It's the little things that matter, right?


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I have had a lot of my family members tell me that I should go see both bishops. I am scared that if I went to the home ward bishop, I would blame them for my husband's recent dislike for the church. I don't want to come across like that, and I know I need to get rid of those feelings, but it is hard. I have thought a lot about going to the home ward and I'm in a pickle.

lol I can just see myself in relief society when they ask if there are any vistors and they ask me who I am, I'll just say Hi, I'm McKell. I've been in this ward for 19 months now and this is my first time acutally attending relief society because I haven't felt comfortable with your ward in coming. LOL I can just see their faces..

My husband and I had a break through chat last night. I think I have some what of hope of him not shutting out the church forever. I will have to continue to pray and do what is the Lord's will. And he will be there in the end. I appreciate everyone's advice and input. Thank you. It means more than you know.

At this time, make an appointment and prior to that appointment, fast and pray on bent knees prior in seeing the Bishop.

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we have tried getting our records moved over to the ward. we've asked the bishop and the stake president. we asked if we could pay our tithing there, and was told technicially no, but they wouldn't mind allowing a few donations here and there.

so we stopped by the home ward to get some tithing envelopes, and I pay our tithing, most the time, to the home ward and then we drop it off in the bishop's mail box.

I am the only one currently paying tithing, I believe my husband as issues with it. He doesn't mind donating, but I will not pay his tithing for him. There would be no benefit for him if I was to pay it for him. I can see him believing that "why pay my tithing when they won't even give me my reccommend anyway"? i KNOW this isn't the reason to pay titihing. I KNOW already. but i think that is just an excuse that he uses, which is really lame.

You pay tithing to the Lord, that is the reason.

Now, what will get you into the Celestial kingdom, tithing or pure love of Christ?

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And I would just add to willing to do whatever the bishop invites you to do, even if it isn't the most comfortable scenerio. If you are moving in a few months, why not just stick it out in this ward and make the best of it? Perhaps the Lord has a work for you and your H to do here--I would hate for you to miss out on that kind of experience just because this situation wasn't handled in the way you hoped it would. Forgive the bishop. He is most likely doing the very best he can. Let any hurt feelings go. They don't serve you. You will probably understand this experience better in hind sight anyway. And then, get back to the business of worshipping and coming to Christ and letting you light shine. I am sure wherever you are is where the Lord can use you.

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THank you. I have thought a lot about going back to the home ward lately. I am clueless about the details though, so I would have to find out the times and rooms. and sit by myself. I know for a FACT that if I did attend our home ward, my husband would DEFINATELY not come. Yes, he is very bitter about them. That's his opnion and I'm not the one to change it in his heart.
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THank you. I have thought a lot about going back to the home ward lately. I am clueless about the details though, so I would have to find out the times and rooms. and sit by myself. I know for a FACT that if I did attend our home ward, my husband would DEFINATELY not come. Yes, he is very bitter about them. That's his opnion and I'm not the one to change it in his heart.

This is all OK!! Sitting alone isn't all that bad. I get some of my best revelation that way! Or just people watch. That can be very enlightening. Perhaps the Lord will show you who needs a smile or a helping hand.

Perhaps you could find someone in the older wise and loving looking Grandmother type and ask if that seat were taken.

And with regards to your H, I think that is Ok too. We are all in process....and the timelines of those processes don't always align. Being a good example does much for the softening of hearts!

Goodluck, Mckell.

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Mckell, if you like, ask your husband come to the forum and I would be glad to share some personal experiences with him in private. Anything we or I, can do for you.

lol he doesn't even know i have this. i don't think he'd like me sharing our lives to strangers.... but thank you for the offer.

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Just so that people stay more important than policy.

This is a tricky point. I expect that even on this board there would be disagreement as to what is more important. Reminds me of the story told by someone on the forum of when he was an missionary in the Philippines, he posed the question of which was more important - the Deacon or the white shirt. The locals immediately answered the white shirt. The Missionaries told them no, it was the Deacon.

Even this point of the white shirt and the Deacon would have no immediate answer on this forum, though you and I would no doubt say the Deacon. ;)

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This is a tricky point. I expect that even on this board there would be disagreement as to what is more important. Reminds me of the story told by someone on the forum of when he was an missionary in the Philippines, he posed the question of which was more important - the Deacon or the white shirt. The locals immediately answered the white shirt. The Missionaries told them no, it was the Deacon.

Even this point of the white shirt and the Deacon would have no immediate answer on this forum, though you and I would no doubt say the Deacon. ;)

Amen! No doubt white shirt policies are a tremendous idea, but when all you have is an empty white shirt....what good is it??

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