Women and the Priesthood


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Why not?

I don't think its fair.

If women's greatest calling is motherhood, then wouldn't the equal to that given to man in fatherhood? As far as giving birth goes, every species of animal is the same but do you think think God gives the priesthood to animals? The bible does not say its a higher calling then the priesthood.

Genesis 3:16: To the woman he said,"I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children.Your desire will be for your husband,and he will rule over you."

It's not like the Priesthood is money, or riches, or better food, or quality of living. God isn't DEPRIVING the women of the world of anything by not giving them the Priesthood.

There are obvious differences in men and women, from anatomy to the way their brains actually function. One is not superior to the other.

If God created us different physically, why not Spiritually? Men are supposed to have the Priesthood in this life, women do not need it.

When people say "That's not fair," I get an image of them thinking the Priesthood is a piece of candy... And they're protest is "Women should have candy, too!" It's not like that.

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I think God is sexist. I don't know how you could look at it another way, except to overlook it because he's a god which means he must be perfect.

I think YOU are sexist in complaining and refusing to consider that there may be a methodology that works that does not fit into your viewpoint. Should I complain, because God didn't create me to bear children? Personally, having such a close relationship with a child, as a mother has with her newborn that she has carried for 9 months, is something that I wish I could experience.

I have step and adopted children, no biological kids. Does that mean that God was personally mean to me, simply because he did not bring me my own biological kids? Methinks you protest too much!

As it is, God has promised to make us kings and priests, queens and priestesses to God.

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Was this part of working out all the kinks in the early days of restoration or was this something the Lord allowed out of necessity? I know the temple work started before the temple was completed...and that the Lord gave permission for that, but that some of the sealing practices and ideas were inaccurate and the Lord then corrected those misunderstandings. It seems the Lord allowed the early saints to make some mistakes or allowed different policies as the church needed time to grow up.

Hi Miss,

As far as the ordinances and sealing practices, your are fairly on the mark. They did evolve over time into the practice you experience today. For example, the ritual in Kirtland was different from the ritual in Nauvoo, which Joseph had expanded.

Though I am not a believer, I know that Joseph firmly and genuinely believed he was a prophet of God, and that these evolutions were God's instructions to him. He also believed he had no choice in instigating thses instructions, which caused great tragedy in the end.

I don’t know if you’ve read Rough Stone Rolling, but it is the most-recent biography of Joseph. The author, Richard Bushman addresses these issues, including analyzing Joseph’s frame of mind during the most significant events in Joseph's life.

As Bushman is a believer, he believes Joseph thougt he was following God’s instructions, and that he was responsible for instigating them. It is an excellent treatise of Joseph, and if you haven’t already read it, you should. The amswers to many of the questions I’ve seen you ask might become a bit clearer. I know some of them gave me a different perspective.

As far as the Lord allowing mistakes, I think this is a very interesting issue. If I were a believer, I would agree with this. I would also believe the Lord allowed the adversities to “weed out the chaff,” as only the strongest and most dedicated survived the physical, emotional, and spiritual hardships. So, since you are a believer, I think this would help you understand how doctrine changed often in the early Church. But the faithful members always believed these were commandments of God.

(One exception is those who did not believe God had rescinded the practice of polygamy. We are seeing the results of that today.)

I hope I've responded to your post in a way that provides information and perspective. I sincerely wanted to demonstrate how remarkable these Saints were who stayed true to him in spite of his evolutionary thought, as many did not.

Joseph's followers believed God spoke with Joseph personally and commanded him in all things. And when the majority of Saints followed Brigham Young, they followed him with the same testimony they’d had of Joseph, though they mourned him terribly.

I am always in awe of these early Saints.


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Your reasons for the practice are simply mistaken. It had nothing to do with the lack of men around.

Yes it did, when the men weren't around.

Although you did not expand on your assertion, which would have been really helpful as I am not a mind reader, I think you are saying women were able to give blessings even when men were avaialble during the early years of the Church? Press 1 for yes, 2 for no. And then please explain what you are talking about.

As to the Priesthood that women shared with men, as you say, I would refer you to the link in my previous comment.

The one about Mary Fielding Smith's cow? I already know that story, and know it has nothing whatsoever to do with my claim.

Your link takes me to the Dialogue archives, and I am not going to search through them to find out what a cow has to with something I have not even written about yet.


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Over a number of years, I have attended a lot of Church services for a number of faith traditions. I remember when Bishop Carolyn Tanner Irish of the Episcopal Diocese of Salt Lake first got her ordination in the 70's. I attended a Jewish Hillel group led by the Rabbi Laura Gellar. I remember being on hand when the Reverend Ginger Gryzwana spoke at First Presbyterian in Salt Lake. I remember women ministers for the Church of Religious Science and First Unitarian as well.

They all did a marvelous job. They served their flock well. They inspired and they excelled. It made me realize that women had the capacity to do this kind of thing.

I reflect back to the change in the LDS Church in regards to allowing Black males to hold the Priesthood. Almost everyone rejoiced. We knew it was time. It took us longer than most, but we got there. It was a challenge we met. God showed us what was right when we were ready for it.

I suspect sooner or later something like this will occur in regards to women and the Priesthood. The time will be right, this challenge will be met and God will show us what is right when we are ready for it.

We don't all need to be on the same page at the same time. Some are faster due to less trials and tribulations and some take longer. No need to dig in any heels and issue denials that change will never occur for that would be futile. Change is universal and unstoppable. Just relax and wait for it to happen for the process has already begun.


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Women have been, and are involved in the ministry of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Of course they have the capacity. Though they do not themselves posess the priesthood, whenever a Bishop lays his hands upon the head a sister who is to serve as a Sunday school teacher, for instance, he sets her apart by priesthood authority to perform that calling. She goes forth and performs her calling with priesthood authority until she is released.

The same is true for Sister missionaries, for example. They [sisters] are called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those in authority, to preach the Gospel, but not to administer in the ordinances thereof (Articles of Faith 1:5).


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It seems to me in the course of my life I have heard of stories where perhaps a mother was in a car wreck and was stranded and blessed her injured children using the husbands priesthood. I am sure I have heard two or three other such stories. I have no idea where to search for them.

I guess the question is whether or not this practice is authorized of the Lord.....and if so, under what circumstances would it be a righteous act. Does anyone know of any printed authoritative commentary on this question?

Hi Miss,

You might enjoy this conversation about the subject. It is mothers' discussing what they would do under the same type of circumstances, and they are all LDS.

Don't let the name fool you. Feminist Mormon Housewives Blessing sick Children


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Your reasons for the practice are simply mistaken. It had nothing to do with the lack of men around.

This is my second reply to your post.

You are correct and I am wrong. I did some research and admit the practice of women giving blessings was far more prevalant than I had thought.

Thank you for the Smith reference. The date was very interesting as I did not realize women's ability to give blessings had lasted that long.

Regarding your post, there was no reason to be boorish. You'll find me very open to being corrected if I am wrong. I am always interested in learning more about the history of the Church.

Therefore, in the future, just write me a post giving the information you know about the subject. And do so without curt or cryptic sentences about how mistaken I am.

We'll have a good conversation if you do.


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I think YOU are sexist in complaining and refusing to consider that there may be a methodology that works that does not fit into your viewpoint. Should I complain, because God didn't create me to bear children? Personally, having such a close relationship with a child, as a mother has with her newborn that she has carried for 9 months, is something that I wish I could experience.

I have step and adopted children, no biological kids. Does that mean that God was personally mean to me, simply because he did not bring me my own biological kids? Methinks you protest too much!

As it is, God has promised to make us kings and priests, queens and priestesses to God.

I don't see the connection as to why that makes me sexist.

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japacific;192233]Why not?

1. Please remember that when God said..."and he will rule over you" was after the transgression.

2. That Adam is both Mother and Father as well as Husband to Eve since Eve is the Rib of Adam.

3. That God went first to Adam for an account of what happened.

4. Our gender weaknesses are even more magnified in the fall.

1 Timothy 2:14 - And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

I hope this helps...understand that these measures are for the fall. Now what is not taught....

THE BIBLE: Genesis

Concerning Genesis. Remember that the Lord only allowed Moses to give the people a very brief account of the events. How much of the sacred truth could God give a Stiff- necked, unbelieving and Rebellious people without having to destroy them completely for failing to heed the truth?

So God could only give them a portion [milk] of the truth...

Here is a thought....Women unlike men do not need the Melchizedek priesthood in order to be re-admitted into the presence of the Father. Is it because they already have theirs from their heavenly Mothers since birth? Which woman has been denied the power that flows from faith? - Simply because they do not have the Melchizedek priesthood!

Peace be unto you


Why not?

I don't think its fair.

If women's greatest calling is motherhood, then wouldn't the equal to that given to man in fatherhood? As far as giving birth goes, every species of animal is the same but do you think think God gives the priesthood to animals? The bible does not say its a higher calling then the priesthood.

Genesis 3:16: To the woman he said,"I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children.Your desire will be for your husband,and he will rule over you."

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