So after i'm baptized,....then what?

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Hello again!

I should be getting baptized sometime this summer, and i'm super excited! But now i'm wondering, and this may be vague. But after i'm baptized then what will happen as far as church and ward activity goes?

I guess this probably doesn't make a lot of sense. But I just want to know what sort of things to start preparing for. I really want to be a member that contributes something to the ward and is a help to everybody there.

I know one of the things I will have to start doing after baptisms is tithing, the bishop told me not to worry about it until after I was a member but I got too excited and started anyway. Lol.

Does anybody know what i'm trying to ask? I'm sorry if this question is stupid. I'm just trying to prepare myself so I can become a worthy member after my baptism.

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Essentially baptism is the "gate" to the path to the celestial kingdom. There are a couple more such as receiving your endowments and then temple marriage. In the meantime, you may be given callings in church as a Sunday School teacher, librarian, etc. You can also prepare to receive your patriarchal blessing. Aside from all this, you continue with reading in the scriptures, praying daily and enduring to the end. Hope this helps a little.

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Hello again!

I should be getting baptized sometime this summer, and i'm super excited! But now i'm wondering, and this may be vague. But after i'm baptized then what will happen as far as church and ward activity goes?

I guess this probably doesn't make a lot of sense. But I just want to know what sort of things to start preparing for. I really want to be a member that contributes something to the ward and is a help to everybody there.

I know one of the things I will have to start doing after baptisms is tithing, the bishop told me not to worry about it until after I was a member but I got too excited and started anyway. Lol.

Does anybody know what i'm trying to ask? I'm sorry if this question is stupid. I'm just trying to prepare myself so I can become a worthy member after my baptism.

After Baptism, you should be given the opportunity to grow in the gospel. This might include some sort of "calling", hopefully in Relief Society, or just attending Sunday School and Relief Society classes. This would give you the best opportunity to meet others in the ward and make friends.

It is so fun to see(hear) the excitement of one who will be baptized in the near future. I congratulate you on your decision and wish you the best with whatever comes your way.

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Hi Rachelle,

It's wonderful that you have made this choice in life. It will bring you so much happiness.

After I was baptized when I was 19 I had 6 new member discussions similar to the ones the missionaries taught. These were taught to me by ward missionaries. Like skalenfehl mentioned preparing for your patriarchal blessing is a good one. If you were not told this is direct revelation for you from God received through an ordained patriarch in your stake. Preparing to go to the temple is awesome too. You will receive many blessings there and enjoy the peace there. You will probably receive a calling in your ward as was mentioned. You will also receive two home teachers and two visiting teachers which will hopefully visit you every month with a special message that is printed in one of our church magazines every month called the Ensign. Along with this too when you're ready you'll get called to be a visiting teacher which means you'll go with a companion to visit two or three sisters in your ward and share a spiritual message with them along with visiting. Well this is just a few things to look forward to as you make this important step in your life. Congratulations and if you have any questions this seems like a great place to aske them!! :)

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Boy, my reply sounded so textbook and unfeeling. It's past my bedtime. Congratulations on a wonderful decision to becoming baptized. You will indeed have some wonderful experiences and testimony building opportunities. Your life will be blessed with opportunities to serve. Take advantage of them. Best wishes. :)

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1. You start repenting for all the horrible things you screamed at the refs during the most recent Jazz game on TV.

2. You repent for being a sarcastic ding-dong.

3. You repent for thinking unkind things about the dinner your son just made.

4. You repent for thinking unkind things about Hillary, Obama, and McCain all of whom are tools.

5. You repent for calling people tools publicly.

6. You repent for . . .

These of course apply to me, but the message is the same.

"Keep on swimming. Keep on swimming. Keep on swimming." and don't be a delay fish.

Aaron the Ogre

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congratulations, i am so excited for you! by the way i am new also . what are endowments ? i should receive my patriarchal blessing in three months. and i don't know how long until i can go to the temple. the president to relief society has permission to pray for me a calling in the relief society. i am so excited but a little nervous as to i want to do a job well done. ( i am bipolar and have a minor learning disability. i don't comprehend math to well and i totally don't comprehend politics or financial matters like taxes and mortgage's and any fine print stuff.) i am 38 and just now learning to work a computer! but what ever god calls me on , i know he will give me the ability to do it ! any way you will enjoy doing heavenly fathers work . it truly is a blessing to be used by god. welcome to the flock!!!!!!!

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It's so nice to hear so much excitment from you tree. I'm sure whatever calling you receive you will magnify it and receive blessings from it.

The temple is a very sacred place and there is much in the endowment ceremony of which we do not speak of. Again it is because it is considered sacred NOT secret. It is a beautiful ceremony of making covenants and promises with our Heavenly Father and learning more about His plan of happiness for His children.

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Hello again!

I should be getting baptized sometime this summer, and i'm super excited! But now i'm wondering, and this may be vague. But after i'm baptized then what will happen as far as church and ward activity goes?

I guess this probably doesn't make a lot of sense. But I just want to know what sort of things to start preparing for. I really want to be a member that contributes something to the ward and is a help to everybody there.

I know one of the things I will have to start doing after baptisms is tithing, the bishop told me not to worry about it until after I was a member but I got too excited and started anyway. Lol.

Does anybody know what i'm trying to ask? I'm sorry if this question is stupid. I'm just trying to prepare myself so I can become a worthy member after my baptism.


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Hey! Congrats on the baptism. That is tremendous.

What should you expect? In terms of your participation in the church, like others have said, you may get asked to serve in an official calling. That will be a fun challenge to add to your life. It may come right away, or it may take a while depending on your ward dynamics. Don't worry if you don't get one right away. All in good time.

You are right that you will start paying tithing. I think you next few steps will be about implementing your new testimony into the fabric of your life. What I mean is forming new habits. It is all about the basics whether you are new in church or a forever veteran. I am referring to the new habits of obedience in your life like tithing, attending church meetings, praying, study, fasting and fast offerings, and FHE. These are the actions that will ground your new testimony.

Be prepared for adversity. Satan is a mean little cuss and he will do anything to plant the doubt or tempt you at your weakest place. Don't be surprised if something like that happens. You can be ready to call his bluff. That is another reason why keeping your spiritual habits entrenched is a good idea. It helps you recognize the enemy and banish him quickly. Heavenly Father may let Satan work on you a little to strengthen you. So stay close to the wisdom of Father in Heaven so that you new Gift of the Holy Ghost is being exercised.

Home teachers and visiting teachers should be assigned to you soon if they haven't already. You can ask the Relief Society Pres. to become a VTer.

Other than that, get to know your ward and stake. Go to social activities. Get to know the different leaders in the ward and go to the sunday school classes. They are really important. Are you taking new member lessons? Do they still do that? It has been a while since I did all that stuff.

Anyway, happy for you and welcome to the fold!

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Congrats to the new converts and the soon to be baptized on the thread.

I wrote down everything I could think of. Tried to do it in a bit of a sequenctial order. You can involve yourself as much as you want.

1. Recieve the Gift of the Holy Ghost/confirmation as a member happens the sunday after your baptism in Sacrament meeting by a Priesthood holder. (Very special as you will see great blessings from this as I am sure the Missionaries have explained)

2. Continue to Read your Scriptures & Pray to your Heavenly Father.

3. Take the New Member Discussions from Ward Missionaries(Review of what the missionaries taught you as well as more informations)

4. Share your blessiongs you have recieved with your Family and Friends so that can benefit from the same.

5. If male, be interviewed by the Bishop/Branch President for holding the Aaronic Priesthood.

6. Attend Sacrament Meeting and partake of the sacrament weekly. Attend the Gospel Principles Class & your proper Auxilliary class third hour on sundays.

7. Introduce yourself to people you don't know at Chruch. It never hurts having more Friends.

8. Become a Visiting Teacher (Women) or a Home Teacher (Men) with your New Companion.

9. Recieve a Calling in the church from a member of the Bishopric. (The callings vary in responsibilities.) and Serve Dilligently.

10. Continue to follow your baptismal Covenants, such as tithing, chastity and Word of Wisdom.

11. Attend church functions other than Sunday Services. Social activities, special devotionals, Stake level activities. Volunteer to help with the previously mentioned activities if you wish to be more involved.

12. Talk to Bishop about seeing the Partriarch for his P. Blessing.

14. Go to the Temple to be a proxy in the baptisms for the dead.

15 Family Genology and Family History Centers.

16 If man Recieve Melchizadek Priesthood.

17 Temple Endowments possible after Year of membership.

18 Get Sealed to your Spouse and Children if the situation applies to you.

19 Endure to the End! :)

As mentioned previously Satan tries to detour you especially at big points in life, before & after baptism, before & after priesthood, before & after enowments and sealing.

As you can see you can get as involved as you want or feel you should . :)

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I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet but there's a great Sunday School class for new members with a lesson manual called "Gospel Principals" - I love that class. Sometimes I have taught it. You will learn more about the basics of the gospel and church doctrine before 'advancing' to the classes studying the scriptures.
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