Why Do You Believe In The Restored Gospel Of Jesus Christ?

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I don't know if this has been done before in this forum, but I wanted to start a thread on this topic. How do you know the fullness of Jesus Christ's gospel is contained in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?

There are many reasons I continue to believe the fullness of Jesus Christ's gospel is contained in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

I know the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants and Pearl of Great Price to be the true words of God. The Lord has shown me Joseph Smith talked with Him in the year 1820.

Also, on April 3, 1836, there was a divine outpouring in Kirtland, Ohio. I truly believe all that is recorded in Doctrine and Covenants section 110. Jesus Christ himself first appeared. Then Moses, Elias then Elijah appeared. Each of these ancient prophets appeared and commit their keys and dispensations to modern day prophets.

As modern day General Conference happens, I know the words spoken are truth and what Heavenly Father would have us hear.

There are many other points of why I believe, but what I have listed are only a few. Feel free to share the knowledge the Lord has given you if you desire.

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I don't know if this has been done before in this forum, but I wanted to start a thread on this topic. How do you know the fullness of Jesus Christ's gospel is contained in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?

There are many reasons I continue to believe the fullness of Jesus Christ's gospel is contained in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

I know the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants and Pearl of Great Price to be the true words of God. The Lord has shown me Joseph Smith talked with Him in the year 1820.

Also, on April 3, 1836, there was a divine outpouring in Kirtland, Ohio. I truly believe all that is recorded in Doctrine and Covenants section 110. Jesus Christ himself first appeared. Then Moses, Elias then Elijah appeared. Each of these ancient prophets appeared and commit their keys and dispensations to modern day prophets.

As modern day General Conference happens, I know the words spoken are truth and what Heavenly Father would have us hear.

There are many other points of why I believe, but what I have listed are only a few. Feel free to share the knowledge the Lord has given you if you desire.

I hope this is taken in the context it is meant. I don't believe, I know. There cannot be a simpler way to say it nor can there be a more definitive means of expressing it. I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is here on the earth and I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is the only true church. I have seen with my own eyes, felt with my own hands and have been taught in my own heart the truthfulness of the gospel. I could never deny it.

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I believe because I first and foremost I have the Spirit's witness that it's true. I also have seen plenty of evidence that we believe close to the way the early Christians and Rabbinical traditions believed. This is the restored Church of Jesus Christ, from prior to all the sects and creeds being formed.

When people criticize the church they like to say bad things about our early leaders and such. I like to tell people that ultimately my testimony is in Jesus Christ and His Gospel, not in any mortal man. God can even use sinners to do His work and accomplish His will. This church and its teachings give you a peace that is not found anywhere else in the world.

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I hope this is taken in the context it is meant. I don't believe, I know. There cannot be a simpler way to say it nor can there be a more definitive means of expressing it. I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is here on the earth and I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is the only true church. I have seen with my own eyes, felt with my own hands and have been taught in my own heart the truthfulness of the gospel. I could never deny it.

Could you expound on this Doctor Mom? What is one evidence you have been given concerning Christ's gospel that gives you a strong knowledge? I am curious and love to hear how other people know.

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I don't know if this has been done before in this forum, but I wanted to start a thread on this topic. How do you know the fullness of Jesus Christ's gospel is contained in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?

There are many reasons I continue to believe the fullness of Jesus Christ's gospel is contained in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

I know the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants and Pearl of Great Price to be the true words of God. The Lord has shown me Joseph Smith talked with Him in the year 1820.

Also, on April 3, 1836, there was a divine outpouring in Kirtland, Ohio. I truly believe all that is recorded in Doctrine and Covenants section 110. Jesus Christ himself first appeared. Then Moses, Elias then Elijah appeared. Each of these ancient prophets appeared and commit their keys and dispensations to modern day prophets.

As modern day General Conference happens, I know the words spoken are truth and what Heavenly Father would have us hear.

There are many other points of why I believe, but what I have listed are only a few. Feel free to share the knowledge the Lord has given you if you desire.

Well if this is not the restored gospel, then i must be completely loonie when i Do work in the "Holy temple" because for some reason God seems to enjoy being there himself. The Temple is the basis and foundation of which this church stands apart from others, I would really love for even one person whom is critical of our knowledge in the restored gospel to explain to me Why the Lord God attends our temple sessions with such power and acceptance? So in esscence, for me the main and irrefuteable proof of the restoration and all of its authority is right there in the temple for all worthy members to verify for themselves. :sparklygrin:

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So in essence, for me the main and irrefutable proof of the restoration and all of its authority is right there in the temple for all worthy members to verify for themselves. :sparklygrin:

I also know of the power that is in the temple. When I went inside the Ogden Temple for the first time, the Holy Spirit told me that Jesus Christ had been there. I realize now why the Lord gave me such a witness. That was the beginning of regular temple attendance for a few years for me. Sadly, I then moved to another location where the nearest temple is now about 2 1/2 hours away.

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Could you expound on this Doctor Mom? What is one evidence you have been given concerning Christ's gospel that gives you a strong knowledge? I am curious and love to hear how other people know.

I'm not sure I should be posting that sort of thing on here. It's very personal and not just for anyone to read and determine the validity of it. I'd love to share and maybe the time would be right some day to do just that. Until then, just know that I would never be so absolute about something that was not worthy of the assurance.
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I'm not sure I should be posting that sort of thing on here. It's very personal and not just for anyone to read and determine the validity of it. I'd love to share and maybe the time would be right some day to do just that. Until then, just know that I would never be so absolute about something that was not worthy of the assurance.

I understand. I do know that if you ask, you will receive, and if you knock, it will be opened unto you (Matthew 7:7).

Thank you for sharing what you have Doctor Mom.

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I'm not sure I should be posting that sort of thing on here. It's very personal and not just for anyone to read and determine the validity of it. I'd love to share and maybe the time would be right some day to do just that. Until then, just know that I would never be so absolute about something that was not worthy of the assurance.

Very understandable - and wise.

Those outside the Church do not understand the depth and significance of spiritual experience that many of us have had. Perhaps that doubt reflects some of the shallowness of their own experience in some cases; I don't know. But the understanding of personal experience can only come when one is prompted by the Spirit - and that's a very hard thing to communicate on a board post such as this.

Still, I can say this - I cannot doubt that the restored gospel is what it is. My experiences do not allow me that doubt, nor to doubt that there is a God. I have studied and read and pondered and felt the confirmation of the Spirit, and my experiences have cemented that certainty in me in a way that cannot be easily communicated.

It is, simply, true.

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Very understandable - and wise.

Those outside the Church do not understand the depth and significance of spiritual experience that many of us have had. Perhaps that doubt reflects some of the shallowness of their own experience in some cases; I don't know. But the understanding of personal experience can only come when one is prompted by the Spirit - and that's a very hard thing to communicate on a board post such as this.

Still, I can say this - I cannot doubt that the restored gospel is what it is. My experiences do not allow me that doubt, nor to doubt that there is a God. I have studied and read and pondered and felt the confirmation of the Spirit, and my experiences have cemented that certainty in me in a way that cannot be easily communicated.

It is, simply, true.

My experiences are much the same. When my spiritual faculties falter, the logical evidences of the truth help me carry on, but all in all, the Holy Spirit has sealed a firm testimony in my heart and mind of the truthfulness of the restored gospel

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My experiences are much the same. When my spiritual faculties falter, the logical evidences of the truth help me carry on, but all in all, the Holy Spirit has sealed a firm testimony in my heart and mind of the truthfulness of the restored gospel

Are you thinking of staying in Utah when you're done at the 'Y', or will you head out for some other part of the country?

There are different experiential nuances that come to a testimony when it's in a heavily Mormon-populated area, as opposed to some other areas of the country. Having grown up on the east coast, and then spending 7 years in Utah, and then coming back east, I've had the blessing of having both of those perspectives in shaping my testimony of the gospel.

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Are you thinking of staying in Utah when you're done at the 'Y', or will you head out for some other part of the country?

There are different experiential nuances that come to a testimony when it's in a heavily Mormon-populated area, as opposed to some other areas of the country. Having grown up on the east coast, and then spending 7 years in Utah, and then coming back east, I've had the blessing of having both of those perspectives in shaping my testimony of the gospel.

I grew up in Missouri. We recently came here from Virginia. While Utah is great in many ways, I want to go home :) I loved Missouri.

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I believe because I first and foremost I have the Spirit's witness that it's true. I also have seen plenty of evidence that we believe close to the way the early Christians and Rabbinical traditions believed. This is the restored Church of Jesus Christ, from prior to all the sects and creeds being formed.

When people criticize the church they like to say bad things about our early leaders and such. I like to tell people that ultimately my testimony is in Jesus Christ and His Gospel, not in any mortal man. God can even use sinners to do His work and accomplish His will. This church and its teachings give you a peace that is not found anywhere else in the world.

These criticisms have been responded to well at this point. I don't see a need to confess Joseph Smith was as flawed as these person's think he was. He certainly was imperfect, but I don't think he was clearly the bad man people think he was. Of course i have no way of knowing whether he was a corrupt, or good man, but on faith. But i have examined the trivia that's supposed to prove he was bad. And i think this trivia is mostly bogus stuff to prop up a weak case against the man.

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I also know of the power that is in the temple. When I went inside the Ogden Temple for the first time, the Holy Spirit told me that Jesus Christ had been there. I realize now why the Lord gave me such a witness. That was the beginning of regular temple attendance for a few years for me. Sadly, I then moved to another location where the nearest temple is now about 2 1/2 hours away.

I understand how you feel. Back when I lived in Atlanta the temple was only about an hour away for me. Now ir's a good 4 hours away, all the way down in St. Paul, Minnesota.

I wonder if they will ever build one in Fargo. That would be so cool! :)

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Guest AutumnBreez

I believe because I first and foremost I have the Spirit's witness that it's true. I also have seen plenty of evidence that we believe close to the way the early Christians and Rabbinical traditions believed. This is the restored Church of Jesus Christ, from prior to all the sects and creeds being formed.

When people criticize the church they like to say bad things about our early leaders and such. I like to tell people that ultimately my testimony is in Jesus Christ and His Gospel, not in any mortal man. God can even use sinners to do His work and accomplish His will. This church and its teachings give you a peace that is not found anywhere else in the world.

That is of great help....Thank you! Nicely put for me to understand and explain.

However, can you share the plenty of evidence you have in believing the way early traditions believed. I like the way you word things....simple for my simple mind ....Please and Thankyou!

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