Straightforward Question

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I am not Mormon. I am considering a relationship with someone who is. I am sure she will explain enough when the time comes, but what can I expect if our relationship does materialize? This will in no way affect my decision to date, I just don't want to embarrass myself.

Is she an active member? Interfaith dating can be difficult for some. If she is active and lives by the church standards you can expect her to want to remain moral and she will live the word of wisdom. No drinking alcohol, coffee, smoking, drugs and all that stuff. You can expect if she is serious with you that she would want you to convert so you can take her to the temple and be sealed for all time and eternity. Other then that I think it would be like dating anyone else. Expect alot of emphasis on family. Now this stuff really depends on her faithfulness to the Church. Maybe some others can chime in its been awhile since I've dated. Do you have anything specific?

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Is she an active member? Interfaith dating can be difficult for some. If she is active and lives by the church standards you can expect her to want to remain moral and she will live the word of wisdom. No drinking alcohol, coffee, smoking, drugs and all that stuff. You can expect if she is serious with you that she would want you to convert so you can take her to the temple and be sealed for all time and eternity. Other then that I think it would be like dating anyone else. Expect alot of emphasis on family. Now this stuff really depends on her faithfulness to the Church. Maybe some others can chime in its been awhile since I've dated. Do you have anything specific?

Nope, don't need anything specific, I'm just trying to respect her religion.

Very helpful, thank you.

I don't drink or smoke, but I guess it's good I didn't ask her to grab some Starbucks.

It would be an entire change of lifestyle if I were to convert; so considering we have yet to form a reliable relationship I'm not too mindful/worried about it at the moment. I believe she is an active member; it's not something she hides.

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Wow, I am so impressed. You must really think highly of this person to go to the work of wanting to know what to expect, so as not to potentially damage your friendship with her.

You must be quite a guy. Active lds are usually quite careful about who they choose to date, even amongst themselves. You don't mention how long you have known each other, but you seem to imply knowing enough to say she does not hide being lds. Do you go to school or work together?

Well, I just could not help myself from just complimenting you on being so conscientious (where is the spellchecker?) LOL I hope you two just have a great time no matter where things go. Maybe you can let us know? :wub: We Mormons can be a little nosy at times... but hopefully in a good way. But feel free to check things out around here and ask as many questions as you like.

Hey, you could become a Mormon expert and really impress her??? :sparklygrin:

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I have two cents to toss in - I'm sure others here will disagree with me, so take it for what it's worth. IMO, the only good reason to convert and become Mormon, is you believe God wants you to. Lousy reasons include "Because I like a Mormon", "Because I love a Mormon", or even "Because I've married a Mormon".

This is not like finding a good Christian church that feels comfortable. We're busily engaged in building up the kingdom of God on earth. We believe there is a living prophet on earth right now - and Christ's church has been restored - complete with principles to live, and ordinances to perform.

Now, all that being said, I must add that it is indeed worth your time to learn what God's plans for you are. We believe we can help you discover for yourself what exactly they are.

Again, take my opinions for what they're worth - free and anonymous. ;) I've been told I sometimes come across as a little more intense than I intend, so take me with a grain of salt.


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You give excellent council. Although I do not believe lds said anything about becoming a member? I think he is just preparing himself on WHAT to expect with this person who is. I think that thought may have been suggested here...

Nonetheless, you are wise to give a heads-up on this becoming a very strong potential in these situations, with many an unhappy ending I am sad to report.

Membership in the Church MUST be obtained aside from any relationship with an individual person that you are tied to emotionally.

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