wife and the temple president and wife both spoke and encouraged everyone to go to our local temple once a week. (they said its ok if you cant, but you should try)

It was encouraging to me during a dark period, and although i cannot go to the temple, because of bad habits i am working on, but i am trying to get back into it, and it all began from this meeting a few months ago.

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hello, I'm new to this web page and have recently returned home from my mission in Jamaica. I just want to say how blessed we truly our to have temples near to us at all. I've known many people who have given a lot up to go. The temple is truly one of the most blessed places, and to be able to see people sacrifice so much truly humbled me. It made me look at my own temple attendance and ask myself if my heart was truly there.

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My wife and I were planning to do some temple work on September 6th and found out the Palmyra Temple was closed for maintenance. *Sigh* It's been several months since I have been inside. It is about a five hour drive to and from the House of the Lord from where I live. I miss the days I lived in Utah.

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