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I have a good frend. She has CP and is sitting int he wheelchair, she is smoking... not much but a bit every few 1/3 of the smoke then 20-40min an other 1/3... my problem is that I really detest the smellof smoke, so everytime I have been at her place I need to take a shower and wash all my clothes. It is getting abit too much sometimes. ANY good ideas??

I just washed the floor for her and talked a while... I smelllike a.... smoked fish.. no smokedfish smells good...:o

I gave her the book of mormon and I been talking with her especially about what after life, since her man just died (not married). Ihopewithin 2next years she will stop smoking...but intillthen... :eek:

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As a child I grew up in a home where my parents smoked and I can understand what you might feel like when you leave your friends place.

Smoking is an addiction that grabs a hold of you and that is very difficult to let go of. I think it is wonderful that you can go and give service to your friend. Maybe you can re-think the shower afterwards as just part of the service you do so that you might enjoy some time with her. Time with people we care about is a great gift.

Hugs, SF

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Uh Thanks guys... Moksha yes I breath deep and freely when I am out... luckily soon it will be warmerso we can sit outside more.... Jbs... no offence taken.

I really like her alot. I hope she would get babtised... I suppose that can be arranged.

My father was working with the blind... I was asked if I want to go to a special school to learn to make aids for those in need for them ... the school had been in DANMARK! I did not dare, I was 19 then.... I wish I had.... I have many good friends that need aids ...even my biggest favorite needs hearingaids!! :eek:

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As a child I grew up in a home where my parents smoked and I can understand what you might feel like when you leave your friends place.

Smoking is an addiction that grabs a hold of you and that is very difficult to let go of. I think it is wonderful that you can go and give service to your friend. Maybe you can re-think the shower afterwards as just part of the service you do so that you might enjoy some time with her. Time with people we care about is a great gift.

Hugs, SF

Concur. I grew up with the same type of parents.

Latter part of there lives they realize the errors of their ways when they both contacted lung cancer and died.

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I used to smoke cigarettes,since high school.I quit fairly easily.I just had to find a reason to.I started going to the gym,so I think that helped.But now,I cant stand the smell of cigarettes,its nasty.I never noticed it before,but after I quit,I cant stand the smell of someone who JUST finsihed smoking cigarettes.

Just keep being her freind and being a good example.

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I just have to tell you how my Dh got rid of chewtobaco... yes he was chewing for years... as he met the missionaries he had to get rid of that habbit... we met a few years after..

He had to start smoking to be able ot get rid of chewing... that is much worse said he... it was easy to quit smoking, but that chewing was hard to quit ... But he did it! :bouncingclap:

Me? Well I was not a LDS before 30 ...I had to try.. I tried as I was around 14...mother found the cigarretts in my schoolbag. She just said, that she wished I would stil wait a bit, before beginning to smoke... that was it...I never smoked again. I am so thankful to my mother.. she really handlet that one well!! :D:D

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