question about my cousin


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i've got a cousin with aspergers who is knewly LDS. he's 16 and talks about wanting to do a mission all the time, i've been looking online about people with disabilities serving missions but can't find anything definitive. does anyone know if you can serve a mission with aspergers?

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I know that there are so many opportunities for service missions or other types..... creative solutions that meet needs. I think a lot of it depends on your cousin and where he lands on the spectrum. I wonder if you could call the MTC in Provo directly and see what information they have. Betcha somebody there would know.

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I know a little about auspergers...from severe... to barely noticeable by those who just don't get it. I think with a bit of wisdom that a mission is possible, but the support and structure would have to be there.

My friend had an auspergers son who they endeavoured to set up independently in a nearby flat and it didn't work out...while he functioned at a reasonably okay level in the home environment it was a bit ambitious as he wasn't able to grasp conventions within the new setting. He had problems understanding why you wouldn't buy 12 hotdogs if you had enough money and you liked them and why you couldn't hang around shopping centres 24 hours a day doing nothing much without triggering attention and stuff like that.

Her brother is a computer programmer with mild auspergers and he functions okay but drives his wife (and others) crazy at times...she used to do things for him like shop and general maintenance thingies that he didn't perceive as know the things most people think of as basic essentials LOL like food. He's apparently a very good computer programmer. He's good at's just that everyone else's ability to focus on things to the extreme isn't quite up to dealing with it. Currently he's not allowed to play his guitar at home anymore...24/7 (this is not an exaggeration at all, you have to understand that eating and showering may not be daily events when he's in this mode) ...and he could be doing that for a decade or two without getting bored. One can only hear the same song played to perfection so many times I guess. Bless his patient wife. Other people might not quite understand why she would have to do that though. It works for them : ) and they're happy.

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i've got a cousin with aspergers who is knewly LDS. he's 16 and talks about wanting to do a mission all the time, i've been looking online about people with disabilities serving missions but can't find anything definitive. does anyone know if you can serve a mission with aspergers?

From what I understand Bill Gates and Albert Einstein have been listed as people displaying the characteristics of Aspergers. I have known people with this condition and personally I don't see it as fitting the normal categorization of disability. I know one guy who teaches advanced mathematics who has the social skills of Mr. Bean but is happily married with two kids -- just don't ask him about math or English soccer unless you want an hour long conversation without any deviation from his personal agenda.

Suppose Aspergers could be a real advantage on a mission if the person was really into gospel issues.

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I know a little about auspergers...from severe... to barely noticeable by those who just don't get it. I think with a bit of wisdom that a mission is possible, but the support and structure would have to be there.

My friend had an auspergers son who they endeavoured to set up independently in a nearby flat and it didn't work out...while he functioned at a reasonably okay level in the home environment it was a bit ambitious as he wasn't able to grasp conventions within the new setting. He had problems understanding why you wouldn't buy 12 hotdogs if you had enough money and you liked them and why you couldn't hang around shopping centres 24 hours a day doing nothing much without triggering attention and stuff like that.

Her brother is a computer programmer with mild auspergers and he functions okay but drives his wife (and others) crazy at times...she used to do things for him like shop and general maintenance thingies that he didn't perceive as know the things most people think of as basic essentials LOL like food. He's apparently a very good computer programmer. He's good at's just that everyone else's ability to focus on things to the extreme isn't quite up to dealing with it. Currently he's not allowed to play his guitar at home anymore...24/7 (this is not an exaggeration at all, you have to understand that eating and showering may not be daily events when he's in this mode) ...and he could be doing that for a decade or two without getting bored. One can only hear the same song played to perfection so many times I guess. Bless his patient wife. Other people might not quite understand why she would have to do that though. It works for them : ) and they're happy.

I think we all some form of Auspergers within.

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i've got a cousin with aspergers who is knewly LDS. he's 16 and talks about wanting to do a mission all the time, i've been looking online about people with disabilities serving missions but can't find anything definitive. does anyone know if you can serve a mission with aspergers?

Have you spoken to the local Bishop?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Go to ASPERGER'S DISORDER HOMEPAGE or just Google it on the web. I have Aspergers and that is a catchall disease. This means that if the doctors do not know what you have they slap that label on you. I would talk to both your doctor and your bishop about it. See if you can have one-on-one lessons with the missionaries in your area, or to go with them with investigators. Be sure not to ask questions that will just get a yes or a no, or just the ‘seminary’ answers. Get real answers, ask about even the small and simple questions that you should know from primary. I know how bad I felt when my missionary companion was giving the then 4th discussion, about the Plan of Salvation, and I was on the verge of shock about it since I, at least as far as I can remember, was never told in as much detail about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a son with Down Syndrome. I wondered the same thing when he was born - if he would be able to have a "normal" life and do things such as serve a mission or marry in the temple. Since then I've learned that determining whether or not someone with a disability can/will serve a mission, really depends upon the individual and their personal abilities, level of comprehension, spirituality and other circumstances - just like any one else. The same applies to baptisim, receiving a patriarchal blessing, receiving the priesthood, or receiving their temple endowment. I heard last year, of a boy (well, he's a 25 year old man) with Down Syndrome who was getting married in the Bountiful temple! I've personally been taught by a missionary with disabilities. There is a boy in my mom's ward (President Monson's home ward) who has Aspberger's Syndrome, and blesses and serves the sacrament. Although I haven't really looked, there may be more information on the new church website specifically for people with disabilities and their families:

Disabilities Home

Ultimately, this is something your family and the family of your cousin should pray about, and discuss with the bishop, and determine if your cousin as an individual should be called on a mission!

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