Accepting Life's Difficulties

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"Successful people accept life as it is, with all its difficulties and challenges. They adapt to it rather than complain about it. They accept responsibility fro their own lives instead of blaming or making excuses. They say YES to life in spite of its negative elements and make the most of it, no matter what the circumstances." Hal Urban

It took me a while in life to realize this. I took the fact that so many challenges were part of my life as evidence that I was a bad person, and as evidence that God was against me, and that it was important that I have no responsibilty whatever in the situation. I though responsibility meant I had done something wrong -- so I didn't want any.

I am so thankful that I learned (still learning!) that personal responsibility is one of the greatest freedoms in this world. It means that no one can take away from me my ability to free myself from whatever misery I may find myself in -- because I am the one responsible. I don't have to wait for anyone to get me out of my condition. I can start solving it myself (of course, I can find people to help me!)

I'm thankful that I learned that I have many sins and weaknesses and my walk with God is a minute by minute, day by day experience in humility and grace so that I can be freed from the chains of death and hell by the sacrifice and power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

I'm thankful that I learned that before we came to mortality we lived in safety and abundance, and after we leave mortality we will live in safety and abundance. But here in mortality is rather a hazardous place and invested with death and its cousins -- and that's a good thing. Suffering is a teacher. Problems and challenges are teachers. And I want to be taught; I want that knowledge.

What do you think?

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"Successful people accept life as it is, with all its difficulties and challenges. They adapt to it rather than complain about it. They accept responsibility fro their own lives instead of blaming or making excuses. They say YES to life in spite of its negative elements and make the most of it, no matter what the circumstances." Hal Urban

It took me a while in life to realize this. I took the fact that so many challenges were part of my life as evidence that I was a bad person, and as evidence that God was against me, and that it was important that I have no responsibilty whatever in the situation. I though responsibility meant I had done something wrong -- so I didn't want any.

I am so thankful that I learned (still learning!) that personal responsibility is one of the greatest freedoms in this world. It means that no one can take from my ability to free myself from whatever misery I may find myself in -- because I am the one responsible. I don't have to wait for anyone to get me out of my condition. I can start solving it myself (of course, I can find people to help me!)

I'm thankful that I learned that I have many sins and weaknesses and my walk with God is a minute by minute, day by day experience in humility and grace so that I can be freed from the chains of death and hell by the sacrifice and power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

I'm thankful that I learned that before we came to mortality we lived in safety and abundance, and after we leave mortality we will live in safety and abundance. But here in mortality is rather a hazardous place and invested with death and its cousins -- and that's a good thing. Suffering is a teacher. Problems and challenges are teachers. And I want to be taught; I want that knowledge.

What do you think?

All I can say is...BEAUTIFUL POST! You speak the truth!

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What is that saying..... Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.

COOL! I have that one. "Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional." Tim Hansel.

Gwen . . . sending supportive thoughts your way.

Yip, Hemi . . . coming to earth . . . what were we THINKING!!! :popcorn: Ha ha ha.

I try to say YES by just forcing myself to SEE things that are good around me -- I'm healthy, my kids are healthy, I have a knowledge of Jesus Christ, my mother loves me, etc. I want to wallow, but I know for a fact that the good outweighs the bad. Doesn't mean the bad and painful is invalid -- I always validate pain right away.

God bless all of you.

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It is our trials that make us stronger and based on how we handle them, they make us who we are. When I go through a particulary hard trial I remind myself that we are asked to "Endure to the End", pray, and give it my best even if I seem to fail.

We are not defined by the trials we go through but rather how we pick ourselves up and move forward through them.

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